Chapter 39 - Valentine's

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I finished curling my hair letting it cascade down my back, deciding to apply a shade of red lipstick to complete the outfit. I was wearing a knee-length red dress with lace sleeves and an open back. On my feet were simple red pumps and I wore my normal locket and bracelet for jewelry.

Peter would be at the compound soon to pick me up for our Valentine's Day date, despite Tony joking that he wasn't going to allow us to go out. Tony continued trying to intimidate Peter, but I could tell that he approved of the two of us and truly cared about Peter. Whenever Peter and I were cuddling together watching a movie or merely holding hands as we walked through the compound, Tony's eyes would soften and he would smile behind our backs.

"Hey, you ready for your date?" Natasha asked as she slipped into my room, plopping down on my bed.

"Just barge in, why don't you?" I rolled my eyes, fixing my hair before turning to face her.

She crossed her arms, "when have I ever knocked? So, what do you and Peter have planned for tonight?"

"We're just gonna hang out at his house, nothing too special. But as much as I enjoy our talks, I have to go, he'll be here soon," I replied, picking up my clutch and present I had gotten him.

Peter was waiting in the kitchen while I arrived, being talked at by Tony. I rolled my eyes as I placed my hand on Tony's shoulder, "dad, you really need to stop trying to intimidate him."

"I'm your father, it's my job," he replied with a smile as he kissed my forehead. "Alright Pete, have her back by 10 and I'll let you keep the suit."

"Of course, sir," Peter responded nervously.


"No, stir carefully, don't whip it," I laughed, watching as Peter forcefully mixed the brownie batter, causing a few drops to fall out of the bowl.

"Like this?" He asked, now stirring as though there was a fragile egg in the bowl that he couldn't crack.

I placed my arms around Peter, placing my hands on top of his and stirring the bowl with him. As I stirred, I rested my chin on his shoulder. Peter's smile widened and he turned to watch me, causing me to turn to meet his gaze. He twisted around in my grasp so that our chests were touching and brought his lips down to mine.

I met his kiss eagerly, placing one of my arms around his neck and the other in his hair. Peter wrapped his arm around my waist, lifting me up and placing me down on the counter, pushing aside our cooking materials. I giggled slightly as he did so, wrapping my legs around his waist.

Peter pulled away from this kiss, still holding me close to his body, "you should teach me how to cook more often."

"I like the sound of that," I smiled, running my tongue over my lips, savoring the taste of the kiss.

"God, I cannot stand it when you do that," he muttered, pulling me closer to him and placing his lips back atop mine. His fingers found the zipper at the top of the my dress, unzipping the top part before finding the second zipper further down.

I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at him, "Peter, we haven't even eaten dinner yet."

"To hell with dinner," he replied cupping my cheek in his hand. He then averted his gaze and added, "I mean, if you're ok with that."

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