Chapter 13

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Jonah was telling Dean all about his vistit to his mother when the billionaire drove the kid back home. "She remembers Dean! She's really getting better!" Jonah exclaimed happily. "I know, told you they're the best in the field" Dean stated, focussing on driving. Gabe had a day off so he needed to drive himself. Like regular people. Disgusting. But at least Jonah was smiling like an idiot and that made it worth it.

"So what's your dad like?" Jonah asked, interrupting Dean's thoughts. "W-what?" the young man asked. "Yeah, I've never even seen him even though I walk in your penthouse like it's my second home" the boy stated. "Well, he's a busy man" Dean whispered. "But he retired?" Jonah asked, frowning. "I know" Dean sighed.

The truth was that his father had moved out the moment Dean took over. He went to live on some private tropical island in a giant villa and his own heli and boat and everything a person could ever wish for. He abandonned Dean the first chance he got...

"So when am I gonna meet him?" Jonah asked. "As semi-ceo you'd think he wants to meet me". "Well, he doesn't" Dean stated, driving up to his private garage under the DI building. "Why?" the boy asked. "Because he's a grumpy old man and the total opposite of a people person. He literary hates everyone". Even his own son... Dean sighed and closed his eyes for a moment when the car came to a stop.

"Bet I can change his mind" Jonah smirked. "I don't think you can" Dean said, looking at the teen. "You also thought I wouldn't be able to go to a meeting and I totally nailed it" Jonah stated as he got out of the car. "I've been dealing with him for a lot longer than you and take it from an expert when I say you can't win this"

Jonah flashbacked to his fight with The Dragon. I've been here for a lot longer than you and take it from a professional when I tell you you can't win this. It made shudders go down his spine. Why did Dean have to use those exact words? So simular to his?

"Well, then he's never met me" Jonah shrugged as a response, also making Dean flash back to their fight. Then you've never met me. Dean shook it off as just a coincidence and stepped out the car as well. "He doesn't need to, trust me on this one". "But Dean-". "No, end of the line, next topic" he said on a stern voice. "I don't wanna hear anything more about it, understand?"

Jonah was taken aback a bit and stared at the ground in submission. "Yes boss" the teen whispered, a little hurt by how harsh Dean was all of the sudden. "I-I'll just walk home after lunch and then I see you back on Monday". Before Dean could answer, Jonah already left the garage. He yelled in frustration and kicked the wall, groaning as pain shoot through his foot.

How did he always find a way to drive Jonah away? Makes you wonder, really. Dean knew the boy was easily scared and oh so sensitive, still he didn't seem to care when it mattered. He sighed. Gods, Jonah is so gay... What is that boy doing to me? Dean closed his eyes for a moment and covered his face with his hands.

I've fallen in love with a boy I can never have...

Jonah stopped two robberies, a rapist and a child abuser and was ready to call it a night when he noticed a very familiar figure standing on the edge of a building. It was him. The Dragon. Jonah frowned, soundlessly flying over to the man and landing on the other side of the roof. There was an awful smell in the air, the smell of death.

That's when he noticed, they weren't alone on the roof. The Dragon had left a trail of bodies behind him, quite literary. It made Jonah gag in disgust. Sickening. "I hear you like my little present" the man chuckled, turning around to face our hero. "I've made it myself, specially for you!"

This man is insane Jonah thought. "I'm honoured" he forced out, slowly stepping closer. "I knew you'd like it! You seem like the type" The Dragon laughed, carelessly, kicking a body. No respect for the death at all. "Anyway, we're not here to talk, are we?". Suddenly he pulled out his daggers, giving Jonah an evil grin. "We didn't finish our dance last time"

Only seconds later his dagers clashed with the claws of Dragon-Man. "Yeah, that trick isn't gonna work on me anymore pal" Jonah smirked, swooping him off his feet with his tail. Dean, on the other hand, had seen it coming, letting himself fall on purpose so he could slice through Jonah's leg. Jonah fell down, kneeling, groaning in pain.

Dean had cut a muscle, he wasn't able to stretch his leg anymore now. "Luckily I've got about a million up my sleeve" he grinned. Jonah growled, flapping his wings, making The Dragon fly backwards while he lifted himself from the roof. "Doesn't mean you'll win" Jonah hissed, charging his flame.

Dean grinned. This is exactly what he anticipated for. He crossed his arms in front of him, taking the full blue blast. "What the-" Jonah muttered, panting, as he saw The Dragon rise again, not a scratch on him. "Fire-proof...". "You catch on quickly" he smirked, throwing three daggers his way.

Jonah's eyes widened as he saw the blades closing in on him. He was able to dodge the first one, the second dagger scratched his wings and the third couldn't be avoided anymore. It hit him straight in the leg, stuck in his flesh. He let out a loud roar, in pain, and crash landed back on the roof.

"And here I was, thinking you'd be a challenging opponent... Guess I was wrong" Dean shrugged, not even bothering to pick up the knives as he walked over to one of the corpses. This should do he thought to himself as he started writing Dragon on the ground with the blood. His trademark.

Jonah on the other hand was focussing on the problem at hand, his blue blood spilling all over the place. He forced himself up with the help of his wings, not removing the dagger from his leg. He was scared to bleed out if he did. This guy is way out of my league... He sighed and flew up, deciding to retreat for the time being and come up with a strategy to defeat this maniac.

Cause Jonah will take down The Dragon, even if it's the last thing he'll do...

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