Chapter 18

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Sebastian's POV:

 Once I put the master to bed I went back to the library where Katrina was waiting. I got there and she was reading a book. When she noticed me she put down her book and I went and sat next to her. "So what is it you wanted me to wait for?" "Do you want to go for a walk outside?" "Sure why not?" She got ready and we went outside. We must have been walking for hours. The sun was meeting the horizon by the time we got back. We headed inside and went towards the kitchen. I made the master and Katrina breakfast then I went up to his room to wake him. I walked in and put the food on the night stand and went to the window "Time to wake up." I said as I opened the curtain. He went to the edge of the bed and I went to him to change his night gown to his regular attire. "May me and Katrina go out for the day?" "For what?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "For a wedding dress." "Okay, then you may go but be back by dinner." "Of course, my lord." "Also the wedding is tomorrow not on Thursday. But please don't tell Katrina." I asked him with pleading eye's. "Alright." I thanked him, bowed and left.

I headed down stairs to the kitchen and saw Bard working. Katrina wasn't in the kitchen at the moment so I whispered to him. "Have you started making the cake yet?" "Not yet but I will soon." He whispered back. "Good tell me when you get it done. And please don't screw it up." I left the kitchen and went to the main entrance. She was not there as well so I went to her room. I knocked on the door. "Come in." She said and I did so. "Well hello there." She said. I smiled and told here. "You should get ready." "For what?" She asked me while coming closer. "Were going to the dress shop." "oh yeah, I completely blanked it out." I laughed lightly, she forgot that we were going to get her only ever wedding dress. "What's so funny?" "You." "Well sorry." She said as she snubbed her nose at me. "alright already. Just get ready so we may leave." She got on a simple blue dress and we left.

We got outside and started walking. "I'm so excited! I wonder what dresses there will be?" I just stayed silent and smiled at her as she rambled to herself. She noticed that I was silent and asked "Is something the matter?" Looking concerned. I put her at ease by saying "No it's the complete opposite. Everything is perfect." After I said that I put my hand in hers and we walked the rest of the way. Letting the silence take us in. Once we got close to the town we started to talk again. "So what kind of dress do you want?" She thought for a moment then said "Anything, I don't really have a type. As long as it isn't to busy. I like simple."

We walked into the store and looked around. It was just the normal dresses, silk coloured dresses. We went up to the shop owner and I asked him "Where are your wedding gowns?" He looked at us funny then said "Follow me." We did and we went to the back of the store in a back room. There was about five dresses. The first one had lace all over it, the second had ruffles here and there. The third one was a gown with fake diamonds and the fourth was just awful. It looked like ripped up fabric, and  it was really bad. The fifth dress was nice. It didn't have much. It was simple on the bottom, on the top is was a short sleeve with puffy shoulders. The front was plain and the whole dress was made of silk. On the neck was a ribbon that on the front had a black rose. And the veil had black flowers on a white headband. She could also have her hair anyway she wanted it. She pointed to the fifth one and said "May I try on that one?" "Of course milady." She took it and went to the fitting rooms. When she came out I was speechless, it was almost as if that dress was made for her. I told her "This dress is definitely it, no doubt." She blushed and went to take it off. I paid the man and told him to deliver it to the Phantomhive manor before tomorrow. He told me it will be there late tonight. Katrina came out and handed the gown back to the man. Thanked him and we left. We headed back to the manor hand in hand. I just hope she likes the early wedding because I really want to surprise her with it.

We got back to the manor and I took out my pocket watch before we came in. It was nearly dinner time. I raced to the kitchen and made beef wellington with a tripled layer cake with summer berries. I went to get the master while Katrina set the table. By the time I got back with the master Katrina was already seated and waiting. I announced the meal and they ate in silence. When they were done the master went back up to his study and Katrina grabbed her dish and came with me to the kitchen and helped me clean up. We finished and she went out to the garden and I was left alone. I went to the back kitchen to see what Bard was up to. He was just finishing baking the cake. It was a vanilla and chocolate Harlequin cake (A/N: checker board type of cake.). He actually did a decent job of it. "What type of frosting are you going to add to it." "I was thinking of a black and red frosting to match your rings. By the way what are your wedding rings going to be?" I didn't want to show them but I might as well. Then at least somebody can tell me if they  are nice or not. I nodded and pulled them out. It was a black ring with a black rose on it. There was small diamonds on some of the peddles and some of the leaves. Then right below that there is a black holder with a red diamond to look like a falling blood drop. He looked at them harder and looked a bit surprised. "Where did you get these?" "I had them custom made just like our engagement rings. What do you think of these?" He thought for a moment scratching at his chin. Then he said "They are very neat but they are creepy as well." "That's alright. I had them do that for me on purpose." He shrugged then went back to working on the cake. I said "They look nice so far." And walked out of the kitchen. I continued walking to the garden looking for Katrina.

She was by the red rose bush. I walked up behind her and hugged her from the back side. "Do you like them." She nodded. "Yes, very much. Red and black are my two favorite colours." "That's not very surprising." I told her as she turned herself around still in my arms then slithered her arms to be around my neck. "Because after all you like me in my demon form. Pure black. Also you are in love with my eyes. That are red." "Your right. I am very predictable." I leaned down and kissed her and she kissed back and we parted and she laid her head on my shoulder and we slow danced for a while. We had no music but that didn't matter. She started humming and we went with the tune and continued to slow dance until it was starting to get dark. Then we parted and I went to put the master to bed.

I got up to his study and knocked on the door. "Come in." I did so and said "It's time to retire my lord." He got up and left the study and I followed. He got to his room and I opened the door. He entered then I did and he went to his bed and I undressed him. While I did so he said "So tomorrow is the big day. Are you and Katrina going to live here or not?" I stopped for a bit then continued while saying "I must be by your side until our contract is complete, family or not." "You are going to have kids? You can do that?" He looked very bothered by this. "Well of course we can have kids, they would just be demon's instead of humans." "What's the difference?" I thought for a bit as he got more to the center of his bed and pulling the covers to his waist while he sat up staring at me. "The difference is that demon children are more fast and stronger and are basically mini me's. They are more obedient though. But some aren't as well." "Huh, I didn't know that. Well good night Sebastian." "Good night my lord." I bowed and was exiting the room before he said "Wait for a second." I did so and he ordered "Tomorrow have Mey Rin come in and wake me. You may have a day off sense it's your big day." "Thank you my lord. Good night." At that I closed the door and went to the library and found Katrina.

I walked up behind her and sat down on the couch right next to her and she re-positioned herself and now was leaning against me. "Guess what." "What?" "I get the day off tomorrow so we can do what ever we desire." She sat up and was radiating happiness. "That's great then what are we going to do tomorrow?" "Tomorrow is a lazy day and we stay here and play chess or read or do anything." "That's great." and she left it at that. We watched the fire and listened to it's crackling.

~~Hey sorry this took so long. Tomorrow school starts and I won't be able to update everyday so I need you to be patient with me. Sorry but don't forget to comment/vote if you want. Bye!

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