Chapter 11

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Sebastian's POV:

As we got to the ball I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. I shrugged off that feeling and helped Katrina out of the carriage. People gasped at her and we walked along. Lizzy and Ciel walked in after us and they looked like a little cute couple. I took Katrina and brought her to the dance floor and danced with her. It was a wonderful night. She looked absolutely stunning. We danced for what it seemed like hours. We twirled, spun and had many slow dances but we were laughing. "Sebastian even though this is the best night of my life I think I need to stop dancing. My feet are aching." She said. "Alright love."

Instead of going to the table where Ciel and Lizzy were we decided to sit outside. It was nice and peaceful out there. We walked a bit of ways and sat down in a gazebo and looked at the night sky. It was breath taking. "Sebastian, I can't wait to become your wife, I am so excited." She said gleefully. "Yes you are now becoming what again?" Asking her so I could hear her name combined with mine. "Katherine Alisha Michaelis." She said proudly, is sounded nice. It just rolls off the tongue, sounded perfect. We were sitting and watching the stars. No one said a word but no one needed to either.

Just then the bush ruffled and the feeling was off. Not normal, "I'm going to take a quick look around. Something doesn't feel right.." I told her and ran off. I didn't go far until I heard a 'Bang!' and a scream. I was terrified, I ran back to Katrina as fast as I could. When I got there she was on the ground holding her stomach and blood surrounded her. I was outraged but at the same time I was scared that I would loose her. I ran to her and cradled her in my arm. "What happened?" I wasn't wanting to hear the answer but I must know. "You left and-" She cringed. "someone shot me." It's all my fault I shouldn't have left her alone. "You're going to be alright." I picked her up bridle style and I ran as fast as my feet could go. Once I got to the mansion, where the ball was held, I was as well covered in her blood. It was awful. I asked scared and crying, "Is there a doctor here I need one. Katrina's been shot!" One man stepped forward, "Clear a table, and set her down." Some men shoved everything off the table and I put her down. The doctor looked at the shot wound and started to work. He was doing everything in his power to stop the bleeding. He has already taken out the bullet and was now applying pressure to the wound to stop it from bleeding. "Sebastian." She said softly and I was at her side. "I'm right here love." "I love you don't forget that." "NO! Please don't go, stay with me." "Goodbye. My lo-" She never finished her sentence and her chest stopped going up and down. "No." I whispered and was crying holding her corpse close to my body. I didn't know what to do. "She's gone." The doctor said. Everyone was staring at me. Lizzy was crying and Ciel had a pained expression on his face. I looked down at hers. She saw smiling a small little smile and her eye's were full of kindness in them. I couldn't look at them anymore I closed them and set her down. Putting my coat on top of her and walking out of the room.

What was I supposed to do now. I was sad and outraged. I was mad at myself for being foolish and leaving her exposed but I am more mad at the man that shot her. I ran as fast as I could to the gazebo and looked around. I sensed someone close by. I raced to them and pinned them down. It was a man, he had brown short hair and didn't look very clean. "Who are you and why are you here?" I asked him angrily. He replied scared and small. "My name is Lucus Simonson and I am here for hunting animals." He told me. So he was Katrina's assassin. "What animals exactly?" I asked him. "Bigger ones that are hard to track." "Did you shot off your gun a little while ago?" "Yes that was me." "So you are Kathrine's ex fiance." He looked surprised at that. "How did you-" I cut him off. "I was her fiance at the time before you killed he." I had my demonic eyes out. "..." He was silent. "Do you know who you are dealing with right now." "No." "You are dealing with the Earl Phantomhive's butler presently." His eye's went wide. "And you are currently being pinned down by a demon." I gave him a wicked grin and changed forms. He screamed. My shadows grabbed him and made him feel pain. Then ripped him apart and I said, "Your soul is not worthy to be eaten and I left him with his body parts scattered to the wind. The tree's covered with his blood and now I will be sad because she is gone but at least I fulfilled the promise I made to her.

I got back to the ball and told the Earl that we better leave. He followed me with Lizzy by his side and we got a carriage and left. "Sebastian i'm truly sorry for your-" I cut her off and said. "Lets just never bring it up again. Ciel will you be able to tell the servants what happened and I shall get cleaned up?" He nodded his head and looked kind of scared. I just want things to go back to normal before I start to cry again.

Ciel's POV:

Why is he taking this so lightly. Katrina just got murdered and he is acting like nothing even happened. Why doesn't he get mad, why is he acting like she never even existed. "Sebastian I shall tell them you wait here until I tell you to come." I got out of the carriage with Lizzy and went into the manor. The three was waiting at the door smiling. But as soon as just me and Lizzy walked in their smiles disappeared and Mey Rin asked, "What happened, where's Sebastian and Katrina?" I had to tell them, this is going to be hard. "Katrina got killed and I don't want any of you to bring it up. He is acting like nothing happened and I want it to stay that was. If any of you bring it up around Sebastian and he tells me about it I will have you fired and on the street. Got that." They all nodded. I thought, 'Sebastian you may come in now.' And a little later he entered the room and went to go and clean up. He looked awful. His shirt and vest full of blood and his gloves as well. 

Later that night he came into my bedroom to put me to bed, I noticed that he still wore his ring except that it was on the other hand instead. To look like he is married, I felt pity for him. It was really sad that the only loved one he has died right in his arms. That night after I went to be I thought. 'Tomorrow I will go to the undertaker and see what I can do for him.' Sebastian hasn't talked at all or even has an emotion attached to his face. He was like an empty shell. It was dreadful and sickening. I didn't want that anymore. Things have to change back to the way they were and I fell asleep.

~~Sorry to end it there. So what did you think. Sad right. Well it is Sebastian's only love that died. Hopefully he changes. The picture is him if you didn't know. Please comment and vote. Bye!

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