Chapter 47 - I'm Going to Kill Parker

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I awoke in Peter's arms while he was still sleeping beside me. Not wanting to wake him, I took the peaceful moment to admire his body, something I felt I always failed to fully do while in the act. My lips grazed nearly every inch of his skin, yet somehow I always found myself reacting as though I was seeing him for the first time.

There was a knock on the door, causing me to panic and leap out of bed, waking Peter in the process. We shared a panicked look as I began gathering my strewn clothes and Peter requested one minute so that he could fully wake up. He dragged himself out of bed and threw on some clothes as well, signaling for me to hide in the bathroom connected to his room.

Once in there, I was forced to stifle a gasp as I noticed all of the red marks on my skin. Usually this wouldn't be a problem as it was nothing that a little makeup couldn't fix, but I hadn't exactly thought to bring a makeup kit to a fight against a psychopathic alien who wanted to obliterate half the universe. I began to panic, but I desperately tried to calm myself down, assuring myself that I would figure something out.

"Hey, Pete, we're getting to leave soon so that T'Challa and his people don't feel obliged to host us anymore. We're planning on eating breakfast and then leaving immediately following that. Also, you don't know where (Y/N) is, do you? She's not in the room they gave her and I can't imagine where else she would be," I heard my father ask Peter, making me stop what I was doing to hear Peter's response.

"(Y-Y/N)? N-no, I, uh, I haven't seen her since l-last night," Peter lied, although he was quite terrible at it. "Have you tried Shuri's lab, sh-she really seems to like it there."

"Yeah, I'll go check there next," Tony replied, although I could hear the suspicion in his voice. "Make sure you're ready to leave soon, kid."

As soon as I heard the door close, I left the bathroom and Peter and I shared an 'oh shit' face. I took a deep breath and assured him, "don't worry Peter, I'm sure everything will be fine. I'm going to go to Shuri's now to have her help with an alibi, there's a chance we may yet survive this."

"To think yesterday I was worried about some crazy alien killing one of us and now that end may be achieved by your father," Peter worried, but I gave him a small kiss to reassure him.

"Yeah, but I'd say last night was worth it," I smiled, taking in one last look at him before teleporting to Shuri's room.

"(Y/N), you scared me!" I heard a voice cry out immediately upon my arrival.

"Shuri, I need your help," I dove right in, forwarding past any sort of small talk.

"Of course, what do you need," she replied, jumping up to help me.

"Well, Peter and I we sort of- last night we- I mean, we both almost died yesterday, so-" I began to try to explain as delicately as possible.

She rolled her eyes, "yeah, I figured that was gonna happen. That's why I supplied the room with protection, do you think we just put those in every guest room we have? God, (Y/N), for a genius you are incredibly stupid. Now, what do you need my help with?"

"Well, I don't have my makeup on me and teleporting back to New York for it and then coming back would be way too exhausting to avoid suspicion and on top of that I didn't get much sleep last night, so that's really out of the question. The problem is Peter left some marks on my skin and I need to conceal them," I confessed, hoping that there was something she can do.

"I don't know how much help I can actually be, but you can try to conceal them with one of these," Shuri suggested, handing me a gold cuff necklace, similar to the ones that the Dora Milaje wore.

"Thank you, Shuri, you are a lifesaver," I smiled as I put it around my neck, thankful that it concealed my of the red patches. However you could still see a bit of the red area above the top coil, but I shrouded it with my hair.

"You know Tony's going to find out eventually, if he doesn't already suspect that you've taken your relationship to the next level."

"Well I'm going to postpone his discovery for as long as humanly possible because despite all of the jokes I make about wanting to die, I do actually value my life as well as Peter's."

Shuri provided me with a change of clothes and then walked me down to where the Avengers were eating breakfast before departing. Peter was already sitting down, still looking nervous that Tony was going to catch us. And as for Tony, he was no where in sight.

"(Y/N), you've got your father looking all over for you, where've you been?" Steve wondered as I sat down at the table in the spot next to Peter.

I glanced at Shuri and lied, "I was with Shuri, I wasn't aware my father was going to panic that I didn't come down at the crack of dawn for breakfast."

"I thought you knew your father," Natasha remarked with a smirk. "If he doesn't know your location for longer than a minute he sends in a search party for you."

"(Y/N), where have you been, I've been looking all over for you," Tony cried out as he walked into the dining area.

I rolled my eyes, "well did you try Shuri's room? I was hanging out with her this morning as I suspected you're planning on heading back home today. She's my friend, but we never get to see each other in person so I wanted to spend some time with her. You really need to stop over reacting."

Tony seemed to accept my alibi, much to my relief, and joined us for breakfast. As we ate, I realized that my father had the right to know what I had discovered as well and, after the way that Peter had reacted, I had faith that his opinion of me would remain stagnant.

"Hey dad, can I actually show you something before we leave?" I asked him as breakfast was concluded, trying to hide the nerves that were only now rising up inside me.

"Yeah, of course, sweetie, what is it?" He asked, a hint of concern in his eyes, but he masked it fairly well.

"I-It's, uh, down in Shuri's lab," I replied, leading him down to see the test results.

"You know, I would have loved the opportunity to spend a week in here playing with all of the toys Shuri has," Tony confessed as we walked through the lab. "We are no where close to half of this technology, it's absolutely amazing."

"But what I'm about to show isn't amazing," I confessed, finding the results of the DNA test. "I just want to prepare you before you see this that it may come as a shock to you, but I didn't want to have to keep it from you. Peter knows only because he walked in on me researching last night, but you can choose whether or not you want to inform the rest of the team."

"Inform them of what? (Y/N), what is going on here? It's nothing bad, is it?" Tony questioned, now looking quite nervous.

Taking a deep breath I called the test results up so that he could see what I had discovered. It took him a moment to realize what he was seeing, but as soon as he did so, he shook his head.

"(Y/N), this does not matter," Tony assured me, cupping my cheek with his hand, causing the hair I had covering the mark Peter had left to move slightly. "I could care less that part of you is the same race as Thanos, that means absolutely nothing. You are still my daughter as far as I am concerned and you are not made any less perfect as I-"

"What is it, dad?" I asked curiously when he cut off suddenly, watching his eyes widen in shock.

His fingers lightly brushed the spot right above the top of my necklace as he growled, "I'm going to kill Parker."


(A/N): Rest In Peace you and your boyfriend! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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