Evil Spirit

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Chapter 9

Lydia'a P.O.V

As i knew it i was tied up with Allison,Kira,Malia ''What's going on'' i say to the three of them looking at me ''I don't know the evil Stiles said that Scott,Stiles,Issac  had a secret'' Allison says ''Oh these 'Boys' keeping secrets from us'' Malia says ''Hey Lydia when you screamed why did it only called us not the boys'' Kira says as i look at her ''I don't know....WAIT he never wanted the boys he wanted us ,because when i screamed i was thinking of you guys this is all a plan to kill us'' i say repeatedly as the evil Stiles walks in ''Yeah Lydia your right but you can't trust no one not even your friends they are lying to you'' ''Lydia don't listen LYDIA'' I hear Allison scream ''They lied to you just like Scott, Issac,Stiles they knew that there was an evil Spirit ...ME...........they thought you were weak and they still think that know.''

Stiles's P.O.V

As i and Scott are looking for the girls Scott said ''So are you and Lydia together together'' ''UM.....i don't know she still doesn't believe that i broke up with Malia'' i say as then i hear one of Lydia's screams ''AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH'' as then me and Scott ran and we fine Kira and Allison but not Lydia or Malia ''Where are they?'' i say really worried that they might be dead ''They are in there'' Allison says but then stops me ''What's wrong?'' i say ''Stiles the 'Evil Spirit' is making you choose Lydia or Malia...he kills one and the other one survives'' as Allison said that i start to tear up but i still go thew the doors.

As i go thew the doors i see Malia hung up from her neck but she was standing and Alive and Lydia was tied up in front of a saw still Alive.

''Well Stiles you got the message'' the other me says ''yeah i did now lit them go and take me'' i say offering him to take me ''Oh Stiles i don't want you i want your pain'' he says as i hear Lydia scream and cry she has tape around her mouth so does Malia.

''So who is it gonna be Stiles Lydia or Malia''.


Author's Note:Hey guy's hope you like it  please Comment and let me know Malia or Lydia?

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LOVE THE MOVIE IF I STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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