Chapter 16

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Katrina's POV:

He shut the door and we began out walk. I was hugging his arm and putting my hand in his. He was right it wasn't cold. It felt like a cool morning with that little spark to every move you take. With every breath you take you breath the cool are down to your lungs. As we walked along the ground began to get harder and harder, freezing from the air. The woods were dark but not completely, there was just a little bit of light to see the trees and ground surrounding you. There were no birds chirping but there was crickets and owls making noise. You could hear every soot step with the branches under our feet cracking and braking, the leaves smashing between our feet and the frozen ground. We must have been walking at least an hour, it was nice I wasn't tired and my feet wern't sore.

Sebastian broke the silence by saying "This should be far enough." He was talking to himself. I asked "Far enough for what?" "To find out your powers and your true form." He replied with a smile. "How do I do that?" "Well for your powers you just have to try. So take off your heels and run." I took them off and ran. It was only a jog, not very fast. "Try harder." I did and I went into a sprint but still not fast enough. "Here, try to catch me." He said as he started running I could keep my eye's on him then I ran after him. He was pretty fast but I caught up to him and he grabbed me and pinned me to the ground. "Now try to break free." He said grinning, most likely because he enjoyed this. "How? I don't know my strength." I responded. So I wiggled around and I didn't even budge. "Come on. Shall I try to provoke you?" He asked with a evil look in his eye. "You wouldn't dare." I said glaring at him. He would, he put both my hands in one of his and started to play with the buttons at the back of my dress. I felt my cheeks get hotter and hotter as I tried to break free. Finally after he unbuttoned at least seven buttons I switched positions with him and had him pinned to the ground. I just sat there grinning as he did so as well. I got up and fixed my dress before he could unbutton anymore. 

"Finally, try to switch to your demon form." I looked at him, saying sarcastically "Oh okay, then I will and I'll get it on my first try because I know how." He laughed a little. "You just have to concentrate. It's just like your trying to change cloths with your mind instead of your body. Just imagine." I did I felt a bit weird but nothing not normal. I looked down and I was the same it didn't work. "It's fine it's only your first time, try again." I did this time I did feel like my cloths were changing but not much. I looked down and instead of a red dress I had on a black one and feathers were everywhere. I over my shoulders and I saw big black wings. Sebastian looked like he was having a good time. I just hope i'm not as scary as him. 

Sebastian's POV:

She closed her eye's and feather's started to go everywhere. Black feathers were sprouting on wings behind her. Her red dress changed to black and her arms got fishnet gloves that went up to her elbow. Her hair became longer and a silver crown sits a top her head with dangling silver tears. On her neck was a clack collar that had beads growing all around to make out a necklace. The dress had a black lace trim on the top, a sleeveless corset that was all black, and a black dress bottom that had features coming out of it. Her nails were claws that had black on them and her eye's now matched my red color. She was absolutely stunning. "You look beautiful." She looked down and blushed. I walked up to her and examined her wings, they looked like mine. "Thanks but I don't feel any different. I feel the same as before." "That's normal. Now do the same thing to change your self back to normal." She did so and her demon form disappeared and now it was just a normal her. 

She got back at my side and we walked back to the manor. I pulled out my pocket watch to check the time. It was only four in the morning. I asked her "When are you going to be a Michaelis?" She thought for a bit then said "How about in three days?" "Sounds good to me. Who's all coming?" "Well there's got to be Ciel, Elizabeth, Finny, Mey Rin, Bard, Tanaka, and your parents." "Why my parents?" I asked her curiously. "Because if it wasn't for them there wouldn't even be a wedding." "Okay, okay. Then we should also invite the undertaker, and if he comes then that means Grell, William, and Ronald will also show up. Prince Soma and Agni, Lau and Ran-mao usually pop up out of no where uninvited. That's about all that will show up exept for Paula." She looked at me very confused. "Who are all these people? I don't know any of them." I explained all of them to her. She wasn't sure about the shinigamis coming but she was fine with the rest. "But why the shinigamis? Aren't we suppost to hate them?" I replied "Yes, but William doesn't consider me like most demons so he is less hateful towards me. Ronald is just daft. Grell is stupid and tries to flurt with me. Lastly the undertaker is nice and doesn't even count as a shinigami, he actually had your body when we had that dream." She looked a bit mad and said "Grell is not allowed to come." Was all she said. "But he will and if he sees me getting married his soul will be crushed and it'll be funny." She laughed a little at that then nodded her head and said he can come but only for that reason

We walked the rest of the way to the manor in silence. Once we got there we went up to the library to play a few games of chess and when it was time to wake up the master Katrina and I walked down to the kitchen to make breakfast. We made crepes and organic chai tea. I brought it up to the master's room. I entered the room and set the tea on the night stand and went to go open the curtains. "Time to wake up." He got up and went to his bed edge and I dressed him as doing so I asked. "When might me and Katrina be able to wed?" He thought then said "Anytime." "Would we be able to use your manor?" "Do what you wish." Was all he said. I bowed then left and went to the kitchen

I walked up to Katrina and told her. "We may get married anytime you wish." "Good the how about on Thursday?" "That sounds wonderful." I said wrapping my arms around her then kissing her. I heard a gasp. I broke the kiss and looked. Finny fainted again, Mey Rin had a smile on her face, and Bard was the one that gasped. Tanaka said "Ho ho ho." Then drank from his tea cup. "What's the matter, why are you just staring at us like that?" I asked them a bit irritated. "Nothing." Bard said then walked away. Mey Rin commented, "You guys are so cute together." While she dragged Finny out of the room. I unwrapped my self from Katrina and went to do the cleaning round. We completed it in half the time as we normally did. I gathered the Bard, Finny, Tanaka, and Mey Rin and told them to meet me out in the garden in an hour and not to tell Katrina. Katrina was in the Library reading when it was meeting time. I left her alone and went to the garden.

Once I got there I found them all sitting at one of the benches. "On Wendsday we will have company here." "What for?" Finny asked. "My wedding." Mey Rin giggled. "I need invitations sent out to Lau, Ran-Mao, Grell, Undertaker, Ronald, Prince Soma, Agni, William, Elizabeth, and Paula. You four are also invited. Do you know where to send every ones?" Bard said "Yes except Grell's, William's, and Ronald's." "I can do those three. Also Bard do you know how to make a decent cake without screwing it up?" "Ye-No. I'll try though." He said while scratching at his head. "That's alright. I can do my own cake." "Mey Rin can you was all the sheets by then?" She answered "I can do that, yes I can." "Finny can you have the garden clean and nice by then. "Of course." "Tanaka, Keep up the good work." "Ho ho ho." Was all he said. "Good I want this to be perfect by Thursday so please don't screw it up. Any of you." I said while glaring at them. "We won't." They all saluted me then walked away. I shook my head and went up to the library to see if Katrina was still up there. She was and when I entered she asked, "So what did you guys talk about?" What am I supposed to tell her, 'We just talked about our wedding meeting that you aren't supposed to know about.' No that would be stupid. "I was telling them that tomorrow we are going out and I said not to screw anything up." She seemed aright with that. I hate lying, especially to her. "What are we getting tomorrow?" "A wedding dress for you."

~~Hey here's another chapter hope you like it. The picture is of Katrina in her demon form. Comment/Vote if you wish to. Bye!

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