Chapter 30 - We Have a Stark in Our Midst

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The next morning I teleported back to my room to grab my stuff for school, having (A/I) make sure that the coast was clear once I arrived in the bathroom. Thankfully the Avengers weren't keeping watch in my room, allowing for me to grab a change of clothes and my backpack. I also decided to plan ahead and grab some clothes for the next day, just in case I ended up staying the night with a friend again.

I teleported a few blocks away from the school so that I would arrive as I normally did. Peter was waiting for me outside the school, giving me a peck on the cheek and handing me my bracelet, "so far so good, Mr. Stark didn't show up at my place to interrogate me."

"Oh thank god, I was afraid that I would be getting you in trouble," I replied, slipping my hand in his. "Thank you so much for doing this for me."

"Of course, but this means that you owe me one," he smirked as we fought our way through the crowds, weaving in and out of people.

"And how do you propose that I pay you back?"

"Next time you need a place to stay, don't run off to MJ or Ned, please come to me," he requested, surprising me slightly. He then blushed slightly, "I don't mean that like I want you to come over and sleep with me, I-I just wanted to feel like you need me for something."

"Peter, how could you think that I don't need you? You have become such an integral part of my life, despite us only having met in September. Not to mention all of the times that we've gone out together and you've had my back."

"Well, it's not like I saved your life as you have saved mine," he argued, but I shook my head.

"Peter, you don't know that you've never saved my life. One slightly different move on your part might have resulted in my death at any moment. But we shouldn't talk about this while we are at school, there are too many people who could listen in. I might take you up on your offer tonight though, I don't really have any inclination to go back home and be babysat."


It was a completely normal day; the same old boring classes that I already knew all the material in, the same old avoiding any student that wasn't Peter, Ned, or MJ. There was nothing that warned me about lunch. And even that began normally.

Until Flash decided to fuck that up, which honestly I should have expected from him.

"Hey, (Y/N), I heard a little rumor that I found very interesting," he announced loudly, so that the people around us heard and immediately stopped their conversations. It was a domino effect, the cafeteria hushing until the only sounds were the few people deciding to eat while watching our interaction.

"Go away Flash. I don't know what you've heard, but with your intelligence level, I highly suspect that it is not true," I replied defiantly, although I was a little concerned he found out something serious.

"Oh no, I think it is pretty accurate, my source is one that I highly trust," he taunted, a smirk dancing across his lips. "A little birdie told me that you're a little liar."

"Really? That's what you've got? That I've lied before? Wow, a real shocker there, it's almost like I'm human or something," I sassed him, rolling my eyes.

"But these aren't just little lies, are they Miss Stark?" He asked, causing everyone to react in various levels of shock and confusion.

I chose to portray the latter as I replied, "what? I'm afraid that you're somehow making less than no sense, as usual."

"I think I am making perfect sense, did you really think you could hide your identity forever? All those lies you made up about your life in Boston, it was all to cover up the fact that you are Tony Stark's daughter."

"Don't be ridiculous, Flash. Tony Stark doesn't have a daughter. And if he did, I can assure you she wouldn't turn out like me," I responded, refusing to give him the pleasure of admitting he was right. I didn't know how he found about my true heritage, but I sure as hell wasn't going to let anyone else start believing him.

"Tony Stark doesn't have a daughter that we know of. I know you are his daughter, that is why you are so good at computers and I'd imagine that's why you are essentially a ninja, you've probably had self defense training by the Avengers."

I let out a small laugh, "are you hearing yourself, Flash? This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard, honestly I can't believe the story you've made up to protect your ego. Did it ever occur to you that I might just be good at something because I was interested in it and worked hard to learn it well? Although you were right about one thing, I actually did have self defense lessons for a while, except unfortunately it wasn't with the Avengers. Or maybe that's actually a good thing because they'd probably accidentally kill me if I tried to hold my own again them."

"(Y/N) you can deny it all you want, but you can't hide the truth any longer. I bet you've never actually been to Boston."

"Well then you would be wrong, but that's nothing new for you. Do you have any proof of your allegations, Flash? Because right now all I am hearing is you wanting to stir up some pot, but you don't even have anything good to stir it with. The idea of me being the secret daughter of Tony Stark, who he's hidden away for almost 18 years is simply ridiculous. If I'm the daughter of Tony Stark, then Peter must be- Peter must be Spider-Man or something. Really, you couldn't have thought about a rumor that would be just a little more realistic?"

"This isn't just a rumor and you know it, (Y/N)," Flash growled, clearly upset that I was refusing to admit that he was right. The rest of the students seemed to be losing interest in the conversation, assuring me that few, if any, of them actually believed Flash might be right.

"If you seriously think that this is true, then you really should get tested for insanity, Flash. Now may I please finish my lunch in peace or you going to continue insisting that I am the daughter of a billionaire?"

"This isn't over," he spat, causing me to roll my eyes at the unoriginal phrase. However, I was greatly relieved that my identity was safe, at least for now. But I was still bothered by one thing: how the fuck did he find out about my father in the first place?


(A/N): Wow there's actually readers now, these notes aren't to no one like before I'm shook! Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and how do you think Flash found out about her father?

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