Chapter 17 - Unmasking Spider-Man

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After revealing that I was behind the hacking, the security on me loosened up and I didn't feel as stressed when I left for patrol. However, I did know that there was a risk that I would get caught or get hurt on the job and my family would find out about it. But I trusted Peter to watch my back the way I had his and for the next two weeks we fought crime without any issue whatsoever.

"So, Spider-Boy, what made you start being a vigilante?" I asked as we walked across the rooftops, looking for any interesting activity.

"Well, I got my powers a few years ago and at first I just used them for fun, but then I realized that I could be helping people with them. I began thinking that maybe I got these powers for a reason, maybe I was meant to help others. And then I teamed up with the Avengers during a battle and my drive to aide people in need only increased."

"You fought with the Avengers? Are you one of them?"

"Not officially, I was offered a spot, but I wanted to continue helping the average person instead of fighting against alien invasions and protecting the president."

"That's noble, Spider-Boy, they would honestly be lucky to have you on their team. You-" I broke off, as I noticed activity down in the alley below us. "Spider-Boy, do you see this?"

"Does that guy have knives protruding from his skin?" He whispered, the eyes of his mask widened in shock. There seemed to be a man, whose arms were covered in little blades that would protrude more as he flexed, cornering a man in a suit. The victim didn't seem to be the most honorable man we've helped out, but there was no way in hell we were going to let the killing machine before us walk free.

"Seems like it, why don't we go get a closer look?" I asked, jumping off the roof and landing slightly behind the knife-man. Peter swung down on a web so that he wouldn't be heard landing beside me.

"Oh thank god," the man in the suit breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he saw us, completely ruining our surprise.

"Really, man?" Peter asked, as the knife-man spun around to face us.

"Look who it is, the two little vigilantes who have been foiling my boss's plans. Wait 'till he hears that I've taken car of the two of you," the knife-man smiled devilishly, preparing to advance on us.

"Sorry to kill your mojo, but that ain't happening on my watch," I replied, sending a ball of energy flying at his head.

He staggered back, stunned by the force of the blast, but seemed to recover. Peter shot a web at him, but his knifes easy sliced through the webbing. I soon learned the hard way that balls of fire would ricochet off of the metal knives, my suit getting singed slightly. Many of Peter's web combinations were useless against the blades, making the outlook appear slim. He tried a combination, causing the knife-man to pull down on the web sending Peter flying into the wall.

"Peter!" I cried out, running to make sure that he was not seriously hurt. The knife-man took my moment of weakness to strike, but his blades were unable to penetrate my suit. In my rage, I through a wall of power at him, wasting my energy. The power surged through his body, ripping him apart from the inside. Walls around us crumbled around us, but then it was over. I helped Peter up from the ground, letting him lean against me as we left the scene.

"Bravo, I must say I'm impressed by your powers, they're far more magnificent than you let on. As for him on the other hand, he's expendable," a voice from behind me spoke, reminding me of the victim we had just saved. I glanced around at him a minute too late, he had a pistol out and shot Peter. I managed to move him so that the shot was not fatal, however the bullet still buried within his skin.

"Wrong move," I muttered, throwing the vibranium dagger Shuri had given me straight into his heart. Placing Peter down gently, I stalked up to the body, pulling the dagger from his chest and making sure he was dead. I then repositioned Peter on my shoulder, "come on, Spider-Boy, let's get you somewhere safe."

Once safely away from the scene, I lay Peter down on the roof top, quickly figuring out how to open his suit. I went to pull off his mask, but Peter lifted his hand, weakly clasping my wrist.

"I-I can't let you do that," he whispered weakly. "My identity is-"

"Screw your anonymity, I already know who you are. I have to save your life, Peter," I muttered, ripping off his mask anyway and pulling down his suit to reveal his chest and abdomen, where the bullet had hit him. I began to do my best to stop the wound from bleeding, but I needed actual supplies not the scraps I was using to patch him up. I didn't have much strength left after my burst I had used against the knife-man, but I needed to get him somewhere that I could treat him.

"Ok, Peter, I was wondering if you have any clothes nearby? I need to bring you to a hospital but I don't want to blow your cover."

He shook his head, "they're back at my apartment."

"Alright then I'll have to improvise. I'll be right back, I promise," I assured him, hopping down from the roof and breaking into one of the apartments. Thankfully I make lived there and I stole some clothing that I believed would fit Peter. When I got back, Peter wasn't in any worse condition, which was a relief.

"If you know my identity, shouldn't I get to know yours?" He whispered as I dressed him in the clothes I stole.

"Nope, no one knows who I am and I would like that to remain so, my anonymity is essential," I replied, finishing fastening his pants.

"And mine's not?"

"People know who you are: your aunt, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan, Adrien Toomes, probably Ned, and who knows who else. Not one person knows who I am, I will be killed if a single person finds out. Now shut up and let me save your life."

I held on to him tightly, teleporting us to the nearest hospital. I felt him reach up to my hood, but I slapped his hand out of the way, "I said no, Peter, besides we're in public now."

"Can someone help me with this man?" I called out, causing everyone to notice our arrival. "He stumbled into a fight and got injured. He needs immediate attention."


(A/N): Poor Peter got hurt! I suppose that's the risk you take when you go out fighting criminals every night! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter more than I enjoy Wattpad's update!

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