Chapter 14

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Sebastian POV:

"Who is that?" I looked down and said "Kathrine Alisha Rose." "Why did you bring a corpse home?" "I want father to do me a favor?" She came closer and looked at Katrina. "I think we need to talk." Is all she said and signaled me to go to the living room and sit down. "About what?" I asked as I entered the living room. "Her." She said while pointed as Katrina. I sat down and set Katrina beside me. "What do you want to know about her?" "Why did you bring her here?" "Because she died under my care and I wish to bring her back." "Now I know that's not the whole truth. Lance what is the real reason." "She's my fiance and I need father to bring her back to life. I can't live without her." I looked down at her and smiled a gentle smile then looked up at my mother again. "Why? We already had a bride for you. And you decide to fall in love with a human!" She was outraged, I have never seen this side of her. "Why you ask. Because from the first moment I talked to her I fell for her, I just didn't know it. I can't live without her. I need her. If I don't have a living Katrina by the time I leave I shall go to that stupid shinagami and kill myself. Would you want that?! Me dead or with the one I love?" She looked heartbroken. I have never yelled at my mother, I don't know what came over me.

My father heard yelling and came to see what was going on. He walked in to see my mother's shocked face and me angry with my hands in fists. "What is the meaning of this Lance?" He walked over to my mother and sat with her trying to comfort her and looked at me then saw Katrina's lifeless body on his couch. "What is that?" "That is my late fiance." I boldly stated. "What is it doing here in my house?" "I have come to ask a favor of you." "What is that?" "Turn her into a demon for me." "Why would I do that?" "Because you are my father and this is my love." He looked a bit mad. "I'm not doing that." "Why not?" I asked. "Because we already have a bride waiting for you." "I don't want it. I want her." "Why not?" "I do not love the bride you have chosen. I love Katrina." "Katrina?" "Yes, her." I said pointing to Katrina. "No I simply won't have it." "Fine." I picked up Katrina and started to head to the door. "Goodbye forever, parents." I said and opened the door. "NO! Lance stop, dear he is going to kill himself. Stop him." She said with a tear stricken face. "What do you mean?" My father asked her. "He knows shinigamis." "So he wouldn't be stupid enough to do that." At that I left the house and shut the door. I walked away and thought 'William here is finally what you wish for. I'm all yours.' As I continued walking I was looking at Katrina then I heard a "wait" then I turned around and my father was motioning me to come to him.

I did so and he said, "come inside." "Will you fulfill my wishes." "We'll talk." I could live with that so I went inside. "Let's talk in my office." I followed him in and he had me place Katrina's body on a bench and I sat in a chair. "Why are you so persistent on having this mortal." "Because I love her. She is my everything and I can't function without her. I have tried to go back to normal before she came into my life but I can't. I fall apart because everything reminds me of her and I want her to be apart of my life." He was speechless but soon he asked "How did she die?" "She died by her ex-fiance." "Who is that how is he apart of this?"

"He was going to marry her but on the night after he proposed he got drunk and tried to rape her, she ran away and hid in the woods. He looked and looked but couldn't finder then shouted that he was going to come after her and kill her. She has been on the run ever sense then. She came to the manor in tears asking to stay for a month and a half. I didn't trust her at first but on that first day she brought out a more fun me that I locked away a long time ago. From on then we gradually got closer and started to date and a say before she got killed I proposed to her and she said yes. The next day we went to a ball and danced all night and when we were done dancing she wanted to sit outside so we did, something didn't feel right so I left her for a few minutes to look around the next thing I hear a gun shot and a scream. To my horror she got shot. I brought her back to the ball and a doctor extracted the bullet and she was still dying. She said as her last words, 'I love you, don't forget that." And she died in my arms. Then after that I went back into the woods and found the scum bag that killed her and it was Lucus I had him fear me and regret that he killed her. I ripped him to pieces and left him there in the woods scattered around. Then I went back to the manor and went to my room after my duties and broke down and has suicidal thoughts. Then I cried until I fell asleep. In that dream, Katrina was there and it was a maze. I couldn't find her until I came to the center and it locked me in. She was behind a door and when it opened she was crying blood and her wound was bleeding as well. She said why didn't you protect me better, it's your fault that I am dead. She came close to me and stabbed me with a knife that I couldn't pull out and it was slowly killing me. She stepped back and started on fire. I pushed her out of the fire and died for her while she watched. It hurt so bad and it was so painful I couldn't bear it. The next day I went to the undertakers to get her to bring her hear but he said that she had changed. I looked at her and her beautiful dark brown hair had turned pure white and she was more pale then ever. He said that this girl turned hot like she was on fire and after she cooled down her hair turned white. It was dreadful. Then I brought her here and here I am." I soon felt tear on my hands and I hadn't noticed until now that I had been crying the whole time. My father was speechless and didn't know what to say. My mother was listening and went right up behind me and hugged me and was crying as well. "Vincent you have to." "Who is the undertaker?" He asked. "The most feared Shinigami." "That's why, I've heard of him" He said then to my surprise he nodded his head and said. "I shall bring her back. " I was so full of joy that I didn't know what to do. "But instead of souls could she just eat food." "Fine." He had me grab her and carry her to a table. I set her down and backed away my father said some words in Latin and then a light shined through all of her and she started breathing but still unconscious. But I didn't care I ran up to her and hugged her. Her eye's fluttered open and saw me. "Why did you save me from the fire. I stabbed you." "That doesn't matter. That's all in the past." She hugged me and I introduced my parents to her. "Katrina this is my father, the devil, Vinciant Rampson and my mother Lora Rampson." She told them. "Hello, my name is Katherine Alisha Rose but I like to be called Katrina." "We know, Lance she's lovely. I'm sorry we doubted you." My mother said to me. "Lance? Sebastian what are they talking about?" She looked at me confused. "My real name is Lance Raven Rampson. Sebastian is a name that Ciel gave to me." She looked less confused but still a bit. "I'll explain it later." We bid my parent's a good bye and said we would visit more often. At that we left and I was happy. It couldn't get any better then this. My true happily ever after was now complete. It was really good to have her back. "So "Lance" when are we getting married?" "Anytime you want." I told her and we got back through the portal and back in her room. "I'm going to change." She went and put on a a blood red dress and we went down stairs hand in hand. Everything was perfect.

~~Hey sorry last chapter was so short. Anyway hope you like this chapter. I will try my hardest to end the book by September second because I start school then so I need to finish. Please vote and comment if you want to and Bye!

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