Chapter 19

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Sebastian's POV:

As we sat and watched the fire burn I couldn't help but wonder when the dress will arrive. I waited for another twenty minutes. I sighed and looked at my watch. Almost midnight. When will it come. Just as that last thought went through my mind I sensed someone near by. "Sebastian someone is here. Do you think it is my dress?" "Maybe, I'll go check and bring it up if it is." "Alright I'll just wait here." I got up carefully and left the room.

Racing to get to the door I fled down the stairs and stopped at the door and a slight tap and I opened the door. The guy looked startled but then went back to a blank emotion and said "Here's ya dress." Taking the dress and gave him a few coins saying "Thank you for your troubles." When the man got the coins in his hands lit up like a kid getting candy. He was at lease 26 maybe younger."Thank you so much, this will feed my family for a few days. Thank you so much." "Your welcome." Any he waved good bye and I closed the door more focused on the dress that was located inside the bag then him but then Mey Rin, Bard, and Finny came racing towards me. "What's in the bag?" Bard asked. "Ya, what is it Sebastian?" Finny begged. I sighed and unzipping the bag showing them the wedding gown. "It's so pretty!" Finny commented. "It's beautiful. Fit for a princess." Mey Rin said while smiling really big. "I know me and Katrina picked it out yesterday. Come with me to the kitchen." We all walked to the kitchen.

Once the door was closed and I couldn't sense anyone near by I whispered softly "How are the wedding preparations coming along?" Finny was first. "The garden is almost done and it looks really pretty." Mey Rin after him. "It is coming along the ballroom needs cleaning then everything is done." Finally Bard "The cake will be done by morning if you want to see it so far then lets go to the hidden kitchen." We all walked there and found the cake on the island counter in the center of the room. It looked wonderful. I just hope it stays that way. It had four layers, and five pillars holding up each layer. As you go up the layers shrink and get smaller and bigger. Until the way top where there is a woman that looks like Katrina and a man that looks like me. It has black frosting all around it and red for the details on the side. Blood red flowers that are all around the side and make up a garden on the second layer. On the third layer white flowers and finally on the fourth layer was raven black roses that matched the colour of my hair. It looked wonderful. "What's left to finish up on it?" He smirked and said "You'll see." Then I bid them all a good night and told Mey Rin that she had to wake up the master because I have the day off, she agreed and we all went our separate ways.

I went back up to the library where Katrina was waiting for me and I told her. "Your dress milady." I said as I handed it to her. "Fancy so what are we going to do tomorrow?" I thought for a moment. "I just want to sit here and play a game of chess or read a book for the day is that alright?" "Sure why not." I sat back on the couch and she snuggled up next to me. She had a book in her hand and I asked. "What book are you reading?" "I'm reading Kéraban the Inflexible by Juled Verne." I took it from her and she looked up at me. "What did you do that for?" She looked mad, it was cute. "I am going to read it to you so we both can read it. Her face lightened up and snuggled back into my side. "Oh okay then." And I began never putting it down. I do got to admit it was a very good book. By the time the book was done it was about nine o'clock in the morning.

"You want to play chess now?" "Not yet. I'm getting hungry." I didn't want her to go down yet so I volunteered and said "Here you stay while I go and get breakfast for you." "Alright thank you Sebastian." I got off the couch and started to head down stared. Once I got there I noticed a person's presents so I headed to the garden and found Prince Soma and Agni, Undertaker, Grell crying, Ronald, William, and Elizabeth with Paula. "Hi Sebastian. So today is your wedding day?" "Yes it is so please do not go in the manor. Katrina can sense you if you do. I need to get back up to her so I need to go but I will come down in about two hours and when everyone is here send Ciel up please. "Of course." I left and went to get Katrina breakfast. I got her scrambled eggs and a hot chocolate.

I went back up the stairs and came to the library and I couldn't believe the sight. I smiled. Ciel was playing Chess. I walked in and said "Nice that you two are bonding." They both looked at me. "Here's you food Kristina." I told her and set down the food next to her on the table. I sat next to her across from Ciel. "Thanks and Ciel wanted a rematch. He wanted to see if he could beat me of not." They played for an hour and a half. I just enjoyed watching them. It was quite fun, she beat him for three games in a row. It was getting late so I said that I would go and get some food. They nodded and Ciel set up the board for yet another round.

I went back to the garden and the wedding was set up. Finny did a wonderful job. There was a arch made completely made of black and red roses. Then two sections with four chairs in a row, two rows in a section. There was black and red roses all over the chairs and the black and red pedals all over the ground. The table was to my left with the cake. The cake looked great. The only thing he added was blood dripping down the side. It was perfect. The row in between the two sections of chairs had a black long carpet. It looked wonderful. Finny came running up to me and handed me a bouquet and said "This is for Katrina. So how do you like it out here?" It's wonderful. Thank you so much. Bard you to. The cake looks great." Lizzy came up to me and asked "So when is this wedding actually going to happen?" I thought for a moment. "I can go and get her and have her ready in fifteen minutes." "That's absolutely perfect." She then danced off and went to the group of people. It was the four shinigami's, Prince Soma, Agni, Mey Rin, Finny, Bard, Lau, Ran Mao, Lizzy, Paula, and of course my parents.

I went back up stairs and told Ciel to wait here. He did and Katrina said "What is he waiting for? Sebastian what's going on?" We walked to her room and I closed the door. All I said was "Put on your dress." "Why?" "Do it or I will for you." She looked at me scared then smiled an evil grin "Do it then." I did I took off her dress and put on the other dress in record speed. She gasped as I was doing it. "Y-you actually d-did that!" I did. "Now get you hair up as well. She didn't want to so I just let it hang but put on the veil. "Now give me two minutes." She nodded her head and I ran faster then before.

I went to my room and changed into my tuxedo and went back up as I did grell was there waiting for me by the stairs. "Marry me Bassy!" Grell asked Sebastian. "No, how many times do I have to tell you. I shall not and will now marry you. I am getting married in five minutes." He stated while glaring at Grell. "But-" "No means no, now leave before I get William." Sebastian said while waving his hand to signal Grell to leave. Grell puts his head down and walks away silently crying.

(A/N: Now we can continue the story from the beginning. Sorry this took so long to put out by the way.)

I raced up stairs and I got to her room. She gasped. "Wow!" Was all she could say I mean of course no one has ever seen me in a tuxido. I put out my arm and she took it and we headed towards the library. Once we got there Ciel took her and I said wait a few minutes then start heading down.

I got down stairs and got people to sit down then went and waited for Katrina to come with Ciel.

~~Hey once again sorry this took so long. I have one chapter left and you all know what it is going to be >_< It's going to be awesome so if you want comment/vote and I'll see you next chapter. Bye!

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