Chapter 15

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Katrina's POV:

It was weird being alive again. The only contact I had with Sebastian was during the dream while I was dead. After the dream he told me that my hair turned white. It suits me, it's a lot nicer then dark brown almost black hair. I just hope he doesn't have anymore pain after this.

We were in the manor and I was changing. I picked the dress that I wore the first time I came here. When I was done we headed down stairs. Mey Rin was the first to see me and she dropped a plate and screamed, Bard and Finny came in once she screamed. "What's all the fuss about?" Bard asked as he looked then he saw me and gasped. "You were dead, weren't you?" I laughed. "Yes." "Then how are you here?" Finny asked. "Sebastian brought me back." I looked at him and he nodded his head like he knew what I was thinking. He nodded to if I should tell them if were demons. "How?" Mey Rin asked. "His parents." They all looked in shock at that. "You have parents?" Finny asked. "Yes, and they live in hell." Sebastian said and they all looked confused. I said, "His father is the devil." Their eyes about popped out of their heads. "What?" Mey Rin asked. 'Were demons. Well he was born one and I was brought back as one." Finny fainted and Mey Rin then got a big grin on her face and Bard still looked confused. Mey Rin said "So you are a couple from hell?" "Yes, you could put it at that. I'm going to go to the kitchen and grab something to eat." I grabbed Sebastian and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of bread and some cheese and nibbled on them while Sebastian made dinner. Once he was done he brought me to the table and went to grab Ciel. For now everything was perfect. I just hope it stays that way.

Ciel's POV:

I heard a knock at my study door. "Enter." I said. It was Sebastian, so he's back from the underworld. "How was it? Did you complete your task?" He ignored my questions and said "Dinner is ready down stairs." He bowed and left the room. I got up and headed to the dinning room. When I entered it Sebastian was standing by a girl with white long hair that resembled Katrina. They both had on their almost matching rings. "Katrina?" I asked unsure if it was her. "Yes Ciel?" So it was her. "What happened to you?" "Oh, this." She said while fiddling with her hair. "This happened while I was dead." I stared at her like she just grew another head, "It's a long story. I'll tell you some other time." Sebastian announced the dinner menu and we both started to eat. I asked her "What's like being dead? I'm just wondering. You don't have t answer if you don't want to." She thought for a moment, "It's not as great as you think. You don't do anything. It's a dark place. You don't have a body, mind, or anything. You are basically air. Until I was eloped into a dream of Sebastian's and I stabbed him and started on fire. He saved me and I was so depressed that I was losing him. I watched him burn and that's when my hair turned pure white. It was scary. Then I went back to the dark place." I didn't know what to say but then something occurred to me. "Wait, I thought demons didn't sleep. How did he dream if he couldn't sleep?" Sebastian butted in and said "Demons can sleep but only if they want to." "Oh that makes a lot more sense." We finished the meal in silence and I bid Katrina a god night and went to my study to think about all that I have learned.

I hope that she dooesn't leave again because when she did Sebastian was a wreck. He would only talk if he was being talked to, he wouldn't twist around my commands  or add side comments, he would only do what was necessary. He was basically an empty shell that moved when told to. I didn't like it. When he is with Katrina he's more open. He is more happy and alive. He is never alone between me and her, he always has someone. I yawned and my eye's started to feel heavy. I called in Sebastian. He walked in and I told him "I wish to retire for the night." "Of course my lord." I got up and walked past, he followed me out of he room to my room. He drew up a bath for me and I unclothed myself and got in. "How did it go?" I asked him. He responded "It went fine, as you can tell." "Did anything bad happen?" He thought for a moment then said. "Yes, I yelled at my mother." I was kind of shocked, he never looses his temper even when Katrina got murdered. "What did you say to her?" I asked curiously, kind of jealous that I didn't get to see him yell. "I told her I didn't want to get married and wanted to Katrina. I also told her that I would have William kill me and then I wouldn't have the bride they chose or Katrina. That made my mother cry." I was really surprised that he would resort to suicide as a threat for Katrina, would he actually go through with it or not? "If your parent's didn't bring back Katrina would you have gone through with the suicide?" He had a surprised expression on his face then morphed into a saddened look. "Yes I would have I couldn't live without her. I was already depressed and everything I did reminded me of her. Cleaning, cooking, and even just talking reminded me of her. I was being killed slowly  on the inside. And I was willing to be killed on the outside as well." I was silent for a moment and I didn't know what to say. That kind of shocked me, I thought he would only use it as a threat. He was finished washing me so I got out of the tub and he put on my night shirt once I was dry. Before he left I said, "If you ever kill yourself and our contract wasn't fulfilled what would happen?" "You would live on and I wouldn't get your soul." That made sense, he bowed and left me. I got in bed and fell asleep with ease.

Sebastian's POV:

I put the master to bed and thought to myself 'I wonder what Katrina and I are going to do all night. Maybe cuddle by the warm fire, or play a game chess or cards sounds like fun, or we can go for a walk outside. I'm not really sure and I wonder what her true form looks like. Maybe it's a ferocious beast that is gruesome, or a creature that lurks in the shadows. Either way she will be beautiful. I walked into the kitchen and found Katrina sipping on a cup of tea. I sat down across from her and asked "What do you want to do tonight, now that you don't sleep." She looked a bit shocked I guess I should fill her in on being a demon. "Wait I don't sleep? Why?" She asked me. "We just don't. I'm not sure as to why but my guess is that our bodies don't need as much rest as a mortal. We can occasionally sleep through the night but we don't need to often." "Is there anything else I need to know?" "Demons eat souls instead of food. We don't eat because the human food is bitter and tasteless-" She looked down at her tea cup. "But the tea and food tastes fine to me." She said bewildered. "But I had my father keep that for you so you wouldn't have to kill." She looked worried at first then settled down and continued listening. "We have more strength then a mortal. For example in one punch I knocked down a concrete dam. I also stopped a train. Also abnormal speed, what can take a human a day by carriage or train we can complete in an hour.  Ciel got kidnapped once and I chased after a car to contact their leader. I also had to run after that train when it was at full speed to stop it. There's much more but that's the basics." "Interesting, so I can break down buildings and run really fast. You can only be killed by a demon weapon or a death scythe. By the way if an annoying person comes here wearing all red he's a reaper. You will be able to tell by the scent they give off." Her expression was excitement. She had a ring in her voice that she was intrigued. "Yes, this is only the basics. Each demon has their own power and special abilities that others may not. They just have to unlock them and find out what they are. Also I should add that now as us both demons the cleaning time is cut in half. So putting that aside what do you wish to do for the night?" She thought for a moment then said "I wish to go take a walk outside." I nodded and she went up to get ready. Once she came down I opened the door and she was grabbing her shawl but I stopped her by saying "You won't need that." "Why not?" She asked looking confused. "Because the cold doesn't bother us so you won't need that right now. She put it back and walked out the door. I shut it behind her and we headed into the woods.

~~Sorry it took so long I had writers block and couldn't think of anything to put in it. Anyway thanks for reading and vote/comment if you want. Bye!

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