Chapter 21

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Katrina's POV:

"We are here for a blood bond-" I was cut off by Sebastian as he ordered "Foil, shut it and let us go. It's my wedding day so don't screw it up!" The hound looked down at Sebastian and whimpered "Of course Lance." Stepping aside and letting us pass. Sebastian guided my way through his house until we came across a room that looked like a black and grey version of a garden. It was absolutely breath taking. "Wow." Was all I could think of saying. Bushes and trees full of flowers. Violet, black, white, red, and even deep blue roses were all over. It looked like a dream come true. I wanted to run up to the bushes and sniff them but I stayed at Sebastian's side. "Those are such pretty flowers." He chuckled. "Don't get to close to them." "Why not?" Halting a bit but continuing on. "Because they will bite and attack you if you get to close to them, they're not like the flowers on earth. Don't forget were in hell, everything is bad and will attack you without a second thought trying to get your soul." Frowning I replied. "Oh I forgot." "But don't worry you are the most beautiful and dangerous flower of them all." Smiling. We got to the end of the garden and stopped.

There was a table and a cup. "Mother, the knife." I didn't know what was going on. A knife? He looked at me and saw the worried look on my face. "What's the matter?" "A knife? Why?" He held the box out to me and I took it. Opening it reviling a beautiful knife. The blade was white and could cut through anything, the handle was white with some golden welded pieces attached. The piece that stopped your hand from going to the blade was gold with a hole on each side surrounded by a really neat design. Over all the knife looked like something out of a book, it was beautiful. "Its to make a pack by blood. You two mix your blood in the cup and drink from it." His mother said. "No, I can't. It'll hurt a lot." "It's fine. Your a demon now, you won't feel much for pain. I'll go first." I nodded and watched him as did everyone else. He brought the knife to his wrist and slit it. His wrist hovered over the cup and blood dripped down it. He filled the cup part way and brought his arm back to his side. "Your turn dear." His mother said. I took the knife with trembling hands slightly touched the blade to my skin. Sliding it a bit to open the skin layer. 'He was right. It didn't urn all that much.' I did it much more but with a bit more force. I guess I put to much force in it because it slit open and blood ran down my hand. Quickly putting it over the cup I filled it half way. Bringing it back to my side and felt the blood run down my arm. "Now you must drink from the cup and bind together as the others blood goes into you. Sebastian drank from it first then he handed it off to me. 'Well if cutting my self wasn't bad then drinking the blood can't be horrible either. Taking a sip ‘Wow this isn’t as bad as I thought.’ Finishing the glass to set it down on the table then looking back at Sebastian. “Congradulations. You two will now be bound to eachother by blood until the day one of you dies.” Everyone clapped. Sebastian had a smirk on his face, smiling back. “So now your stuck with me for good. That must suck.” He grabbed me and pulled me towards him. “Ya, real bummer.” He kissed me and everyone just watched.

“Now how about some cake!” Bard called out. Sebastian grunted in irritation as I pulled away. “Save that for our honeymoon.” Saying with a devious smile and he smiled back. “Of course can’t have a audience now can we?” Grabbing his hand we went to the cake and grabbed a different knife and cut the cake together. Bard gave us each a piece and we shared it with eachother. Going back up to the manor ciel had a surprise waiting for us. We all filled in and Ciel went to the top of the stair case. Announcing “Tonight will be a party for Sebastian’s and Katrina’s marriage.Hope you both have a wonderful and happy life.” There was glasses of champain on the table not far off. Grabbing two Ciel held it up. “To you, after I’m gone.” “WAIT!!” Looking a bit heart broken. “What does he mean?” Elizabeth asked with tears about to roll down her face. Sebastian sighed. “What he means is-“ “That it will be after Ciel dies with you when you two grow old together.” Elizabeth’s face lit up again “Oh okay.” She skipped to join up with Ciel again. “What do you mean for her?” Sebastian whispered so only I could hear. “Sebastian, you can’t. I mean, I know Ciel and he isn’t a bad kid. Please I know that you have had to deal with him for two years so far but still, please don’t take his soal.” He looked mad, not angry, yet, but mad. “No I have worked to hard for his soal I need it or else I will go insaine.” Thinking for a moment “Why not have other people’s souls?” “Because his smelles really good.” He looked like a person just reciently off crack. "Please, I have somewhat adopted Ciel as a brother and i'm going to be very sad if you eat him." "He's not stayinf and that's that. You know what, well talk about this tomorrow alright? Let's just enjoy tonight." "Okay." We danced and had the most fun night and I even got to dance with Ciel. It was really fun. He stepped on my feet two times but we just laughed because I couldn't feel it. 

Sebastian's POV:

The next day:

"Alright, Bard there is food ready for the master for a few meals. Finny just don't break any trees or kill the flowers while i'm gone. And Mey Rin don't touch anything besides cloth and have the other three help you with your daily chores. Oh and also Tanaka, Good job. Keep up the good work." Katrina came up behind me "Calm down, i'm sure they'll do find without you. Am I right?" Asking and they all shook their head in agreement. "I don't know if we should go. It sounds fun and all but I just don't trust these three, That's it were not leaving, I'm not leaving my master with these morons." She looked really disapointed but that's that, I'm not changing my mind. "Fine if you want to be that way." She grabbed me arms and started to pull me. I tried to stop but she was just to strong, probably the new demon hormons. Ya, that sounds about right. "What are you doing?" She replied "Taking you with me to the bedroom so we may talk." "About what?" "Stuff." I finally got her to stop but I jst walked beside her, well not really behind her but close to it. Entering the room she closed the door and told me. "Really, is your precious master more important then me, then us?!" Semi yelling, Her face was really mad. "Calm down my sweet." "NO! I'm tired of this all you do is go around following his every order and not even being by me. I know you are protective over your meal but still I am just as important. Maybe not as much but almost." "No, no you got it all wrong. Your the most important thing to me, he's my scond but your my first. And ya I know that you are mad about this but still, I just don't want him getting hurt fr-" "Stop, you hand picked these people to ....protect...Ciel. Not to just sit around rotting." She did have a point. "But the m-" "No, we are going on our honeymoon and there is no stop to it. So just drop it. Also the conversation at the party what are you doing with Ciel?" I forgot about that conversation completely, I don't want to loose her but I don't want my meal to be taken away from me. 'I'm not sure." "Well please let him live, he's like a brother to me. I know it's asking a lot but please." I don't want to, he's my food. "No he's my meal and I have been craving him and starving myself for two years. I need him. Please understand." She thought for a bit. "If I ask Grell for the To-Die-List will you leave him be?" That was tempting but I still need him. "Maybe, I'll tell you after the honeymoon." We finished getting ready to leave and left to Ireland for a week. 

The End

~~Don't stop reading there shall be an Epiloge. Please stay with me and don't go away for good. Anyway it should be out probably by the end of this weekend. BYE!

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