Chapter 6 - Apologies

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After I changed from gym class, I hopelessly followed a group of girls, praying that they were headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Thankfully my faith was put in the right group because, after a quick stop at their lockers, they unknowingly led me to the cafeteria for lunch.

Noticing Peter and Ned sitting together at a table with a girl who I discovered was named Michelle as she was in both my English and gym classes. I felt a little nervous approaching the table, but reminded myself that I was a Stark, I could sit anywhere in this cafeteria and no one would be able to tell me otherwise. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to have that attitude when approaching the two boys who had been so nice to me.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked, propping my bag down next to the chair I was poised to sit in. The two boys merely gave me a blank stare, as though this was the last thing that the two of them had been expecting.

Finally Michelle spoke up, "just sit down, clearly the two of them are too starstruck to say anything."

"Starstruck?" I questioned, my anxiety going one hundred miles an hour once again. Did they find out about my father? Shit, they know that I'm a Stark.

I mentally shook my head, knowing that that there was no way that that information could have possibly leaked in the short time between gym class and lunch. I was merely being paranoid, a feeling that I was not used to and did not like in the slightest. I shouldn't have been worried about anything, who cared if they find out who I really am? What's the worst that could happen?

"Why would you want to sit with us?" Peter spoke up, his beautiful brown eyes widening in shock.

I frowned, "what do you mean? You guys have been really nice to me. I thought maybe we could be friends?"

"No, no, no you do not want to be friends with us. Just by sitting down you just lost, like, a thousand popularity points," Ned replied, seemingly genuinely concerned for me.

I let out a little laugh at that, "I could honestly care less what people think about me here, I like you guys."

"Why, they're losers," Michelle piped up, receiving offended noises from the two boys.

"You're Michelle, right?" I inquired, figuring I would get along well with her as well based on the books surrounding her.

"My friends call me MJ," she replied with a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.

"And do I count as one of those friends?" I asked, receiving only a shrug in response.

"That's MJ for yes, you are her friend," Peter translated, causing me to giggle. Fuck, no I did not just giggle, (Y/N) Stark doesn't giggle. What was this boy doing to me? With his stupid beautiful chestnut curls and light brown eyes that I found myself infatuated with. The way that he got all nervous around me, god it was so cute.

I was brought out of my trance by a voice, "hey (Y/N), do you want to come over and sit with me? I would really love to hear more about the, uh, what was it, diabetes research that your father does. And then you won't have to sit over here with Penis Parker and his lousy friends."

I stood from the table without facing Flash, allowing me to see the heartbroken look in Peter's eyes when I rose from my seat. However, I wasn't going to accept Flash's invitation like he no doubt expected me to. Instead, I slowly turned around to face him, a strange surge of anger welling up inside of me.

"Those 'lousy friends,' Flash, includes me," I growled, advancing on him. "I humored you back in computer science, but I would never actually want to associate with low lying scum like you. You are nothing more than an insecure bully who tries to make yourself feel better by making fun of people who you are jealous of. I'm honored to be sitting at this table, rather than yours filled solely with fakes. Now, I suggest you run back to your little friends before you piss me off."

"Come on, baby, don't be like that," Flash cooed, eliciting an eye roll from me. "Surely you can't seriously think that Penis and these nerds are actually worth your time. I could-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I had grabbed the collar of his collar roughly, "don't you dare call me baby again, do you understand? You don't deserve to refer to me in such a derogatory way. Now apologize to Peter for making fun of him then go back to your table."

"I-I'm sorry, Parker," Flash stuttered as I released him, scurrying away from my reach.

"Call him Peter, Flash," I growled, glaring at him so that he did not leave.

"I'm sorry, Peter," Flash corrected, his terrified never leaving me as he spoke.

"Very good, Flash, that wasn't too hard now was it? Oh and by the way my dad does cancer research, he actually contributes to this society. Which is a lot more than I can say about you. You may go now," I informed him, easing back down into my seat at the table as though nothing had happened.

"Holy shit that was so badass, I've never seen anyone stand up to him like that," Ned spoke in nearly a whisper as he gazed at me as though I were some sort of deity. "I just want to thank you for letting me be a part of that moment, I'm never going to forget it."

I smiled, "it was about time that someone put him in his place, I've known him for only a few hours and I already want to kill him. I don't like bullies."

The rest of lunch passed without much excitement, Flash wisely deciding to not push my buttons. Peter didn't say anything the entire time, leaving the conversation solely to me and Ned, as MJ mostly focused on her book. However, as we were getting up to attend our next class, Peter placed his hand on his arm and spoke nervously, seemingly unable to meet my gaze, "I-I just wanted to say thank you, (Y/N). Not many would stand up for me like that or choose to stay, I, um, I really appreciate it."

I placed my hand on top of his and gave him a smile, "you don't need to thank me, Peter. Flash is a jerk, I had no choice but to stand up for you. You could try standing up for yourself, you know, you are a far better than he is."


(A/N): Do you know the feeling when you've just been giving your all constantly for eternity and you're exhausted and just want a day of rest but you have to keep going? Ugh, I'm so done with everything right now I just want to stay home for a day and lounge around doing absolutely nothing

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