Chapter 13 - Spider-Man

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When I arrived back at the compound, I was immediately approached by Vision, "(Y/N), could you help me for a minute?"

"Of course, Vis, what do you need?" I asked, putting on a fake smile. I had some time before dinner and I really wanted to look into that file of Peter before I went out on patrol, but I didn't want to act suspicious, so I made sure to listen to what Vision needed.

"I told Wanda that I would make dinner for us tonight as a treat for her. However, my protocol never really taught me how to cook. I'm sure you see my dilemma."

"Come along then, I'm sure to make a master chef out of you some day," I teased, taking his hand and leading him into the kitchen. "So what did you want to make?"

"I haven't exactly thought that far ahead," Vision admitted, not making eye contact.

"Very well, let's see what we have for ingredients, shall we?"

After rummaging through the refrigerator and the cupboard, we ended up deciding on a meat and vegetable lasagna with a side salad. It took about an hour, which unfortunately left me no time to hack my dad's files.

As soon as I finished dinner, I ran up to my room to tell (A/I) that I was heading out. I then teleported to one of the various rooftops I had come to know in Brooklyn, right on the edge of Queens. I wandered from rooftop to rooftop for a while with nothing to do and having (A/I) scan the area for any scenes of violence.

"No please! Don't hurt her!" I heard a man's voice cry out.

"That certainly sounds promising," I muttered under my breath as a jumped down from the rooftop and ran towards the cry, my footsteps muffled by the boots.

The scene I walked into surprised me. Instead of the armed robbery I was expecting, there seemed to be a whole gang of people holding a woman at gun point. A man dressed in a suit walked towards a man in his late twenties, his demeanor cold and threatening.

"We made a deal and you've gone back on your word," the man with the suit spoke. "I don't appreciate people who break deals with me and now you're going to pay for it."

"Actually, sir, I think you're going to pay for it," a voice called out from above, seeming to belong to a teenage boy or something. The voice sounded strangely familiar so I looked up and Spider-Man perched on a nearby fire escape.

"Shoot him," the man in the suit ordered, glaring at the friendly neighborhood superhero. "And shoot the girl while you're at it."

"No!" I cried out, sending a surge of energy at the man holding the girl hostage.

"What the-" one of the bad guys muttered, turning to me in a mixture of shock, disbelief, and confusion.

Spider-Man was shooting webs at all of the bad guys, flipping all over the place to avoid getting shot. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing that I could have handled the situation with much less violence had he not tried to save the day.

"I guess I've got to help out this idiot," I muttered, beginning to throw balls of energy and fire at the men with guns. I felt someone come up from behind me, but quickly spun around kicking them in the face. A gunshot whizzed past my ear, causing me to whip around and send a rage fueled stream of fire at the shooter.

The man in the suit leapt into his nearby car and tried to drive away, but I easily flipped the car over, then dragged him out of the passenger seat. Spider-Man came up behind me and shot webs at him so that he was trapped up against the wall. I ran over the to drivers side and smashed the driver's head into the steering wheel, knocking him unconscious.

"Hey Shadow, look out!" I heard Spider-Man cry, causing me to whip my head around, noticing a bullet coming straight at my head. I was forcefully tugged away, finding myself in Spider-Man's arms with webbing attached to my chest. He looked down at me and the eyes on his mask seemed to be conveying concern, "you ok?"

"Yeah, of course," I nodded, quickly pulling away from him so that we could continue fighting. The man who had tried to shoot me aimed again, but I held up my hand and the gun flew into my grasp.

"Woah, how did you do that? Are you a Jedi?" Spider-Man exclaimed as he shot a web at the disarmed man, sticking him to the wall.

"No, I'm better than a Jedi," I smirked, glancing around the scene to make sure the threat had been eliminated. "We've got to get out of here, the police will be here soon. Web up the victims while you're at it, will you? I suspect they're not as innocent as they appear."

Spider-Man nodded, doing as I requested as I teleported to the roof of a nearby roof. I heard Spider-Man call out for me to wait, prompting me to look over the edge of the roof down at him. He swung up to meet me and held out his hand, "I know you know me already, but we haven't officially met. I'm Spider-Man."

I smiled beneath my mask, although I knew that he couldn't see it, "I'm Shadow, I guess."

"You guess?" He inquired, cocking his head slightly.

I shrugged, "well, I didn't exactly come up with the name myself, that's the name the media gave me. I suppose that means I have a lot in common with Iron Man. Did you know that his suits are actually made out of titanium alloy? His whole superhero name is actually just a lie."

"I don't really blame them, Iron Man has a much better ring to it than Titanium Alloy Man," Spider-Man joked as we began to walk across the rooftops together. "You know, I think we made a pretty good team back there, maybe we could continue working together. The bad guys wouldn't stand a chance."

"They don't stand a chance regardless of if we're working together or not. Oh and back there was called me saving your ass after you almost got a woman killed. You can't just alert the enemy to your presence if there are so many of them. I get it if there's two or three, but there is no way you could've fought off all of those men and keep them from shooting the hostage or, worse, both victims."

"All the more reason for us to work together then," he replied, shocking me by his optimistic response. "If I'm with you then you can stop me from doing stupid things like that again."


(A/N): And Spidey and Shadow finally meet! How do you think they'll react when they find out who the other person is? I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

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