Chapter 35 - I Promise

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I awoke holding a body close to mine, realizing that it was Peter upon further inspection. He was still sleeping peacefully, a smile upon his lips and his eyes gently closed. Unable to pull my eyes away, I stared at his peaceful face and wondered how I had managed to get someone like him as my boyfriend. Careful not to wake him, I began playing with his messy hair, unable to restrain myself.

After a few minutes his eyes fluttered open and his smile widened seeing me leaning over him. He cupped my face in his hand, "this is a sight I could get used to waking up to."

"Well I wouldn't suggest you get used to it quite yet, this was a rare once in a blue moon opportunity," I replied, bringing my lips down to meet his.

He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, still always waiting for me to give him permission to deepen the kiss before doing so. As we kissed, he sat up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap. I ran my hands down his well-toned body as he entangled his in my hair, a moan leaving my lips from the passion of the kiss.

I probably would have forgone all restraints and had him right there, but we were interrupted by (A/I) over the intercom, "(Y/N), your father is on his way to your room. I suggest you hide Peter if you don't want to get caught."

"Damn it, dad," I breathed as I pulled my lips from Peter's. I climbed off of Peter and told him, "go hide in the bathroom, I'm sure he's only coming to inform me we are starting the festivities soon."

He nodded his head, seeming as disappointed as I was that we were interrupted. However he did as I asked, placing a kiss on my cheek before hiding out in my bathroom. I curled up beneath my covers and pulled out my phone so I could be scrolling Instagram when he walked in. Knowing I had limited time before he knocked on the door, I tried to slow my breathing, although I knew there was nothing I could do to fix my swollen lips. Hopefully he just wouldn't notice.

I heard the dreaded knock on the door before Tony opened it and walked over to sit at the edge of my bed, "good morning, sleepyhead. Do you want to in the dining room in five minutes? Wanda made us cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then we can start opening presents."

"Yeah, I'll be up soon," I groaned, acting as though I had only just woken up a few minutes prior.

"Doesn't seem like it," he chuckled, ruffling my hair. "Also, you don't know where Parker is, do you? I went to wake him up and he wasn't in his room."

I rolled my eyes, "just because he's my sidekick doesn't mean I know where he is every second of every day."

"Don't let him hear you calling him your sidekick," he warned as he stood from my bed and headed out the door. "See you at breakfast."

As soon as he closed the door behind him, I sprang out of bed and opened the door to the bathroom, shocked to see it apparently empty. However when I was about to give up and turn back into my bedroom, assuming that he must have escaped through the window or something, Peter descended from the ceiling, landing softly beside me.

"Damn it, Peter, you scared me," I scolded him, realizing that I had momentarily forgot his habit of crawling on the ceilings.

"All the more reason to do it," he replied with a smirk, placing a quick kiss on my lips.

I rolled my eyes, "whatever, Spider-Boy. But you're gonna have to get downstairs soon and come up with some excuse as to why you weren't in your room when my dad went to go wake you up."

"Wait, Mr. Stark went to wake me up? And I wasn't there? Damn, I wish I had been there," he muttered, seeming rather disappointed by the fact he hadn't been there.

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