You Will

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Chapter 14

Stiles P.O.V


''Hey can i come in'' Scott says ''Yeah'' i say to him ''look dude i'm sorry for every thing'' ''NO NO i'm sorry like.......i should have seen this coming like the Lydia Martin falling in love with me like seriously i'm just piece of trash'' i say to him like i don't know what to do know ''No that's not true one day 'YOU Will' fine someone to love you may be know or later on but it doesn't matter because i love you'' he said to me ''yuck Scott I'm not gay'' ''Stiles you know what i mean'' he says to me while laughing ''Yeah but i need someone that could love me that knows me very will but no one loves me'' i say to Scott while looking down on the floor.

''I LOVE YOU'' a voice said from behind me as i turn around and looked at who it was and found out that it was the girl that broke my Heart ''Well i'm just going to leave you two alone'' as Scott leaves i say ''No you don't'' i say to her as she approaches me and kneels down to look at me in the eyes ''Of course i do Stiles i have been in love with you ever since you had the panic Attack'' she says as i look at her in the eye ''So why did you brake up with me?'' i say to her wanting to kiss her but i didn't ''because i need time for myself '' ''but we will get back together right'' i say wondering what her answer was ''Of course but just not know.

Lydia's P.O.V

As i look at him in the eye i knew that he was the one for me i really wanted to kiss him but......''oh fuck it'' jumped on top of Stiles as our lips touched leaving him surprised but he still kissed back as i take off his shirt he starts kissing me in the neck as he finds my sweat spot he starts sucking my skin as i let out a moan.

''Are you sure you want to do this'' Stiles asked me ''yeah'' i said as he takes off my shirt and my pants as we kiss again he starts moving up and down as he lets out a moan i twirl him over and go on top of him and kiss his neck while i forget that were not together i just wonder why i broke up with him am i scared to be with him our to lose him out to get hurt i don't know.

As i keeps on going up and while he is on top of me i look to the right and see the door open and see a figure holy shit that could be his dad. ''Stiles the door is open'' i say to him trying to push him off of me ''Who cares'' he says while he keeps on kissing me on my neck ''Well i do because someone is coming up stairs'' as i said that he jumps on top of me and closes the door.


''So why did you brake up with me'' Stiles says ''Well i guess i was afraid to lose you and that i well get hurt'' i say to him ''Lydia you know that you well never lose me and that i well never hurt you'' he said ''i know and i love you for that i say to him and kiss him. As i pull away from the kiss i say ''Stiles can i Sleep over'' ''of course'' he says and as i ask him if i could take a shower and he hands me one of his long t-shirts.

When i get into the shower i rub soap on my body then shampoo then conditioner.

When i get out of the shower i dry my self off then after all of that i put Stiles long shirt and head to Stiles room as i see him dress i get in the bed and go under the covers.

As i see Stiles going to sleep in the chair i stop him ''What are you doing?'' i say to him ''I'm going to sleep i the chair'' he says while taking a seat on the chair ''you don't have to'' i say to him ''What?'' he responds ''Sleep with me'' ''okay'' he says then gets under the covers and i go and sleep in his chest.

Scott's P.O.V

''We did it our plan worked'' i said as i gave a high-Five to Malia ''our plan really work getting Stiles and Lydia back together'' she says as i hug her.


Author's Note:Hey guys hoped you like it i loved writing this chapter there is Just allot of 'STYDIA FEELS'.

Please Comment & Vote. Thank's bye.

BTW 819 words.

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