Chapter 17

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Katrina's POV:

"A wedding dress for you." So we are getting my dress tomorrow. Yay. "Oh Sebastian I can't wait." "I can't wait either." This is so exciting I can't wait. I set down my book and got up. We walked to the kitchen and I started to make tea as Bard popped in. "Hi." I greeted him. "Hi." "Do you want some tea?" "Um, no thanks. Tanaka might want some." I made some for me and Tanaka. When the tea was done I handed him a cup and he said "Thank you for the tea you are most generous." Wow that is the first time I have heard him actually say something. I kind of looked at him then he went back to the old self that I am used to. I then turned to Bard and took a seat asking him "What are you doing?" "Cooking lunch." "With a blow torch?" I asked him giving him the are you serious look, he kind of thought it over then said "Ya I guess the last time that I used this I burned the kitchen pretty badly." He set down the blow torch and started to heat up the oven. He made chicken pie with vegetables inside. He set it in the oven and went to go make desert. I just sat and watched him. He put together a fruit salad and added a whip cream on top. Once he was done I told him, "You take this to the dinning room and I'll go get Ciel."

I then left and he did as he was told. On my way up to Ciel's study I looked out the window.It looked nice out. A cool winter day but there was no snow on the ground. I stopped looking outside and started again up the stairs. I knocked on the door. "Enter." I heard. I walked in and he was working on paperwork. "Ciel your lunch is ready." He looked surprised then asked "Where is Sebastian?" Even I don't know that. "I'm not sure but me and Bard was making lunch and I went up to grab you so come on." I said motioning to him to go down stairs. He did and I followed him. We entered the room and Ciel sat down and started to eat his food. One bite in and he looked up in Bard in suspicion. "Did you actually make this or did Katrina?" He asked. "I made it I swear." "It's very good." Bard was all smiles as he left to the kitchen. "I had to stop him from using the blow torch." "That sounds about right." He said then we continued to eat in silence until Sebastian appeared looking stunned. "Who made this?" He asked. Ciel replied, "Bard did and it's actually good for once." Sebastian looked over at me and I nodded in agreement. Once we were finished Sebastian left to go to the main door.

As me and Ciel were about to go to the door we heard a high pitched squeal calling Ciels name. He groaned and I chuckled. He went through first as Elizabeth ran to him. She stopped once I came through and asked, "Who are you?" "You know me i'm Sebastian's fiance Katrina." I said while holding my hand up to revile the ring. She took a step back then another and looked at me almost as if she saw a ghost. "What's the matter Elizabeth?" I asked with a frown on the outside but on the inside I was smiling so much and it was very amusing. "Your supposed to be dead." She whispered with so much fear in her eyes. "Ya so what is your point." I said with a smile coming closer to her. I put my hand on hers and she flinched and pulled it away and went to Sebastian hiding behind him I came towards her even more. "See I'm as lively as light in the day." I told her while swirling around in a circle. I glanced at Ciel and he looked like he was enjoying this little show. Until he stepped forward and said "Katrina, Sebastian would you just tell her already and stop messing around." "Yes my lord." We said in unison then turned to Elizabeth and I told her. "I'm only alive because of Sebastian's parents." Her eyes grew wide. "Sebastian you have parents?" "Yes, there in hell." She whispered "Then how?" I replied this time "There the rulers of the underworld." Her eye's were practically out of her head at this point. "What do you mean? What are you?" "Demons." We both simply stated. She didn't know what to say. She just sat there horror struck. I laughed a bit at this then she glared at me. "What's so funny?" "You." I said. "How so?" "Because of this little change in us you think that your whole world has changed, it's not like we are any different now." She thought at what I said then got up and said. "Ya your right i'm sorry for acting so rude to you guys." "Apology accepted." And we all left for the library to play a game or do something.

Once we got upstairs Elizabeth asked, "What shall we play?" I said "The four of us could play a chess." "That sounds lovely, who will go first?" "I challenge Ciel to a game." I said and Sebastian snickered. Ciel accepted and I beat him in twenty minutes. He was speechless. "I was going easy on you." Ciel said blushing. "Sure you were that's what Sebastian said both times as well." He looked over to Sebastian in disbelief and he nodded. "Wow then that means your an expert. Even I can't beat him. I put him in check once but that was it." I set up the board and we played once again. I beat him with in thirty minutes. Then I took on Elizabeth and I went easy on her but I still beat her, I let her put me in check. "The only person that is left to play is Sebastian. Pick your match." First he picked Ciel, he beat him hands down, then it was me. "Your on!" And we must have played for at least an hour I put him in check and let him take my queen. "Ha your going to lose." He said to me. "oh am I." I cornered him and put him in most shame by taking all his pieces and cornering him with a pawn and my king. He looked down in defeat. Ciel and Elizabeth clapped at me and I bowed. "Thank you, thank you. Now if you'll excuse us, me and Sebastian are going to make dinner. We shall come and get you in a half hour. As we left the room Sebastian said "You didn't haft to be so mean." He then smiled. "I'll catch up to you soon I promise. "Sure you will. Don't make promises that you can't keep." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Oh i'll keep this one, one day I shall beat you at least once." I chuckled "And until then I will keep beating you." He laughed and pulled me closer to him as we walked down to the kitchen.

Dinner we were having roasted chicken and some fried vegetables. For dessert was some cornbread. I started to go up and get Ciel and Elizabeth. Once I got there I walked in and Elizabeth was laughing as Ciel was smiling at her. "Dinner is ready so come on lets go eat." They got up and followed me to the kitchen. Ciel and Elizabeth got seated and I got the plates as they were seating. I sat down and Sebastian told the evening meal and walked off. "Today was so much fun." Elizabeth said while she ate. "I agree it was enjoyable." Ciel commented. "Also I'm sorry Katrina that I was so freaked out earlier, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." She said as she looked down. "It's okay Elizabeth, I would be freaked out to if a person that I saw die was alive again. So you don't need to apologize." We finished our meal and Elizabeth had to go home so we bid her a good night and safe travels. The Ciel turned to me and stated "I want to have a rematch." "Are you sure. I'll beat you again." I asked and he nodded so I said "You're on." And we headed up to the library to play the rematch game. By the time our game was over I had beaten him again so we played once more. Then Mey Rin, Finny, and Bard walked in and started to watch our chess match it was nearly eleven o'clock when we finished and he managed to check me but I still got him. "Wow Katrina is there anything you can't do?" Mey Rin asked. Bard and finny shock there head in agreement. "Yes there is. I can't kill anyone or anything. Never have been able to." "Well that's understandable, you are a lady of course." I blushed and Sebastian came in and told those three to get back to work. Once they left he asked me to stay here while he put Ciel to bed. I did as I was told and waited for about twenty minutes.

~~Yay I think there will only be about three more chapters left in the story. Not really sure if I'm going to make a sequel or not but please don't forget to vote/comment if you want to. Bye!

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