Chapter 2 - Just Let Me Sleep

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"Miss (Y/N), you have to get up," I heard my own personal AI calling out the following morning. I groaned, turning over on my side and pulling a pillow over my face. (A/I) then insisted, "Miss (Y/N), Happy will be leaving in half an hour and you still have to eat and get dressed."

I sighed, knowing that (A/I) was not going to shut off until I got up. I dragged myself out of bed and padded into my bathroom to take a shower. After washing up, I wrapped a towel around my body and before treading into my large walk-in closet to find something to wear for my first day of school.

I ended up choosing a beige sweater and a pair of skinny jeans, hoping not to stand out from the crowd. I dried my (h/c) hair and brushed it out, not having the energy to do anything more to it. Slipping into a pair of black ankle boots, I grabbed my silver bracelet that was connected to (A/I) and equipped with various weapon functions. I also applied simple makeup: some concealer to cover the dark bags under my eyes and a touch of mascara.

Once dressed, I went down to the kitchen, finding Steve making me waffles for my first day. I smiled when I noticed that he was using the Captain America waffle maker I had gotten him for Christmas. He must have heard me walk in because he turned around with a soft smile on his lips as he spoke, "good morning, (Y/N), are you ready for your first day back at a public school?"

I trotted over to the coffee maker and started brewing myself a cup, "honestly, I would rather join you guys in your little airport scrimmage than attend public school. I know that dad said it's a science school so people have to be smart and I have discovered out that they've won the academic decathlon for the past two years, in addition to other various awards, but that doesn't mean I want to be surrounded by more idiots than I need to be."

Steve crossed his arms and leaned against the counter as he waited for the waffle batter to cook, "are you calling us idiots?"

"Well, I mean, you did need a teenager to help you come to a compromise to the Sokovian Accords after you guys decided that it would be fun to have a full-fledged fight, break a few airplanes, and make war criminals of your friends. To me, that doesn't seem like something a bunch of geniuses would do."

"You're going to keep bringing that up, aren't you," he replied, acting annoyed as he dished the cooked waffle onto a plate and handing it to me.

"Of course, if my name doesn't get to be anywhere in the Accords then I sure as hell should be able to rub in the fact that I found a compromise for you guys whenever I can," I smirked, carrying my waffles and cup of coffee to the table. "And thanks for breakfast, Steve."

"No need to thank me, (Y/N), I'm just making sure that you get a good breakfast in before having to head out to your first day of school."

"How's my beautiful daughter this morning?" I heard my father ask as walked into the kitchen with a smile on his face. Based on the bags under his eyes, I could tell that his enthusiasm was forced and that he was fighting to stay awake at the moment.

"I would be a lot better if you weren't forcing me to attend public school," I replied as he kissed the top of my head. "Also I just brewed some coffee if you want some. Or better yet, you can go get some rest as you clearly didn't get any last night."

"You know how it is, (Y/N), sometimes I get ideas late at night and can't bring myself to leave my work for something as unessential as sleep," he smiled as he poured himself a cup. His face then got serious as he turned to me, "but if I hear that you're sacrificing your sleep for anything-"

"I get it dad," I interrupted him, rolling my eyes. "I need sleep, you don't. Now since you're sending me away for school now, I suppose I should go meet Happy. Thank you for the breakfast again, Steve."

I placed my empty plate in the sink and kissed Steve's cheek, before kissing my dad goodbye. As I walked away to the door, Tony grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring smile, "try to enjoy school, (Y/N). I know none of those kids will be anywhere near your intelligence, but don't focus on the negatives. I love you."

"I love you too," I replied as he let go of me and I swung my backpack on. "And I'll try to find something to enjoy there, however unlikely it may be."


"I know dad, I'll go in more optimistically, I promise," I flashed my dad a smile before entering the elevator that brought me down to the ground floor, where Happy was waiting to drive me to school. He got into the driver's seat as he saw me coming and I slid into shotgun, "so Hap, what do you think about me going to school?"

"I think that Tony is smart in making sure that you have plenty of options available to you, even if you choose not to take up the Stark name," he replied as he began the driving out to Queens, where my new school was located.

"Come on, Hap, you know as well as everyone back at the compound that there is no way I'm not taking my father's name. He may not be my biological father, but he has raised me since I was a child and I would be proud to continue the Stark legacy."

"But you do remember your story for school, right?" Happy asked me, seeming a bit nervous that I had already forgotten the backstory that Tony had given me so that people didn't find out I was a Stark.

"Of course, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and my father, a scientist, has been offered a job here in the city so we moved from our former home in Boston, Massachusetts. My mother died from complications during birth so it is just my dad and I now."

"Alright, kid, school is going to be a piece of cake for you."


(A/N): I wanted you all to have a chance to name your own AI, so in case you didn't realize it from the context of the story (A/I) is going to fill in for whatever you choose to call him/her! Anyways, now that that's covered, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one (where you may or may not meet a certain friendly neighborhood Spider-Man)!

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