Chapter 3

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It was Wednesday afternoon, a quiet and peaceful day, really. But hey, let's change that because authors are bullies. So as Jonah was making his homework, instant nausea came up. Why not? As every normal person he sprinted to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

When he got back up, however, he noticed something different in the mirror. His eyes... They were slits... Like those of a cat! He rubbed through his eyes and looked again. Surely he must be imagining things, right? But no, his eyes were still the same, slits. He frowned, getting a closer look at himself in the mirror.

"What the...". Suddenly they started glowing and he backed off. A tingling sensation filled his body, making his hands shake. What is happening to me?! He let himself slide to the floor, back against the wall, breathing heavily.

Jonah stared down at his hands, if you can even call it hands anymore... It were more like claws at this point. Scales started forming on his arms and he could feel it spread over his whole body. I would lie if I said he wasn't freaking out. A full on panick right there right now. Pain shot through his whole being and he bit his lip trying not to scream. He groaned and turned around on the floor, grabbing onto his chest in a futile attempt to control it. He felt like his back was tearing up, his skin ripping apart.

And then, suddenly, out of the blue, it stopped. As soon as it came, it disappeared. He was still breathing heavily though, sweat on his forehead. "J-Jonah? Is that you?". Mom! Fuck! "U-uhm, y-yeah" he answered, coughing a little, forcing himself on his feet. "Are you alright darling?". "Yes! Yes, perfectly fine!" Jonah choked out. "I'm just, uh, getting ready for m-my job interview"

Jonah quickly opened the door, forcing a smile towards his weakly standing mother. "Job interview?" she asked surprised. "W-what about Cassey's?". "Oh, I'm still working there, just, uhm, this might pay more so I thought it was worth the shot". "Oh why didn't you say so? Good luck!". "Come on mom, you have to get back to bed" he whispered, guiding het back to her room. "I'll bring your medicine in a while, alright?"

And during that whole conversation only one thing went through Jonah's head. What the hell did just happen to me?!

The limo stopped in a sloppy street surrounded by crappy apartment buildings. Disgusting. Who would want to live here? Argh... Dean glanced at his driver after giving his surroundings a downcasting glare. "Why are we stopping?". "This is the adress, Mr Davis". This made Dean frown. He knew the kid didn't had it as great as he had but still... This was like an urban slum! He sighed and got out if the car, looking at the card he wrote to remember the right number.

He walked up to the door and pushed it open, taking the elevator to the right floor and walking up to Jonah's door. He knocked twice, hard, and waited for an answer. "I'll take it!" Dean heard Jonah yell before the boy opened the door. He was in the suit he'd send him. His vest still open, his white blouse sticking out of his pants sloppily and his tie hanging lose around his neck. His eyes widened once he saw it was Dean and he started stuttering.

"S-sir! I-I, uhm, I didn't expect you s-so soon. C-come in" the boy got out, opening the door a bit further, stepping aside. Dean walked in, inspecting the place without answering or reacting to Jonah at all. Man that kid lived in a shit hole! Well, what do you expect from a seventeen year old that works in a crappy coffee shop? "Who is it darling?" he heard a female voice from another room. "U-uhm, n-no one mom" Jonah called back, making his way over to the origin of the sound.

Right, his ill mother... Dean turned around, looking at old photo frames and little artworks. Family stuff. Looks like the father has been out of the picture for a while already. Just Jonah and his mother, who was now going down hill pretty fast. Yeah, not the ideal surcumstances... "S-sorry for that, it's just that my mom has an uh memory problem so she uh forgot you were coming to get me" Jonah explained nervously, putting his blouse in his pants.

"It's fine" Dean said and chuckled as he saw the boy struggle with his tie. "Here, let me help you". He placed his hands over those of Jonah and moved them away so he could fancy him up. The boy blushed, watching the older man straighten his tie. Dean didn't mind though. He thought it was kinda funny how the smaller boy reacted to his touch. "T-thank you s-sir". "Not a problem, Mr Adams" he whispered, closing Jonah's vest and brushing off his shoulders.

"Are we good to go?". "O-of course, uh-". "Dean" he reacted, now suddenly realising he hadn't mentioned his name before. "Davis. Dean Davis, but call me Dean, please. Sir sounds so old, I'm just 20 you know" he chuckled. Jonah blushed again, staring nervously at the ground. "Well, the ride awaits" Dean sighed, offering his arm to the kid, smiling.

He would never admit, but he actually looked forward to this dinner. He was curious towards the boy. Jonah was different. A light shimmering in his eyes in such dark times... Special, unique, different. Dean liked different. He thought it was facinating. Although he didn't know if this particular kind would be good or bad to him. We'll see after dinner, I guess.

Jonah gasped as he saw the limo, never been in one ever before. Amusing to see, really. His amazement was even bigger as he saw Dean rented off a whole restaurant in the best part of the city just for their dinner. Like I said before, he really liked this kid. Dinner went surprisingly well, opposites attract I guess? And for the first time in forever, Dean laughed. He had a sincere good time without killing someone!

"So? You take my offer, Mr Adams?" Dean asked with a sly grin as they rode the elevator back to Jonah's apartment. "You say you pay for full medical care for my mother? And my schooling as well?" Jonah asked, looking up to Dean. "That is correct". "And all I have to do is sit behind a desk, answering phone calls?". "Yes" Dean stated with a small laugh. "Even a child could do it". This made both of them laugh.

The elevator dinged and opened on Jonah's floor. They walked to his door, still laughing slightly as Jonah searched his keys. "Well, if all job interviews are like this-". "You won't be having other job interviews" Dean interrupted. "Because you're taking the deal". "Oh yeah? Who says so?" Jonah asked, smirking, arms crossed. "Teenagers" Dean muttered. "Listen up, I'm 20, I will inherit DI when I'm 21, and you're like the only person I can stand to be with for over an hour and I need an assistant"

"Now why would that be?" Jonah challanged. "Don't even try me kid". "You're literary 3 years older". "It's enough for people to call me an adult you a kid" Dean stated with a grin. "So what will it be huh? Do we have a deal?". Silence. Just two guys staring at each other in a hall way in fancy suits. Suddenly Jonah reached out his hand, a smile on his face.

"It's a deal"

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