Chapter 1

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      There was a loud bang as your back was pushed into the lockers. You'd mentally sigh. Aaron. He's been bullying you since middle school, and you were fed up with it.
"Heh, loser. You're so ugly, you'll never have any friends." Aaron said. Every word that came out of his mouth made you more and more annoyed and irritated.
"Would you just leave me alone for once in your life?!" You shouted back at him. You received a few stares from the people around you, but you didn't care. The look on Aaron's face was a mixture of shock and anger. You suddenly became a little scared.
He let you go to your surprise. You started to walk away, before he tripped you. He then walked away with his friends while they were laughing at you. You got back up, and headed to class.

Time skip because I'm lazy <3

Finally, school was over. You grabbed your backpack and met up with your best friend, Ava. You two talked the entire way home about what Tokyo Ghoul would be like if Rize never turned Kaneki into a ghoul. You both got to your house faster than you thought.
"(Y/N), I'm bored!" Ava practically yelled. "I wanna do something fun."
"Yeah, like what?" You asked. She loves anime and video games, so it was probably one of the two.
"I dunno, maybe..." She forgot to finish her sentence as she was lost in thought.
"We could rewatch Danganronpa?"
"Nah, I've done that so many times.. "
"You wanna play a game?" You asked. We both love to play games, especially horror ones.
"Hmm... Well, there is this game called Sally Face that I've seen around YouTube recently. I'm guessing it's semi-new? Wanna try it?" Ava suggested. You have seen a couple people here and there play Sally Face, and you had to admit it looked really interesting.
"Sure, I've been wanting to play that for a while."
You both raced to your room and got on your PC. You turned on your PC, and downloaded the game almost instantly. You tried opening the game, but an error message popped up. You decided it might be a bug or a glitch, but went to the files to see if anything was missing. There was a folder in the files that read "The Red Ball". You and Ava exchanged a confused look, but opened it anyways to see if that was what is causing your game to not work.
As soon as you clicked on it, everything became white.

Sorry it's short! I'll try to update as much as possible, but sometimes I'm really busy. Hope you enjoyed!

446 words

Updated as of June 20, 2022.
Wanted some insight on creating a Stranger Things Character x Reader/OC type of book in light of season 4 releasing. Thoughts? I would probably make it a slow-burn.

Into The Game (Sally Face x Reader) [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now