Chapter 34 - Ned's Dreams Come True

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We spent hours drinking peppermint hot chocolate and building the Falcon, with sporadic conversation filling the air. It was so strange to have them at the compound, but it also felt right. Part of me wished I could invite all of their families over for Christmas the next day, but I knew I needed to keep my secret far better than I had achieved up until this point.

There was a knock on my bedroom door as Tony walked in, noticing us all on the floor huddled around a three quarters built Millennium Falcon, "why am I not really surprised? Anyway, (Y/N) can I speak to you for a second?"

"Yeah of course," I replied, unsure what he needed. Ned's face morphed back into the look of sheer disbelief as he stared at my father and I could have sworn I could see tears in his eyes. Once we got outside, I turned to my dad, "what was it that you needed?"

"I ordered a gift for Pepper, but I don't want her finding out about it. So I was wondering if you could go pick it up for me and hide it so she doesn't see it ahead of time," Tony explained, making me smile a little.

"As long as it's not a giant ass bunny, then I'll be happy to do it," I joked, the image of the stuffed rabbit at our house in Malibu resurfacing in my mind.

"She said she loved it, how was I supposed to know that she was lying?"

"Maybe because it's was a giant stuffed bunny," I replied, trying to contain my laughter. "You know for a genius, you really suck at choosing gifts."

"I do pretty well with you, don't I?" He inquired, seeming concerned that he was wrong in that assumption.

I shrugged, "it's the thought that counts, dad. I appreciate whatever it is that you get me. Anyway, I should head back in, I can't let them finish the Falcon without me."

When I returned they hadn't made much progress, Ned still staring at the door in shock. As I walked in he breathed, "your dad is Tony Stark."

I laughed a little, amused by his starstruck reaction, "yes, yes he is."

"He just walked into your room and saw us building a Lego Millennium Falcon," he added, still staring at my door.

"Do you want my to ask the other Avengers up so I can introduce you? The only people who won't be here are Ant-Man and Clint as they're celebrating Christmas with their- they're celebrating elsewhere," I corrected myself, remembering that Clint's secret family was not something that people were supposed to know about.

"You can do that? I-I would be honored to meet them," Ned stuttered, his excitement making me really happy.

"Hey, (A/I), can you ask the team up to my room?" I called out as I returned my focus to building the Falcon.

"Of course, (Y/N)," s/he replied, making Ned look up in confusion.

"Wait, that's a different voice than the rest of the compound," he commented, clearly having heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. when he arrived with Peter.

"Yeah, s/he's my personal AI," I replied, clicking a piece into place.

"You have your own personal AI?" Ned questioned in shock.

"I tried to warn you that Ned would be ecstatic to be here," Peter leaned over and whispered in my ear, placing his hand on my knee.

I placed my hand over his, "But I think he deserves this opportunity, he has been a faithful friend to both you and me."

The door of my room opened as Wanda, Vision, and Nat came in, Wanda immediately coming up behind me and whispering in my ear, "you know, if you keep touching each other like that then your father is going to find out about the two of you."

I blushed as I not so covertly removed my hand from Peter's, "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

"You can keep Tony oblivious of your relationship, but we all know that the two of you have been dating for quite a while," Wanda replied with a wink.

"Please don't tell him, we're planning on confessing on New Year's, but we don't want to ruin Christmas," I pleaded, Peter realizing what we were talking about and giving a sheepish look at Wanda.

"Oh, trust me your secret is safe with us. Scott almost let it out the other day, but we covered for you. Just make sure to keep your hands off of each other while in the compound."

The rest of the Avengers arrived and I began introducing each of them to Ned, who looked as though he were in a dream. Bucky, Steve, Nat, and Sam decided to stick around to help us finish building the Falcon, but Wanda and Vision left to go make dinner. We managed to finish the construction right before F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced dinner, making us quite proud of the accomplishment.

Ned and MJ left after we ate, Ned very carefully carrying the Falcon in a box I had given him. However, Peter was staying the night as he and his aunt were joining in the Avengers celebration. I brought all of my presents down to put under the tree and ran the errand for my dad, driving her new car into the parking garage and adorning it with a bow.

It was getting late by the time I finished up and I felt bad for not doing my normal rounds with Peter around New York, but we had elected to take Christmas Eve off. So instead of suiting up and heading out, I chose to work a little in my lab on suit upgrades and then headed to bed.

I struggled to fall asleep and when I finally did, I found myself plagued with nightmares. This was something that happened on and off for me, a side effect of watching my family risk their lives more often than was healthy. I sometimes found myself dreaming of them losing a battle and leaving me alone with only sorrow, part of the reason I was so adamant about making my own suit and helping them fight.

I felt myself get shaken awake, pulling me away from the murders of the Avengers. After my eyes adjusted to the dark, I recognized the worried shape of Peter standing above me.

"P-Peter, what are you doing here?" I questioned, trying to calm my nightmare-quickened heart.

"(A/I) informed me that you were having a nightmare and I couldn't bear the thought of you suffering in here alone," he replied, making my lips upturn into a smile. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Would you stay with me?" I asked, watching his eyes widen slightly.

"Like in your bed? (Y/N), your father would kill me if he found out."

"Then well just have to make sure that he doesn't find out, don't we? Besides, it's not like we're going to be doing anything, sometimes someone else's presence wards off the nightmares."

He let himself smile as he brushed some hair out of my face, "how can I say no to you?"

Peter climbed into bed next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled up close to him, letting my head rest on his chest so that I could hear his heartbeat. I immediately found myself feeling at peace, closing my eyes as I breathed in his scent.

"I love you, Peter," I spoke absentmindedly, as I felt myself drifting off. It was the first time I had said it verbally to him since the night MJ had forced Peter and I to make amends and he tensed up slightly at my declaration.

"I love you too, (Y/N)," I heard him reply as he drew little circles on my shoulder with his thumb and planted a kiss on my forehead.


(A/N): So I just got home (at 11pm) from a rehearsal and have rehearsals for 3 hours for the rest of the week, then 11 hours Saturday, 7 hours Sunday, then four hours all next week not to mention school and I'm already exhausted and need a break so rip me and I apologize if I miss a day or two updating this! Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this chapter!

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