Chapter 20

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Katrina's POV:

I was challenging him. "Try me." He smiled then came closer and pulled off my dress. He stopped and looked for a moment while I blushed and then slipped on the wedding dress. It was fast, I didn't even see him take it off or put on the other one. I looked around because he changed locations, I found him standing by the door. Having his arm held out inviting me to take it. Before I did I asked "What's going on? Why am I in my wedding dress? Why are you so secretive?" Then it hit me and I gasped and whispered. "Is it our wedding day?" He nodded his head and came towards me. He then picked me up bridal style and I just let him. He left the room and headed towards the library. Once we got to the library Ciel was sitting in a chair. Sebastian told us. "Wait for a few minutes then come down." He kissed my forehead then left. 

"So today is your wedding day. What are your thoughts?" Ciel questioned me smirking. "I...How did he do this?" He chuckled replying "He set this up all on his own without your acknowledgement. He had Bard make the cake and food, Finny make the wedding in the garden where your senses couldn't reach, and Mey Rin make and clean all the guest rooms. Also I think Grell is still trying to have him 'marry' him. God, is he clueless." "Who Sebastian is or Grell?" Asking him. "Grell! Who else. I think a rock is better the Grell at everything. With the exception of screaming of course." (A/N: I don't really think of Grell as this I love Grell he is awesome. Anyway sorry for interrupting the story.) Sitting down to think for a bit. 'If that is the case then who is all here. His parent's, all Ciel's friends, the shinigamis, and Elizabeth? If all of them are here then how far away are they.' I felt a tap on my shoulder and Ciel was standing next to me holding out his arm "It's time for you to get married. Wouldn't you think?" I nodded my head in agreement and took his arm. He directed me out of the room and down the stairs to the garden. That's when I see it.

All the work the four have done. Feeling tears roll down my cheeks and onto the floor. Not even caring because of the joy that I felt. I saw the cake, it was beautiful. Four layers full of flowers and us at the top. It had my two favorite colours in it, raven black and blood red. Everyone is there as well. Stepping on a red carpet, my eye's follow it all the way to the end then I see him. In a raven black tuxedo. His hair just as it normally is and he is smiling the biggest smile that I have ever seen from him. Looking above him to see an arch made of red and black roses in it. It was all just so breath taking. Sebastian's father took my arm and directed me down to the end of the carpet where Sebastian and the undertaker were. I looked at all the people around. Everyone was smiling except for Grell who was crying has eye's out silently. My thoughts are 'Ha you bastard. He's mine now.' Then I went back to looking at Sebastian. I stopped and took Sebastian's hand and walked in front of him so only I was in his vision, he was the only in mine as well. The undertaker skipped the first part and went straight to the part where we put on the rings. "Do you Katrina Alisha Rose take Sebastian Michaelis to be your lovely wedded husband. To have and to hold, for richer or poorer, through hard ships or not, till death do you part or eternity crumbles?" I stared into his crimson eyes and said "I will." He then turned to Sebastian and said "Do you as well do all the stuff I just said." "I do." "Do we have any objections to this marriage?" the undertaker asked the crowd I looked around and the only one that did was Grell. So the undertaker added "Beside's Grell Sutcliff." No one else raised their hand so he finished off with "You may now kiss." Sebastian came in and took over my mouth. Once we parted we turned and looked into the crowd and started walking up the carpet. The first to stop us was his, well now our, parents. "Congratulations. And thank you for finding this manor Katrina. If it wasn't for you Lance wouldn't be happy. When he was a child he never smiled. He was alway's sad and depressed unless if there was a cat nearby. Thank you and we better get some grandchildren you two." They hugged us and left to the manor. Everybody else talked to us then went to the manor even Grell. He said "Congratulations. I know I am against your marriage to Sebastian but at least I still have my Will-chan." He smiled and cuddled William. He just whacked Grell to the ground and dragged him to the manor by his hair. I laughed and Sebastian smiled. "Let us go so you can have the wedding feast." I gave him a questioning look and we went off to the dinning room.

Once we entered I could see what he meant. The table was full of various foods. A smoked hog with an apple in it's mouth and laying on a platter, lots of fruits and vegetables, and a few types of soups. We all ate once I sat down then Bard brought out deserts. After that everyone sat back in there seats with there bellies hanging out. Sebastian got out of his chair and ran off for a minute. When he returned he had a long rectangular box in his hand. He handed it to his mother and she slightly opened it then shut it quickly. "Bard, Finny, grab the cake. Mey Rin just don't touch anything." They all nodded and did as they were told. "Sebastian where are they taking the cake?" I asked. "You'll see. As for the rest of you, pick yourselves up and come to the main entrance."

We all went there and I still didn't know what was going on. "Sebastian what's going on why is everybody here?" "Okay, I'll tell you all. Were going to hell." They all gasped and but I didn't. Lizzy asked. "Why?" A woman came through the window and said. "Because of the second wedding." Nobody understood. "The blood bonding for all eternity." Still everybody but the shinigamis was still confused. "Man, human's, Lance how do you live with these mortals. A blood bond it for demons to stay connected for all eternity." "Who's Lance?" Ciel questioned. "Lance is my real name." Prince Soma questioned "Who's the demons?" "Me, Katrina, this woman, and my parent's." Sebastian answered. They all shook there head because they finally got it. But Ciel asked "By the way who are you? And why are you here?" "This woman is my sister, Zerina. And where were you at our wedding?" She answered "I was, on the roof watching from above." They all gasped and looked shocked including me. She just waved and said "So come on let's finish off this celebration and get to hell for the rest of the wedding. Lance the portal." His father insisted he did it then said something in latin and opened the main door. All you could see was flames. "I'm not going in that." Stating as I backed away. Sebastian grabbed my arm and said reasuring "It's just like a wallpaper, just for show. See." He put his hand through and pulle it back. His arm was fine so I did that same thing and it tingled. The flames felt warm but not to hot, so I went through to enter another entrance hall. His parent's entrance to their home and a big hell hound stopped us and said  growling."State your buisness." I growned and thought 'God, do I hate dogs. There so annoying and gross.' 

~~Sorry it took so long and I know I said one more chapter but I still have one more and an epilogue. I just couldn't fit it all in one chapter. T_T Sorry. But bonus for you right. :D Anyway. I already have it writen down now just to type it up. So Bye!

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