Chapter 11

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"Adda Ummu, your presence is needed in Baba's living room" Mustapha, her brother spoke as he entered her room.

"Ok, tell him I'm coming " she answered sitting up straight from her lying position.

It's been two weeks since Moh's wedding. Ever since she recovered a week and some days ago, she's been in her room. She only comes out of there for breakfast and dinner... Lunch, not her problem. The last time she smiled, was the day of the incident, before she logged into her Instagram account. The only thing she does nowadays is nothing except greeting her parents good morning and bidding them goodnight.
   She just emerged herself into watching an American Police series 'Brooklyn 99', from season one to seven. And even though it's a comedy series, she still doesn't crack up when there's a need to.

"I know that what that boy did to her isn't right, but we can't sit around and watch our daughter ruin her future and her life because of a so called 'love'" Mama spoke to baba, air quoting the love with her fingers.

"Yes, you're correct. What happened to her is very unfortunate, but that's not the end of her life. Ummu Hani is a great kid, I'm sure she'll get over it soon"

"dear, it's not about getting over it. I know she'll get over it, but she won't be able to get over him with just lying on her bed and watching a sit-com. She needs to get back to school. It's been a week already. Who knows, maybe, when she sees her friends, she maybe able to get over him completely" she suggested, looking at his face for confirmation.

"ok, if it'll make her feel better, then it's the right thing to do".

"AsSalam Alaikum" Ummu Hani offered her word of peace, waiting for her parents to answer her.

"Wa'aliki Salam, come sit next to me 'Dada am' " Baba answered tapping the space next to him.

"Mama, Baba, 'en nyalli jam na' (Goodafternoon)" Ummu greeted, the moment she settled on the sofa near her father.

"Jam' (fine)" they both answered looking at her. It's just two weeks, but Ummu Hani has lost a lot of weight, with pale skin. There's nothing left but her big eyes, which can be spotted from miles away.

" noi awomi?' (how are you?)" Baba asked putting his hand on her forehead, to feel her body temperature.

"Midon jam baba' (I'm fine baba). You know I barely last a week in sickness. I'm completely healed in sha Allah"

"That's good to hear. I hope you are getting ready to go back to school. It's been a week since you resumed. And you know that is your final semester in the school, so I want to you to give it your all and concentrate. You can do that, right my child?"

"of course Baba. I was just about coming down to you as it was. The twins and I wanted to go shopping later, you know, school essentials".

"Ok, I'll transfer some money to your account" He answered standing up, before continuing "I have an urgent matter to attend to, be safe and come back early " with that said, he walked out of the living room.

"Come here" Mama offered Ummu her hands, which are wide open and waiting for Ummu Hani to land in there for a comfy hug. Ummu Hani didn't waste a second as she accepted the invite and clung to her mother for the hug. The warmth of the hug made a lone tear slip down her eye.

"It's ok my child, everything will be ok. I'm sure Muhammad wasn't the one for you that's why. I pray you get over him fast, huhm?" she pat her back as she spoke the word of comfort to her.

"Mama, it's not that I can't get over him" Ummu responded with a shaky voice "it's just the way he lied to me, without remorse. Mama why couldn't he just tell me he's getting married and we should just break up. Is it that hard?" She broke free from her mother's hug and wiped her tears, while looking her mother in the eyes.
  "I had to hear his wedding plans from someone else, Mama. Neither him nor Maryamu. I had to see it for myself on social media..." her voice cracked amid her sentence which made her to stop for some seconds "do you know how heartbreaking that is? "

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