Chapter 7 - A Visit to Wakanda

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As neither Ned nor Peter shared my genetics class with me, I left the school at the end of the day without any company. I was thankful for that as the last thing I needed was to come up with some excuse for them to let me walk alone for a few blocks to catch a ride. Happy was waiting for me in the same spot that he had dropped me off, clearly visible in one of my father's expensive cars. Checking to make sure that no one had followed me from school, I practically ran to the car and slipped into the passenger seat.

"How was your first day, kid?" Happy asked me as he began to drive back to the compound.

I groaned as I leaned back in my seat, "what are the chances that Tony will change his mind and let me be homeschooled again?"

"Extremely thin," he replied with a chuckle. "It couldn't all have been that bad, (Y/N). Did you at least make any friends?"

"Well there's three people, but then there's this other guy who I almost decapitated in the cafeteria. At least I beat him in dodgeball and then humiliated him in the middle of the cafeteria," I shrugged, gazing out of the window at all of the buildings passing by.

Happy started laughing at my comment, finally calming down to say, "you really are Tony's daughter, aren't you? You should probably be keeping a lower profile to lessen the risk someone will discover your identity, but I can't say I'm surprised that you already caused a scene."

"Oh trust me, I'd never be able to keep a low profile in that school. Do you know how many times I was singled out today because my teacher's didn't think I knew enough to be enrolled in their class?"

"And I'm sure that you proved each and every one of them wrong."

"Of course, Hap, I gotta carry on the Stark legacy, don't I?" I replied, a smirk reaching my lips.

As soon as Happy dropped me off at the compound, I took the elevator straight to the floor of my room. There were a few people in the hallways, but I easily snuck passed them and made it to the safety of my room without having to talk to a single one of them. It wasn't that I wanted to avoid everyone, I just didn't want to get caught up in conversation when I had much better things to be doing.

I tossed my backpack onto my king sized bed and slipped into my seat at my desk, pulling up the plans for the suit I was making. After pestering my dad for years, I realized that he would never make me a suit, he thought that being a superhero was too dangerous for me. So I did the same thing anyone else in my position would have done, I starting making one myself. I just had to finish up the final details and have (A/I) run simulations with my graphical design, before acquiring the last of the materials I needed and then having (A/I) build it for me.

I had created a model of a suit that was based off of stereotypical ninja attire. It was a full body suit with sleeves reaching down to my wrists and pants that reached my ankles. There were fingerless gloves that went up to my elbows and boots that reached my knees. And, for extra measure, I designed a snug breast plate in order to minimize injuries. Knowing that I could not allow anyone to know who I was, or else Tony would kill me, I also added a hooded shawl that covered my breast plate, making me appear more vulnerable than I actually was as well as obscuring my face. And in case the hood got displaced, I designed a covering for my mouth, similar to that of a ninja's, so that only my eyes could be seen.

While I was proud of my design, I wanted to make sure that my suit was the best that I could produce, making me turn to the country of Wakanda. After meeting King T'Challa during the Sokovian Accords dispute, I had actually remained in contact with his sister, Shuri. She was essentially a genius and I always felt like I was learning from her. We often bounced ideas off of one another, improving each other's designs and trading stylistic advantages. She had already agreed that I could use some of Wakanda's most essential product, vibranium.

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