Chapter 37 - Acceptance

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I paced outside my dad's office, unable to hear inside, but also not wanting to hack into the sound only for him to catch me and have another reason to be upset. I wanted to know what was going on between him and Peter, I needed to know what was being said.

Eventually I forwent all restraint and burst into his office, "ok Dad, I know you wanted to speak to Peter alone, but I need to help him defend our relationship, I can't just leave him to do all of the work. You've known Peter for longer than I have, you must know by now that he is the sweetest person and hesitates even to harm someone attacking him. He is not going to hurt me, I promise you that."

"(Y/N), I know, I've just given him my blessing to continue dating you," Tony replied, but I was too dedicated to my cause to ingest his words.

"Please just let me finish before you reach a conclusion," I plowed on as Tony leaned back in his chair, an amused expression on his face. "I know that you probably think that I know nothing of love, having been sheltered by you my entire life, but what I feel for him is too strong to be anything else. Besides, wouldn't it be better to have my heart broken now so I can prepare myself for the future? Not that that would happen because Peter loves me in return. And do you know how I know that? Because every time I see Peter looking at me he shares the same look as you do when you gaze at Pepper. Now, do you want to try to tell me that you don't actually love Pepper? I understand that you are only trying to protect me, Dad, but if you continue to shelter me then I won't be prepared when I become an adult and get revealed as your daughter. You need to trust me to make my own decisions and if I get hurt, I get hurt and there's no one to blame but myself. And I want you to know that, no matter what you say here, it won't change my feelings for Peter and we'll continue seeing each other secretly."

"As much as I would enjoy watching you try to sneak around behind my back, that won't be necessary," Tony replied once he realized I had finished talking. "As I have said already, I have allowed Pete to continue dating you, as long as he refrains from breaking your heart."

"Wait, what?" I stuttered, not believing that he had given in so easily.

"(Y/N), yes I was angry when I found out that you two had been seeing each other without telling me, but I am not blind to how much you two care about each other. I think that deep down I knew this day was coming with the amount of time you two spent together, but I think I was just hoping that it would be a platonic relationship forever. However, I am not going to try to ruin my daughter's happiness just because I don't want you getting hurt, I would just end up causing you more pain. From the way the two of you fight for your relationship I can see how much you care for one another and that's enough for me, I'm sure you wouldn't have exchanged promise rings unless you truly loved one another. That being said, can you please keep the PDA to a minimum whenever I'm around?"

"Thank you, Dad!" I cried out, throwing my arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek.


Warning: if you are uncomfortable with smut I would advise not reading the rest of this chapter

Once the festivities had ended, I lay in my bed taking everything that had happened that day. I mindlessly played with the promise ring sitting on my finger, uncontrollable feelings of happiness surging within me. The fact that Peter felt we were ready for another layer of commitment in our relationship was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. And I wanted to prove that I was just as ready.

Unable to take my mind off of him, I teleported into his room so that no one would see me entering his room so late at night. Peter was sitting on his bed reading a book that Wanda had given him when I arrived, looking up as I materialized.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" He asked curiously, tossing the book aside and focusing all of his attention on me.

I felt a sudden rush of nervousness wash over me as I hesitated, "I-I just want to be with you, Peter. A-and I was thinking a-about this morning-"

"Are you nervous, (Y/N)?" He observed, seeming quite surprised. "This is certainly not something I'm used to seeing."

"Don't get used to it," I retorted, trying my best to impersonate my normal not-one-fuck-given personality. "I just am unsure if you want what I want."

His eyes widened as realization struck him, "(Y/N), if you feel you're ready, I am as well."

A small smile crept onto my face as I sat down on his bed next to him, placing one hand on his thigh, "I have promised myself to you, Peter. I am ready."

Although a bit tentatively, Peter leaned in to meet my lips. However, once our lips touched all reservations fell away and we were swept up by a wave of passion. I slipped my hands beneath his shirt, forcing our lips to part briefly as I pulled it over his head. As I took a moment to admire how toned his abs were, he pushed me down onto the bed and began to straddle me.

He removed my shirt as well and began to leave a trail of kisses down my chest, unclasping my bra in the process. My back arched in pleasure as he began to focus his attention on my breasts, licking and sucking on the tender skin. As he did this, I reached down to his pants and let them fall down to his knees, from which point he kicked them off, causing them to fall off of the bed. The bulge in his pants became much more prominent with one less layer of clothing covering it, however it was still obscured by his boxers.

As Peter continued to trail kisses down my body, I removed my pants for him, needing for him to move his touch further down my body. He seemed to take the hint and slipped his hand down my underwear, beginning to rub his fingers against the skin craving his touch. A moan left my lips as he continued to play down there, not used to such feelings of bliss.

However, I didn't want him to be the only one getting pleased so I flipped him over, pulling his boxers down and throwing them across the room. I placed my mouth around his member, licking in circles around the head. As I began sucking lightly, Peter released a moan, only encouraging me further. I took more of him into my mouth and he began to thrust himself deeper.

Before he could come, I pulled my mouth away and looked up at him, "do you have a condom?"

Still recovering from what I had done to him, Peter nodded and reached into the drawer next to his bed. I took the package from him and wrapped the latex around him before lining myself up with his member and letting him push into me. Seeming to want to be back on top, Peter pushed me over and began thrusting into me, grunting as he pushed in further and further. I whimpered in pain, but that was soon covered up by the pleasure I experienced from feeling him inside me. My fingers grasped at the sheets of his bed as I began to move my hips in sync with his, my mind completely clouded with ecstasy.

I came a second before Peter did, after which he collapsed on top of me, both sweaty and breathing heavily. He pulled out and tossed the condom away before wrapping me in his arms and holding him close to his body, allowing me to hear his racing heartbeat.

"I love you, (Y/N)," he assured me, kissing my forehead as I buried myself in his chest.

I giggled at that comment, "well I would hope you do after all of that."

I allowed myself to drift off in his arms, once again finding myself at peace in his presence. I had never experienced pleasure of that kind before and I had to admit, I wouldn't mind the chance to experience it all over again. But more than that, I wanted to be able to wrap myself in Peter's arms for the rest of my life.


(A/N): yay I finally posted! I apologize for the delay, but I hope that you enjoy this chapter nonetheless!

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