Chapter 21

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"What are you waiting for?! Do something!" Edward hissed. "I-I can't, everyone will know my secret" Jonah stated, pushing Ed and himself in the janitors closet. "Well, he's looking for you and he won't stop till he has what he wants, right?" Edward asked. They didn't notice there were others hiding in the janitors closet as well. "I know that! But I can't just-"

It was that moment Jonah noticed the others. "Uhm, hi?" he said nervously. "S-so, uh, you hide here often?". He recognized the people from his classes, he actually knew all of them... "What is happening out there?!" a girl hissed. "That maniac is here for you?!". "I-it's a long story" Jonah whispered, hearing the gunshots come closer. "We have to get out of here"

"Yeah, but how?" Ed asked. "I-I'll distract him, you get everyone to safety" Jonah said, standing up. "You can't just sacrifice yourself!" the girl hissed again, seemingly the only one who was able to speak through the crippling fear of being shot by a lunatic. "I'll have to... Besides, I'll be just fine" Jonah said, forcing a smile. "Ready?". "Ready" Ed breathed, totally not ready for this.

Jonah opened up the door running towards the canteen again. "Get everyone out of here!" he shouted back at Edward before closing the door behind him. He turned around, only to face the bloody bodies of people he'd gone to school with for years. "Finally, bout time" Dean grumbled, pointing the gun at Jonah.

"Don't think you can get away with this Dean" the teen hissed while searching for heartbeats in the room. None other than his and Dean's...  Everyone here was dead... He counted at least 20 bodies, 20 to much. "Did you really think I wasn't gonna figure it out?! How long have you been pretending to actually care?! From the start I bet"

"If that makes this easier on you, yes" Dean shrugged, throwing knifes in Jonah's direction. He nearly dodged them all, close call. "I was wondering where those were" the kid muttered in anger, claws out. "And I was wondering when you were gonna do that" Dean smirked, making Jonah's eyes glow in anger as they turned into slits.

"Let's end this once and for all" Jonah hissed, getting ready to fire as his wings teared up the DI hoodie and his tail appeared from his back. "Ah, the final dance..." Dean grinned. "How about a slow...". Jonah fired his deadly flames at Dean, setting desks and chairs on fire. "How about we lit up this party" Jonah roared, flying directly at Dean now he was distracted.

None the less, Dean saw it coming and pierced him with one of his bigger blades, right in the stomach. Jonah coughed up bright blue blood as he groaned in pain. "Hmm, I think I'm gonna like this song..." Dean grinned, pushing Jonah off the sword and onto the ground. "I'm n-not done y-yet" the boy coughed, slowly crawling back up.

He set his hand aflame, pressing on the wound with warmth. "Ah, I see, it's the heat, isn't it?" Dean asked, stepping closer, sword and gun at hand. "It boosts your powers...". He glanced aside and threw his sword into the wall. Why the hell would he do that? It was then Jonah realised what he had hit. The schools cooling system... It went into overdrive, all airco blowing on its peak. And let me tell you, it was freezing cold.

Jonah shuddered and wrapped his wings around himself, trying to stay warm. He needed to stay warm or else... He carefully lifted his hand, looking at the stab wound. Light blue blood gushing out of it. His fire was useless in these temperatures... If he fired at Dean, he would only lose body heat, heat he really needed right now.

"Oh what's wrong? Did someone turn down the heat?" Dean chuckled, dragging his knife across Jonah's wings. The boy hissed in pain but stayed wrapped up. He couldn't let the cold in, it'd be the death of him... But so would this if Dean continued... Come on Jonah, think! What is Dean's weakness?

Then it hit him. He was Dean's weakness. Jonah de-transformed, letting himself fall onto the ground. Well, let's hope I'm right... Jonah groaned, holding his arms over his chest. Man, it really is freezing! He looked up at Dean in fear as the young man smirked down at him. "P-please, don't do this" the boy whispered, fake tears coming to his eyes. It came in handy he could cry on command, made everyone forgive him easier. A trick he used all the time.

He saw Dean hesitate and decided to step it up with the puppy eyes, something he mastered since he was 6. The blade fell to the ground with a loud cling noise as Dean found himself, once again, unable to kill the boy. What's wrong with me?! How could I've grown so weak?! The serial killer groaned and looked around at his trail of bodies. No, he wasn't weak. It was this kid. He was doing this to him...

Jonah whimpered in pain as he slowly crawled away, leaving Dean in his confused state. Unbelievable it actually worked... He transformed back into his dragon form with the last of his energy and flew out. He needed to find warmth and soon, or otherwise there wouldn't be a Jonah for much longer.

"Later this afternoon a school shooting was fatal for approximately 67 students and teachers. One child is still missing, assumingly taken by the shooter. More about this incident-". Dean groaned as he shut the TV off. He went on a small killing spree when Jonah got away... Argh, that damn kid! Why did he always had to run off?! What a lame superhero!

Dean sighed and fell down on his couch. He could never kill Jonah even if he wanted to... The teen just snuck into his heart unnoticed and now there was no way of getting him out. Sure, he was furious when he found out Jonah is Dragon-Man, but he couldn't stay mad at him for that. It wasn't his fault he had those powers anyway. If Jonah could see past all of Dean's flaws, he could see past the dragon. Besides, it was pretty cool if you think about it.

"Mr Davis! You can't just not show up for work all day and do nothing!" Gabriel hissed as he entered Dean's room. Dean glanced up at his bodyguard, groaning. "I don't care! I don't even want this stupid fucking company!" the young man complained. "Don't you see I'm grieving Gabriel?!". "W-why would you be grieving?" he asked confused. "Also, you reek of alcohol"

"Jonah abandoned me!" Dean hissed. "I was so close... So close! I almost had him and he slipped right through my fingers!". Gabriel thought he was talking about the fact the boy quit his job. Dean on the other hand thought about the fact he got away at school. "Well, you fired him first, for 'personal reasons' may I add" Gabe stated, crossing his arms. "You don't understand, okay?!" Dean hissed, tears stinging in his eyes. How did those get there?

"Listen up Davis, not everyone wants to share a bed with you, get over it". "We shared the bed you complete utter idiot!" Dean exclaimed. "I've fucked Jonah! You heard it alright! I slept with a minor! Sue me". Gabriels eyes widened in shock at this new information. "I-I really like the kid, Gabe..." Dean sighed, sinking back into the couch. "But he doesn't want me anymore..."

Well, I did try to kill him...

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