Chapter 8

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Sebastian's POV:

We were reading for at least an hour. I got kind of bored of reading and I put down the book. "Aren't you going to read anymore?" Katrina asked. "It's kind of dull, the book is I mean." "Well, we can..." She thought for some time then something came to her. "We can play a game of chess or play cards." "That's sounds like fun but I must tell you I am a wiz at chess. Not many has beaten me before." I said while having an evil grin. "Oh goody a challenge, may the best person win." "Your on." I got out the chess board and set it up. We both sat down on opposite sides of the table and stared at each other. "You may go first my love." I told her. She smiled at me and moved. "Thank you, your turn." She said. I did and we kept playing while staring intensely until I got her rook and she said, "Good move but I have a better one." And she took my bishop. Then  we played taking each others pawns until, "Ha, got you!" I checked her. "Well-" She took my queen and checkmated me. "I think I win point." She said smiling at me. "Good game, next time I won't go easy on you." "You were straining yourself. I don't think you were going easy on me." I set up the board. "Fine then we are going to have a rematch." "Fine by me." She told me, "But this time you shall go first." I did and we played for an hour and she put me in check mate again. She's good. After that we made our way down to the kitchen to have a tea. Then I had to go and put the master to bed.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the masters bedroom door. "Come in." I heard and entered. I went to the master's bedside and started to undress him and as I did he asked me, "Did you and Katrina start dating." I looked up at him. "Yes is that an issue." "No, I was simply wondering. Say, when are you going to propose to her." He asked me and I didn't have an answer. So I said, "Maybe tonight." "Good." At that I finished changing him, put him in bed and bowed to leave.

I thought after I had left his room. 'Why would he want to know about when I propose. I mean I did have the ring with me at all times but still I don't think I am ready to ask her. I don't want to also be sad when she dies of old age and I don't. I live on thinking of her for the rest of my life. But I will ask her tonight.' I walked into the kitchen and see her washing her cup from tea and she turned to me as soon as she noticed I was there. "So what do you want to do now." "Would you mind if we went on a stroll around outside for a bit." I asked thinking I shall do it when we are outside where no one would be disturbed by her screaming from joy. "That sounds lovely, let me go change and we may go if you don't mind." "I do not please prepare yourself." At that she left and ran to her room. I was going to ask even if it scares me.

Katrina's POV:

I ran up to my room. I haven't gone for a late night stroll for a while and I am really excited to go. I went to my closet and put on a warmer type of dress. A red one that has a white trim on top. The sleeves aren't attached to the dress but there white and baggy. I put in a big bow on the top also in red that had a white trim on the sides and the hair went straight down. Once I was ready to go I headed down the stairs and there was my demon in black armor, standing by the door. I came down the stairs, he put on my shall and held out his arm. I took it and we left. 

Once we were outside it was cool, dark, and the snow was barely on the ground now. The air smelled like a cold winter's day right before it started to snow and the feeling on  your skin is almost like little power surges that have no effect on you but you are addicted to the feeling. Just how I like it. Sebastian was walking along with me with a smile plastered on his face. Everything was perfect. We walked through the woods and I didn't see any animals except for some birds flying through the trees. We walked along in silence, didn't bother me as long as Sebastian was with me. I leaned on his arm and sighed, "This is nice don't you think." He replied with a smile, "Yes, it is quite nice." The moon was shining so bright. It was really pretty. The black sky with stars shining brightly and the moon right in the middle of them. It seemed to be getting colder but I didn't care. "How long have we been walking?" He looked at his watch. "About half an hour. Why?" "Because it feels like minutes." 

It has been about fifteen minutes sense we last talked. Sebastian suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing but I have a question for you." "What is it?" He got in front of me and got down on one knee. He was looking in his pocket for something and when he pulled it out it was a black velvet box. He opened the box and I held my breath, it was breath taking. It was a small black glass rose in the center a metal stem that wrapped around to fit on a finger. He looked into my eye's and said, "Katrina, I know we haven't known each other long but would you be willing to marry me?" I looked at him almost crying and wrapped my arms around him and whispered "Yes" And he hugged me back. It was magical. He slid the ring on my  finger and kissed me. He then gave me a ring to put on his hand. It was exactly like mine except instead of a black rose his had a red rose on it. We headed back to the manor hand in hand.

I feel over joyed with emotions. We entered the manor and we parted ways. He kissed me goodnight and I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was even better then feeling then anything in the world. I cleaned up, put on my night gown and went to bed. Thinking about Sebastian and when he asked me to marry him, I fell asleep.

~~Hey sorry I didn't get this up sooner, I had a horrible case or writers block. Anyway The picture is one I just found and the music is one that I thought went perfectly with this chapter. So ya, comment and vote please. Bye!

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