Chapter 22 - The Date

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I nervously stood in front of the door to Peter's apartment, my hand shaking slightly as I went up to knock on it. I just couldn't do it, I was afraid of what may happen as a result of this date. I would screw everything up, I should just leave now before any damage could be done.

But then again this was my chance, Peter was giving me the opportunity to get closer to him. In my foolishness I had allowed myself to fall for him, as though I were just a normal high schooler. But I wasn't normal and I didn't want to have to keep that from him any longer. Yet I knew I couldn't tell him, there were some secrets that needed to be kept.

As I fought through my internal argument, my hand went up to the door and knocked for me, making me freeze in terror when I heard the noise. I briefly considered running away, but I told myself to stand my ground. I was a Stark, my grandfather invented technology for the allies during World War Two, my father helped fight off an alien invasion and countless other enemies without showing a shred of fear, surely I could go on this date.

Peter opened the door, giving me a smile but seeming as nervous as I was feeling, "(Y/N), come in. You look beautiful, I-I mean you always look beautiful, but y-you look especially, um, beautiful."

"Thanks Peter," I replied, unable to keep a smile from spreading across my face. God, why was he so adorable? "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Hi, May!" I greeted as I saw her sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey, (Y/N), I had a feeling I'd be seeing more of you soon," she replied with a wink. She then turned to Peter, "you two behave while I'm gone, I'm just going to get some food to make dinner tonight."

"Aunt May, are you sure that that's a good idea?" Peter questioned, making me rather confused. "Last time you tried cooking, you nearly burned the apartment down."

"Well, I can try, can't I?" May answered, seeming way more optimistic about this than Peter. "And then if I fail, there's always take out."

"I can help cook, if you would like," I offered. "I usually cook for me and my dad."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that, (Y/N)," May argued. "You're the guest here."

"I really don't mind, I actually enjoy cooking."

She smiled, "alright then, but I don't want to take away from your time with Peter."

As she left, I turned to Peter, "you don't mind me helping her, do you?"

"Not at all, it will be nice having a home cooked meal for once. I never told anyone this, but Tony Stark came over when he announced that I would be getting the internship and May cooked him a walnut date loaf and the minute he was no longer in her sight, he immediately spat it out. Though I kinda feel like that was just May making it bad purposely because she's not a fan of him," Peter explained, making me laugh. If only May knew that Peter was so close to Tony Stark's daughter.

"My father is the same way with cooking. He literally cannot cook to save his life. Luckily, however, he has me. Now, what did you have in mind to watch?"

"Oh, um, I don't really know, I thought we could scroll through Netflix and maybe find something. I mean the only movies I know you like are the Star Wars ones," Peter stuttered, slipping right back into panic mode.

I nodded, "sounds like a plan, I fucking love Netflix."

We began to scroll through the movies and I noticed Hercules. I turned to him in excitement, "Disney marathon?"

A smile broke across his face, "absolutely."

We settled down and started watching whatever Disney movie we could finding, starting with Hercules, going to Mulan, then Pocahontas, and finishing up with Beauty and the Beast. After the first movie, we took a break to make and eat dinner.

May went to bed partway through Beauty and Beast, but Peter and I chose to finish the movie instead. We ended up in a very similar position to the Star Wars marathon, with the two of us cuddled up together. As the credits rolled, I let out a sigh as I noticed the time.

"I suppose I should get going back, my dad will start worrying if I stay too much later," I admitted, untangling myself from Peter.

"Of course, maybe- maybe we could do this again sometime?" Peter replied, seeming extremely nervous that I would deny him.

"I would love to, just let me know when you're available," I assured him, finding my eyes interlocked with his gorgeous brown ones. He began to lean towards me, making my heart race in my chest. I let my eyes flutter closed as my lips made contact with his. The kiss was slow and sweet, Peter being extremely gentle with me. My fingers entangled in his hair as I held him close to me.

We pulled away, both slightly out of breath, staring into each other's eyes. I leaned in again, needing to feel the sensation of his lips on mine once more. Our lips moved in sync with one another and our tongues began a complex dance. I felt as though I was going to explode from happiness, never having experienced such a sensation before this moment.

As we pulled away the second time, Peter confessed, "(Y/N), I have to tell you, I, um, I've really liked you since the first time I saw you."

I smiled at him, "I know, Peter, you weren't doing a very good job at hiding it. But, I feel the same, I just didn't want to admit it to myself. I won't say I'm in love."

Peter kissed me one last time before saying, "you should probably head out, I really don't want to make a bad impression on your father. Do you live far?"

"Not too far, but I'm taking the train home," I answered, fixing my hair and grabbing my clutch.

"I'll walk you to the station."

"Oh, you don't need to do that, I'm sure I'll be fine," I assured him, knowing that I didn't need anyone protecting me, especially since I had my suit in case things got out of hand.

"I'm the reason that you are out so late, at least let me accompany you to the train station," he bargained, taking my hand and leading me out of the apartment.


(Peter's POV):
We chatted a little as we walked down the streets, hand in hand. Right before she left to get on her train, I kissed her once more. As I watched her leave, I stood confused by my feelings. I really liked her, I might even say that I loved her. The feelings I felt for her were stronger than what I had felt with Liz, yet I found my heart torn.

The woman I had fought with for weeks still occupied my mind quite often, more often now that she had disappeared. I couldn't understand why feelings for her remained, despite the fact I hadn't seen her in weeks. But perhaps that was part of the reason: the mystery surrounding her made her more enticing.

But by some miracle, (Y/N) actually liked me in return and I needed to put Shadow out of my mind, I couldn't afford to love two different women at once.


(A/N): Ooh first kiss! I hope that you enjoyed the date!

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