Chapter 3 - Midtown School of Science and Technology

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Happy dropped me off a few blocks from the school, just in case anyone would recognize him as Tony Stark's head of security. I didn't mind walking the few blocks to the school, however; it gave me a sense of freedom that I had only previously achieved when I snuck out of the compound. It wasn't very often that I got to walk down the streets of New York without some sort of accompaniment or guard following at a close distance in case anything were to happen to me.

My heart sank a little deeper into my chest as I approached the daunting high school looming before me. But I reminded myself that I was a Stark, despite what my school ID stated, and Starks face their challenges head on and without the slightest hint of fear. I took a deep breath and walked up the steps leading to the school, already noticing people staring at me in curiosity.

As I walked into the school, I was ushered into the main office, where the two other new kids were getting their schedules and a map of the school. You could barely hear anything above the noise of the high schoolers outside in the hallways but I managed to catch "your schedule," "need help," and "students and teachers." I flashed the woman the signature Stark smile, acting as though I had heard everything, then tried to weave my way through the crowd of high schoolers to get to my locker.

Although this was my first locker I'd ever had, thankfully I had worked with one of the locks before (and knew how to open one without the passcode and without breaking it thanks to Ant-Man who swung by the compound every now and then now that we had gotten him off of house arrest). As I opened my locker, I glanced at my schedule to see which classes I had been enrolled in. Not surprisingly, Tony had made sure I was getting a challenge, or at least as much of a challenge as they could give me, by having me take AP Chemistry, AP English, AP Physics, AP Computer Science, AP Spanish, and AP Calculus BC, in addition to genetics and the required gym class. This was going to be one expensive year for him.

As I tried to locate where my chemistry teacher, Mr. Cobbwell's class was, a boy with curly brown hair and soft brown eyes approached the locker next to mine, trailed by another kid with dark hair and dark eyes, whom I assumed to be his friend.

"Ned, I'm sorry but I can't today, I have a responsibility and I can't just abandon it, maybe we can hang out during the weekend?" The boy with the curly hair asked as he opened his locker and threw a couple books in.

"You could at least let me be your guy in the chair-" the other boy, whom I assumed was Ned, replied before cutting off and glancing at me. From the corner of my eyes I noticed him smack his friend lightly on the arm, whispering something to him.

I figured that was my cue to leave, as I was not yet ready for everyone to start gossiping about me. At least not while I was standing literally a foot away from them. Why did my father have to make me go to public school again?

"H-hi, I'm Peter," the curly haired boy spoke to me as I shut my locker door and was about to turn away.

Shocked that he had spoken to me, I paused briefly before replying, "I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)."

I glanced up at Peter's friend, expecting him to announce his name as well, but he just continued staring at me. Peter had to nudge him before he spoke nervously, "I'm Ned, Peter's friend. You're really pretty."

I felt a blush creep over me as I fought the urge to reply arrogantly, the way that Natasha had taught me, "oh, um, well thank you, Ned."

"Do you need any help getting to your classes? I mean, I just- I know that this is a pretty big school and all," Peter inquired, making me wonder why he was so nervous to talk to me. Did I give off a threatening air or something? I had chosen against wearing the outfit that reminded me of something Natasha would wear, so I didn't think I appeared all that threatening?

"I would really appreciate that," I smiled kindly, hoping to appear less threatening as I handed my schedule over to Peter.

Both of their eyes widened and Ned whispered, "dude, she has like the same schedule as you."

"Do I really? Wow, I thought I was the only one crazy enough to take that many AP classes, especially with how expensive they are," I spoke up, starting to wonder how rich people at this school were.

"Well, the, uh, the school sometimes helps pay for tests if you're a-a good student, so..." Peter trailed off, his body language suggesting that this was a complete lie.

"Oh, I wasn't aware of that, thanks for letting me know!" I replied cheerfully, hoping that I could weed out the truth from him.

"But I don't know if you're- if you'd be eligible. You have to have gone to the school for, what, two years before they, uh, before they will do that for you," Peter covered, making me wonder what was really going on.

"That's ok, I'm sure my dad knew what he was doing when he agreed to let me take these classes," I smiled, taking my schedule back from Peter. "Do you know where Mr. Cobbwell's classroom is?"

"Y-yeah, it's right down here," Peter replied, seeming relieved that we were off of the topic of AP classes. It was a good thing that he wasn't in a position of keeping a secret like I was, I honestly don't think he would last a day without either letting it slip or acting suspicious enough that someone decided to investigate and found out themselves.

Ned also shared our first class and he was also in my AP Computer Science, AP Calc, and gym classes. The only classes that I didn't share with Peter were my English and genetics classes, but he promised to show me where the classrooms were before going to his own class.

Throughout the classes that I shared with Peter, I felt his gaze resting on me, as opposed to on our teachers. He wasn't alone as many were extremely curious as to who I was, but it was only his glances that brought a bit of color to my cheeks. Whenever I glanced back at him, however, he would avert his gaze to our teacher and pretend that he hadn't been looking at me. I finally realized that Peter wasn't nervous because I was intimidating, he was nervous because he found me attractive.


(A/N): Someone's got a little crush! But I mean, do you blame him, you're gorgeous! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

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