If I Stay

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This Chapter is baste on my favorite movie If I Stay.Hope you like.


Chapter 12

*3 Months Later*

Stiles P.O.V

As i walk into Lydia's room and sat right beside her ''Lydia i know you could fight this but could you live in a world like this.....''If you live or you die it's all up to you'' please Stay.

Lydia's P.O.V

S.....t......a.......y.As i hear Stiles voice running thew my head i wish i could stay but what's the point to live in a world that i'm in danger every minute,every second , every time what's the point.


''No'' as Stiles carries Lydia to the cold water as he gets in one by one ''NO'' Lydia screams and try's to get out of his grip but he tightens it even more ''No Stiles No'' She screams as he goes in the water then comes up from the water with Lydia ''See that wasn't so bad babe'' Stiles says as he smiles well for you; , you big fat ass'' Lydia say as she let goes of Stiles then starts splashing at him.

''Ah'' Lydia scream's for the water being so cold as Lydia keeps splashing she looks away.

Stiles grabs Lydia from the waist then pulls her against him then they kiss.


''Lydia please wake up'' Stiles voice echos again in my head should i stay our leave.


''Stiles i would never ride that'' Lydia says to Stiles ''Oh come on The Hulk is not that scary'' Stiles says in front of the entrance for the line.''Well it's Scary'' ''Please do it for me please'' Stiles say ''Oh fine only if you stop whinning'' ''Yes''!! Stiles says super happy and entering the line of The Hulk.


As I run down the halls of the hospital looking for Allison but i coudn't find her.

Instead i tripped and fell on the floor ''NO'' i say while i start Crying ''NO, i want this to be OVER'' I scream out load nobody heard me or saw me.


''Stiles that was awesome'' Lydia said to him ''I told you...so what do you say let's go get some IceCream'' Stiles says with a smirk on his face ''Sure why not''.


''Lydia please wake up i miss you, i love you, i need you Lydia'' I hear Stiles say I could hear him crying.


Unknown: ''So what do you say we kill Lydia now or later''.

D Stiles: ''Are you Stupid if we want to get to Lydia we need to get over to Stiles''.

Unknown: ''Our if we get Malia Stiles well be distracted that he would be with Malia and that well leave us time to get Lydia''.

D Stiles: ''Your a genius''.

Unknown: ''Wait how are we going to get in''?

D Stiles: ''I have his face''.


''Lydia Stay'' as Stiles said those last words i have flashbacks of everything ''Ughhh'' ''Lydia''.


Author's Note: Hey guys here is the 12 Chapter hope you liked it thanks for the reads the votes and comments. This story is exactly like the movie If i Stay i will know because i watched it.

Please Comment and Vote.Thank's bye.

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