Chapter 11 - Shadow

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There wasn't much for me to do, but over the past few days I had stopped a few robberies, talked someone out of committing suicide, and even prevented a murder. I did wish I could do more, but I knew that I was making a difference in the lives of the people that I helped and that was enough for me. Besides, while I was out, I was free. None of my Avengers family knew that I was doing this so there were no restrictions and no consequences.

As I got dressed Saturday morning, I realized that in my excitement to try out my suit I had neglected to ask my dad if I could go over Ned's house for the Star Wars marathon. Immediately heading down to my dad's lab, I figured I'd ask him now so that I wouldn't have to sneak out. However, to my surprise, the lab was empty when I arrived.

I frowned and called out, "Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y., do you know where my dad is?"

"Yes, he is in the meeting room with the rest of the Avengers," she replied, making me frown slightly.

"And they didn't invite me," I asked more as a statement as I left the lab and walked into the meeting room, not bothering to knock.

The first thing I noticed as I entered the room was the large picture of me projected at the head of the table. However, they didn't know it was me as I was in my full suit, my face shielded by my hood. I had seen the same photo around social media the past couple days as everyone was going crazy trying to figure out who it was.

"Hey, what's up guys?" I asked, sinking into the chair I normally stole when I interrupted the top secret Avengers meetings, which was more often than people probably thought. "Wait is that the new girl who's fighting crime in Manhattan? What do they call her? Silhouette?"

"Shadow," my father replied, with slight annoyance in his voice. "Can you please explain to me why you just barged in here, knowing full well that we're having a meeting?"

"Well, you just explained the reason, I heard that you guys were having a meeting," I quickly answered before changing the subject back to my picture. "Shadow's kinda a boring name, don't you think? Could be a bit more jazzy, I think. Anyway, who is she, dad? Surely you've figured it out by now?"

"Actually he hasn't, which is why he called this meeting," Natasha informed me, causing me to suppress a smile. "Even with all of his technology, she's still slipping through Stark's fingers. All we know is that she has a defining British accent."

"Aww, I'm sorry dad, that must be hard on you, you usually have all of the answers," I sympathized, getting up from my chair and walking over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Have you tried looking at immigration records? If she still has a strong accent, she probably either grew up in England or in a community of Britains here. The latter is probably unlikely, so I would focus on people who have immigrated here."

"Oh, I, uh-" Tony started, but he seemed to at a loss for words.

"I think what he is trying to say is he hadn't thought about that," Rhodes finished for him, receiving a glare from my father in response.

"Really dad? You didn't think about that?" I teased, hooking my arm in his. "How about her accent, do you know what kind of British accent she has?"

"Received pronunciation from what people have reported," Wanda informed me, making me proud that I had imitated the accent well enough to be recognized.

"Ooh so she's posh, I'm getting more attracted to her by the minute," I winked at Nat, who just gave me a playful eye roll.

"Did you have any other reason for interrupting our meeting besides coming out as gay, which I'm pretty sure we all knew anyway?" My father asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice, but it was probably more because I had suggested an idea that he hadn't thought of.

"I'm actually pan, but close enough. But I did have an alternative motive for interrupting your meeting. I was wondering if I could go over my friend, Ned Leed's, apartment today to marathon Star Wars."

"Ooh, is this a boyfriend?" Sam teased, causing me to roll my eyes.

"No, Sam, I can assure you he's just a friend. Besides my other friends Peter Parker and Michelle Jones are going to be there as well." Tony tensed up at Peter's name, making me glance at him in curiosity, "do you know Peter, dad?"

"What? No, why would you say that?" He feigned ignorance, but I knew that he was withholding something so I continued to glare at him. "(Y/N), honestly I don't know him. I'm just surprised at the number of male friends you have."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah right."

"What time do you need to be there?" Tony asked, trying to change the subject slightly.

"If I could leave in like an hour, that would be great," I replied, knowing that I could just dig into the Peter business when I got back or tomorrow.

"Alright, I'll let Happy know. Are you staying for the rest of the meeting or leaving now?"

"As much as I would love to hear more about my new celebrity crush, I have to finish getting ready for Ned's. Let me know as soon as you find her, will you? I would love to meet her. That is, if you find her."

"Oh I will find her, don't worry. No one has been able to evade me for long, I'm sure I'll discover her identity within the week."

"I'll believe it when I see it," I replied, kissing his cheek then waltzing out of the room, proud of the red herring I had given them. Yes, I knew that I would probably not be able to hide my identity forever, but I hoped to do so until I was eighteen and could officially become a member of the Avengers.

Once back in my room, I finished putting on my makeup as I inquired, "(A/I), can you search your data base for any files concerning Peter Parker?"

"Of course, (Y/N), am I to assume that you want me to keep this from your father as well?"

"Yes please, he's hiding something and I want to know what it is."

"I found a file on him, but it's very heavily protected. It's one of your father's files."

I frowned, "why would my father have a protected file on a random kid at my school?"

"Would you like me to try hacking it?"

"Not right now, (A/I). If it's one of my dad's files, it will take a while to open and may alert him once I've successfully done it. I'll wait until tomorrow when I have a bit more time, just make sure to keep this discovery between us."


(A/N): ooh are you gonna find out who Peter really is? I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!

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