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Chapter 15 

Stiles P.O.V

As i walk into School thinking of Lydia about what happened last week.

''Hey Stiles'' ''Hey Lydia can i ask you a question private'' i say to her ''yeah'' she says as we walk in to the locker room ''Are We Anything''?

''I don't know do you want us to be something''? ''Ahh......yeah'' i say as she cuts me off giving me a kiss in the mouth ''What was that for''? i say ''You really ask to many Question's Stilinski''.


''Stiles your not going to like this'' I hear Scott say running into my room ''What.....What happened'' i say with a worried look on my face ''D-Void Stiles took Lydia'' Scott says ''What.....How'' i say as me and Scott go to my Jeep and Start driving as we go to pick up Issac ''So do you know where she is'' i ask  ''Yeah'' Scott says giving me the deriction's.

Scott's P.O.V

As Stiles pulls up i see Allison Kira ready and me,Issac,Stiles gets out of the Jeep and we all run out me and Stiles went to get Lydia.

'' you didn't get my message'' Lydia says with a face knowing that someone is going to die i run to the rest of the pack.

Lydia's P.O.V

As me and Stiles run with Scott, Stiles collapsed in my arms so i stayed with him as i see Scott running to the rest of the pack.

Allison's P.O.V

As i see the Nigutsunie about to kill Issac i take out my last and only Silver Arrow and ''ah'' the negitsune died but then....

''ALLISON'' Lydia screams my name as the negitsune takes out the sword Scott cashes me in his arms ''Allison'' ''did.... you ....fine... her... is.... she... okay.... is.. Lydia... safe'' ''i can't ..take your..pain'' ''it's because it doesn't heart '' ''Allison NO'' It's's perfect i'm in the arms of my first love'' ''Scott McCall ...i lov....i love you'' ''you..have to''.


Author's Note: Hey guys hope you like i will update Tomorrow.

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