Chapter 5

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"Hello Hamma" Maryamu answered the phone with a sad voice.

"Come to Daddy's study, he wishes to see you" Saleem expressed. Without waiting to hear her reply, he cut the call.

"what did she say?" Daddy asked as he entered into his study room. It's a small cozy room, adorned with books of all kind. The room smells of history, lavender and whatever scent air conditioners produce. It just contains two set chairs in it, a two seater and a three seater. About two to three mini semi circle soft rug is spread on the marble floor to beautify the study. It's just a room he reserved for himself, without any disturbance from his royal ministers or anyone other than his Wives and children that is. Yes the study is in his private living room, but that doesn't mean his family can enter without being summoned. Except Saleem of course.

"she's coming, I think she's still at Salma's house" he replied handing the glass of sugar to his father.

"well she better hurry home cause I don't want your flight to be delayed. 'Nai’on je aji arande tikiti  jaudi je Abuja' (how much for a first class ticket to Abuja)" expressed Daddy as he takes a sip of his coffee. "ahh there's nothing refreshing as a cup of coffee in the late mornings" he added.

"Actually Daddy I don't know, you know the money rises each and every time" Saleem answered sincerely.

"Anyways..." daddy dragged bringing out some files from a drawer. "you need to check this file thoroughly, correct what needs to be corrected and then then bring it back to me"

"but daddy, I don't even work for your company. I want a job where I can start from the bottom to the top, I don't want one where people respect and promote me because of my father" he complained checking the file.

"I know, and that's why I didn't make you the managing director just yet. But you will be the supervisor, how's that?"

"Dad.. "

"do not complain Saleem, you shall be supervising on my behalf and thats final. Do you think I refuse to give you the title of the MD because you asked me not to? No! I didn't because you'll soon take your place as the Lamido of this state, now get this to your head and read through the file. You are excused" he finished his speech with a wave of hand. Saleem adjusts his glasses  and made his way out of the room, not before seeking for his father's forgiveness. He walked through the narrow hallway that leads to their rooms from his father's. The hallway has three rooms from the right side just after climbing the stairs, while the last end left side of the hall has just one door. That's where their father's room is, his private living room, his study and his bedroom and the rest.

"So this is gonna be my life" he muttered slamming the door to his room.

"well, well, well... Looks like someone's in a bad mood" Alii, his immediate brother from the same mother whistled as he settled down on Saleem's bed.

"What do you want?" he asked heading to his wardrobe. "and why are you even in my room?" added Saleem.

"You ask me?" Alii answered laying down on the bed.

"As in?"

"Seriously Saleem! Don't tell me you've forgotten about it"

"About what? Look I seriously don't have time to waste. I need to read through this file and then later on take Maryamu to Kaduna ... God I have so much to do" he responded totally oblivious to the fact that Alii is eying him, sizing him from head to toe.

"I'm ready! So shall we?" Hafeez also  entered wearing almost similar clothes with Alii. Hafeez is their last born, they are of the same mother with Maryamu and Salma. But they love one another equally.

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