Chapter 2

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Ciel's POV:

"Hello my name is Katherine Alisha Rose but I like to be called Katrina." She said with a smile then continued. "I was wondering if I could barrow one of your rooms for a month and a half?" "Why do you need a room, don't you live somewhere?" I questioned her. "No you see my fiance tried to kill me and I am on the run and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to let me barrow a room for the time being." "So what he can come here and make a mess of things? I think not, I think you should leave and never come back." "Please I have no where else to go, I need a place to stay and people say this is the safest place to stay. I beg of you please let me stay at least for one month until I find a new place to hide. Please." She was on her knees crying her eyes out and begging to no end. "No, I already get many attacks as it is and I don't want your fiance coming after me. So please leave." "He doesn't even know I am here but he will find out I am in England soon and I need to hide and get protection. I promise I shall try to help around the manor and do anything you ask just let me stay." She was crying so hard at that point she was trembling from the fear. When she looked up at me with watery eye's they had as much fear as she had tears on her dress. "Fine, you may stay but if any harm shall come to me I will have you back out on the street from once you came. I make you a promise of that." She was now crying tears of joy thanking me in the process. 

"Sebastian show our guest to her room and bring her down to dinner in a while." I shooed him away and went back to my paperwork. 

Katrina's POV:

I was so thankful to Ciel that I didn't know what to do. I followed Sebastian to the room and was amazed at how big it was. A huge king size bed in the middle left wall, a night stand next to it. On the other side was a window. On the right side of me was a walk in closet and bathroom, that had a  bath tub, a shine toilet, and a sink next to that. I turned around and ran to the bed to jump on it and I heard Sebastian muffle a chuckle. "Is this room to you liking milady?" He asked with a smile. "Yes, this room is bigger then three rooms combined at my old home. What's so funny anyway?" I asked walking to him. "Nothing milady, I am merely amused by your reaction." He said with a straight face once I got close enough I grabbed his hands and started to twirl him around and he looked a bit shocked then stopped and stood there. "What is little Sebastian scared of a little fun, acting like a child? Hmm?" I asked him in a little girls voice. "No but it's not proper for a lady to act this way." "But no one is here beside me and you so loosen up and have a little fun would you." As I grabbed him again and this time he decided to join in for a little while we were swinging around then he grabbed me and we did a fast paced waltz. He was laughing while I was blushing and laughing. Then he slowly stopped, fixed his hair and took out his pocket watch and said, "Well this was fun but I must make dinner. I shall come and get you shortly." He bowed and left.

Wow that was fun and I wish I could live here forever, but I must stay on the run. If Lucus comes here Ciel will get really mad. But what would happen if I were to change my appearance. Would he know it is me? Would he be able to find me? What should I do to change my appearance, cut my hair. Change my style of clothing. I'm not really sure. While I was in deep thought someone came in and shook my arm, making me jump. It was Sebastian. "Time to come and eat milady." He said chuckling a bit but trying to hold back like earlier. I got off the bed and followed him to the Dinning room and he pulled out my chair, when I sat down he pushed it back in and served us our meals. "Tonight's meal is roasted pork with cooked beans, a salad on the side, and for dessert, a slice of strawberry short cake with strawberries on the side." As he set the plate down. I grabbed my fork and picked up a slice of roast pork and put it in my mouth. Wow it was like a birst of flavor in my mouth. I savored each piece like it was the last meal of my life. Once I was done with the main dish and the salad I went on to the dessert I cut off a piece and put it in my mouth and about screamed. It was so sweet and I felt like a princess. I put another piece into my mouth, then another and another. Until it was all gone and I felt disappointed but I thanked Sebastian and he left with our dishes and I left to go up to my room.

Sebastian POV: 

As I took her dish, she excused herself from the table. Bid my master and I a good night and went up to retire for the night. When I got to the kitchen to do the dishes I started to think, 'Why would I loosen up like that and act so unprofessional. It was almost like a different me, the more careless me was coming out and having a bit of fun. I twirled, danced, and laughed. I actually laughed, I haven't done that for at least fifty years. She was a bit fun but I still don't trust her. She seems to good to be true. I will have to be more careful and not let my guard down around her. One little slip up and the young master could be killed or kidnapped or both. I need to keep on my toes and not act so carefree around her again.'

~~Sorry to end it like that but it is midnight and I am getting really tired. Yay! Time to go to sleep. Well hoped you like it so far and hope you will vote and comment if you liked it or not. Thanks and until next time. The photo is just for fun. ;)

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