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Chapter 8

Scott's P.O.V

As i put a blind fold on Kira's eyes i walk her to the 'Picnic' in the grass next to the park ''Here it is''.I say  taking her blind fold off ''OMG....you did this for me...i can't believe this'' Kira says as she hugs me and kisses me on the lips ''Yeah only for you because i love you'' ''I love you to Scott'' Kira says as she sits down taking out the food.

Stiles P.O.V

''Hey Malia can i talk to you'' ''sure'' Malia says as i pull her to the Janitor's closet ''What is it?'' ''Um well i want to break up'' as i said those words i noticed her face go up from looking from the ground ''Why?'' ''because i want to be with Lydia...look i hope your not mad with me now'' i say to her starring her eyes deep ''Stiles i will never be mad at you if you love someone go after them and you know i love you and all i want to do is to make you happy'' she says hugging me.  

30 minutes Later

''Hey Lydia could you please pick up I'm freaking out'' i say to my phone in voice-mail.

Lydia's P.O.V

As i wake up from my daze and find out that i'm in the middle of the woods, ''Hey Lydia'' i hear Stiles say ''What are you doing here?'' I say as i hug him and kiss him in the lips, but he didn't kiss me back ''I came here to kill you Lydia if you haven't noticed but Stiles was keeping a secret from you'' he says as i start to run ''Scott,Stiles,Allison''! i scream out loud ''Oh Lydia you could do better than that '' he says as i get to a dead end  and he starts getting closer i needed to Scream but i couldn't i don't know why but i couldn't ''Come on Lydia scream like a Banshee....come on'' he says even louder ''i can't it's hard''i say ''well that's because you have to feel something you have to get angry Lydia you and me have to get angry SO LET'S GET ANGRY''. He scream's even louder ''Lydia Stiles is the one who made you become a banshee hes the one you almost die her said he never well love you and you think he loves you Lydia your just a peace of trash'' he says to me getting even closer and that was it ''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'' I Screamed as loud as i can then i all of a sudden i fell to the ground.


Author's Note:Hey guys thank you so much for reading this book of teen wolf so i had nothing in mind so i just got this idea and i wrote it.Please Comment and Vote.Thank you.

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