Chapter 12

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She turned away from the book she was reading for the third time in ten minutes, to look at her brother who's standing by her door.

"Adda Ummu, you have a guest in the guest living room. He's been waiting for you for about ten minutes now " Mustapha spoke for the third time, ignoring the fact that she ignored him the last two times he spoke.

"tell him I'm coming " she answered turning back to her book. As per her request, he walked out of the room to extend her words to the stranger who has been ignored by his elder sister.

"Is she coming or what?" her mother asked the moment he stepped out of the room.

"I don't think so, she's still reading her book. Should I just tell him she's not feeling well and she'll not be able to see him?" he asked grieving with her guest.

"no, just tell him she's coming, he should please bear with her" the mother answered walking into her daughter's room.

The moment Mustapha walked out of the room Ummu Hani continued reading her novel. So that she won't hear her brother knocking on her ever again, she played the music that she paused on her phone. Alan Walker music is all you can hear in the room.

She was so lost in reading her book and listening to the music that she didn't notice her mother entering the room. The pain she felt on the center of her back was what made her notice another being in the room. It was her mother that smacked her there.

"Mamaaa... " she whined touching the place that hurts the most.

"will you keep quiet or do I have to add another one for you. You've been lying down for the past 10 minutes reading and listening to music, when you have a guest waiting for you." mama said arms akimbo.  "When did I teach you to maltreat people, you know mistreatment is not good. Just where did I fail in raising you well, huh?" she spoke again, in an angry voice, the anger very much evident in her eyes.

"Mama I didn't ask him to come, I never gave him permission. He said he was coming and I told him I wouldn't be around. I just don't know what he's doing here" she gave her reply wiping the tears that have already started to pour.

"And since he's here, won't you just go and see him. Ummu Hani won't he be the third guy you're doing this to? If you treat all suitors this way, then when are you ever going to get married, and to who? " She ever so dramatically exclaimed, hands flying everywhere as she speaks.

" mama I will marry when the time comes." Ummu Hani groaned, rolling her eyes. It's always been like that with mama, a day hardly passes without her talking about marriage. Marriage this, marriage that. There's someone for everyone, and surely she'll marry when the time deems right.

"you'll marry when the right time comes?" she asked looking at her in awe "of course you're right. But who in his right mind will want to marry you, when all you do is avoid and ignore them. I'm giving you a last chance to make it work with this man, or we'll have to choose a husband for you. I'm tired of your odd behaviors" whisper yelled mama in a tired voice.

"come on mama! You must be joking? An arranged marriage? Me? " she asked in a surprising manner, smiling in the process.

"do you think I'm in the mood to joke around? How many years has it been since your graduation from the University uhhm Ummu Hani? You've finished your NYSC months ago but you still have no suitor. Inna, your grandmother blames me all the time for your late marriage. She thinks I'm the one stopping you from getting married. Now tell me Ummu Hani what do you want me to do with you?" she asked, finally getting to the point.

"Mama" called Ummu, standing up. She hugged her tightly from the back, resting her chin on her mother's shoulder. "it's not that I'm refusing to get married, Allah is the best of planners and I'm sure he hasn't forgotten me. In sha Allah I'll try and make it work with him, if he's the one, then I'm sure all will be well"

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