Chapter 12

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Sebastian's POV:

Once I put the master to bed I went to my room. I closed the door and broke down. I was crying a river and my conscience told me, 'It's your fault she's dead. If you hadn't brought her outside you wouldn't be here alone and sad crying like a baby. You know what you have to do. Ask Grell to do it. Just kill yourself and you can be free of this grief. It's that simple.' "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! NO I WON'T KILL MYSELF! She wouldn't want me to do that." I sat and cried until I fell asleep.


"Sebastian." I heard Katrina but I couldn't see her. I looked around. It was a maze and I couldn't find my way out she kept calling my name until I turned and she said, "Why, why me?" She sounded like she was crying. I kept going in circles and then I was trapped in a room. There was a door and it wasn't able to be opened so I rammed into it and the door opened, reveling Katrina. She had her back turned to me, she was wearing the a white night gown. I called her name, "Katrina?" "Sebastian is that you." "Yes, it is. Can you turn and face me?" "I can't move, I can't breath. I can't feel." I forcefully turned her around and I let out a scream and fell back on the floor. "I can see you. Why Sebastian? Why, I didn't want to die. It's all your fault." She was crying and she was crying blood. Her wound was open and bleeding all over the night gown. "I didn't mean to get you killed. Please believe me." "NO! I won't. Your a demon couldn't you do something while I was alive. Couldn't you have protected me better." She was full of rage and she was shouting at me.

I got up and tried to hold her except she pulled out a knife and stabbed me. "This is what you get, you low life fowl demon." And she started on fire and was screaming bloody murder. I tried to stop it except the knife would come out of me. It was attached to me and it was slowly killing me. I couldn't help her but I could move a bit. I went into the fire and pushed her out and felt the flames on me. It hurt so much. It felt like my blood was boiling and my skin bubbled. It was unbearable. I screamed, my nerves were cracking and my legs were feeling weak. My cloths caught fire and I couldn't do anything so I just let the pain take me. My thought and lungs felt so hot and burning that they could explode. It was dreadful. Katrina watched in horror and I just sat there screaming until I couldn't breath anymore and the fire overtook my body and I was on the floor dead. 

The Present:

When I woke up my voice was horse and it hurt when I talked. I could still feel the pain of the fire all over my body. It was horrible but my heart suffered it the most. "I'm sorry Katrina, please forgive me." I started crying then looked at the clock. It was eleven in the morning. I stopped crying, cleaned myself up and rushed out of my room to the master's study, he wasn't there, then to his bedroom, not there either. Checked the library, nothing. I raced down to the dinning room, not hear either. I ran to the kitchen and rammed into Finny. "Have you seen the master?" I asked him. "Ya, he went into town and told us not to disturb you." "Damn, that kid." I raced out the door and went on the hunt for him.

Ciel's POV:

I was in the carriage going to the Undertaker's shop. I hope Sebastian was alright, I let him be this morning out of pity and left the manor telling the other four not to wake him. We were right at the Undertakers shop when the carriage stopped. I paid the man and went inside. "Undertaker?" I looked around then a coffin opened and he popped out of it. "Yes, oh it's the earl. What can I do for you today." He said while chuckling. "I need information on how to bring back the dead." "You know what it's going to cost." I did and I already had a joke in mind. "What do you call a boutique by a graveyard?" "What?" He was inching his way closer to me. "Curl up and dye." He laughed hard and fell on the floor. That lasted about two minutes then he said, "Alright i'll answer your question. Yes there is away but it's not a good way." "How?" I asked him curiously. "You have to ask satin himself and unless your a demon you can't do that." "Well thank you for your help and please tell none of this to Sebastian." "May I ask why did you want to know?" "Because Sebastian's fiance got killed and I was wondering if there was anything I could do but there's not so it's useless information to me." "Aw but not Sebastian." He said as he got up and came closer to me. "What do you mean?" "You see he's a demon." "So your saying he can bring her to Satin and ask him to bring her back to life as a human." "No, she won't be human and yes he can." "Why won't she be human?" "She is brought back but-" He waited for a moment "as a demon." "What?!" "So they have a happily ever after. But satin wouldn't do that for free." "What's the cost?" "that's for you to find out later." "What do you mean?" "Good bye." And he left through a hallway and disappeared. 

I headed back to the manor and was waiting in the carriage. I'll ask Sebastian what the cost is. That's when the carriage door opened and in came Sebastian. "Where have you been?" He looked mad and exhausted. "I was at the Undertaker's shop visiting him." "Why?" "I wanted some information." "About what?" "If you can bring back the dead." He looked shocked and said "What did he have to say." "Only a demon can and they have to go to hell ask the devil but there's a cost. He never reviled what the cost was though." He looked shocked and a bit fearful. "Why didn't you just ask me? I know about this stuff as well." "I didn't want to bother you. You were busy so I left you alone." "Well next time bother me about it." "By the way he said something about costing to bring someone back. What is that cost?" He looked full of fear and said "The cost is..."

~~Sorry but I must leave it at that. Here's a fun picture for the undertaker Please comment and vote if you want to. Bye!

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