Chapter 40 - Visit from a God (Part 2)

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Three Months Later:
Peter and I finished up our patrol for the night, not seeing too much action, but being able to prevent a few crimes from occurring. We walked along the rooftops for a while longer taking in the beautiful city below us, as had become customary for us at the end of the night.

"I suppose I should head back to the compound," I sighed, not really wanting to leave Peter's presence.

He clearly had the same thought, because he grabbed my arm, "you can stay a little longer, can't you?"

I rolled my eyes, "you know how my father is, Spider-Boy, I can't be a minute past curfew. Besides, we have to go to school tomorrow, we both need to get some sleep."

"Please, just this one night," Peter practically begged as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. He brought his other hand up to remove his mask, but I stopped him.

"You know we can't do this here. No one can discover either of our identities, please I promise I'll come over this weekend," I bargained, glancing around at the streets below in case there was someone there watching us.

He sighed as he relaxed his grip on my and took a step back, "you're right, I apologize. Have a nice night."

"You too, Spider-Boy, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you," I smiled at him, despite my mouth being covered by a mask. I then teleported back into my room, asking (A/I) to let Tony know that I had returned.

"Teleporting, interesting," a voice from the far side of my room spoke, one that did not sound familiar. "I must say that I am mildly impressed. My brother was correct, maybe you are the woman for the job."

Before I had a chance to say anything, the man came into view, his image stirring up a distant memory. He was quite tall with shoulder length black hair, gaunt pale skin, defined cheekbones, and the most dazzling green eyes in which mischief was permanently shining through.

"Why am I not surprised that you're actually alive," I commented, immediately recognizing him as Loki, the god of mischief. Thor had claimed that he had died protecting the nine realms from a species called the dark elves. Thor seemed to believe it and was distraught over the death of his brother, so there was no reason for anyone to assume that Loki was still alive. However, he had a habit of always coming back no matter what. "What is it you want, Loki? You have some nerve coming here to the place that all of the Avengers are housed after what you did."

"That's actually what I am here to talk about. When I invaded New York I was not acting of my own accord. I had been brainwashed by the titan Thanos, who was using the mind stone in my scepter to keep me under his will. I don't know if I ever even wanted to rule a species as pitiful as the humans, no offense," Loki began to explain as he sat down on my bed.

"So you're here to apologize?" I questioned, my arms crossed.

"No, not apologize. I'm here to stop Thanos."

I felt a surge of fear wash over my body as I inquired, "what do you mean 'stop Thanos?' Stop him from what?"

"When I was working for him, he was obsessed with obtaining all six infinity stones, which I am sure my brother has informed you about. He has a vision of wiping out half of all life in the universe, something that can easily be accomplished with the power of the stones. He will come to earth soon to collect those stored here and he will succeed in his plan. The only way to stop him is if you team up with me and we can use our combined magical potential to defeat him."

I crossed my arms and looked at him skeptically, "and how do you know this? Who's to say that the Avengers will not be able to stop him?"

"I have seen the future," he replied simply. "Besides, I highly doubt that a group of enhanced humans and scientists will be able to stop the most powerful titan in the universe."

"What do you mean you've seen the future? I hope you don't take offense to this, but I'm having a little trouble believing the god of lies."

A glint appeared in his eyes as he answered, "Odin's treasure room is full of artifacts with powers that you might find unbelievable."

"Odin's treasure room? How have you been able to sneak around the palace of Asgard when you're supposed to be dead?"

"Oh, have I not told you yet? I am Odin," Loki replied, standing up and allowing his body to be shrouded by a green mist. When it cleared the figure of the Asgardian king stood before me, golden eyepatch and all. "I do admit that this is one of the best disguises I have come up with. Now I can be both king and hidden from Thanos. However, Thor will discover my true identity soon and Thanos will come invade Midguard, he has already pathetically tried to wipe out the Avengers once recently. I heard whispers of an alien hiring the criminal Taskmaster to kill the Avengers and immediately knew who was behind it."

"If Thanos is so powerful, shouldn't we alert the other Avengers to his plan and formulate a defensive strategy? Why must we keep it between ourselves?"

Loki transformed back into himself and responded, "because I have a plan and having more people know about it may jeopardize it. We cannot afford Thanos discovering it."

"And how do I know that you're not still working with Thanos?"

I noticed a look of pain enter his eyes, but he quickly hid it, "you don't. If you want me to describe the torture I endured at his hand and how I must now always look over my shoulder in case he has come to kill me, I shall. You do not have much of a choice but to trust me, otherwise half of the universe will perish. And this includes that boyfriend of yours as well as about half of the Avengers that you call family. And besides, this is a chance to hone your skills with a master of magic, I certainly would not let such an opportunity vanish."

"Fine, tell me your plan and if I like it, I'll give you a second chance. And if not, then I'm telling my dad about you and we'll expose you as impersonating your father," I reasoned, not quite trusting him, but at the same time I knew that Thor had forgiven him for his acts so perhaps he wasn't all bad.


(A/N): ok so fun fact I'm like obsessed with Loki, so I just had to throw him in! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

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