Chapter 19

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The ride to DI was silent, not even the radio was playing. Jonah occasionally sipped from the coffee, which was very welcome after the long day he had. The boy knew Dean wasn't good with emotions so he figured out the coffee was his way of saying sorry. Jonah decided to break the silence.

"Looks like I owe you one now" he chuckled slightly. No reaction. His small smile vanished and he just stared outside the window for the rest of the ride. They arrived at the DI building soon and Dean got out without a word. He waited for Jonah to get out and pulled the boy along.

They passed Carol and Grenda on their way in, who were gaping at them with wide eyes. Jonah just smiled and waved as he was dragged into the elevator. Surely they would tell everyone he's back, they're the biggest gossipers Jonah knows. Another quiet elevator ride later, Dean pulled Jonah out, holding a firm grip of the boy's arm.

"Are you all happy now?! Can I move on with my life?!" Dean hissed, making everyone look at their boss and the former co-director. Dean let out a grunt, letting go of Jonah and marching towards his office. Jonah, still not an idea of what was going on, silently took a sip from his coffee as everyone stared at him. He gave them a small wave and awkward smile.

"Welcome back, co-director" Gabriel grinned as he walked up to Jonah. "W-what do you mean?" Jonah asked confused. "Dean didn't tell you?" he frowned. "He hasn't really said anything, like, at all, so" the boy muttered. "Well, the board told him you needed to come back or he could fuck off" Gabe stated. "So you're not rid of us yet"

"W-wait... You're serious?!" Jonah exclaimed happily, hugging the man. "That's the best news I've heard since-since-". "Hey, calm down, take it easy" Gabe chuckled. "There's a shit load of work waiting for you at your desk, just so you know". "Frankly, I don't fucking care, I'm back bitches!" Jonah exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air, also throwing half of his coffee on the ground.

"I'll get someone to clean that up" Gabe shrugged, waving it off. "T-thanks, uhm, I should get back to work now" Jonah sighed, handing what was left of his coffee to Gabriel. The teen smiled at everyone he passed, waving hello. He really made a difference in this company! But as soon as he entered the office, his smile faded.

Dean had just dropped the last pile of work on Jonah's desk and glared at the boy. "I want this done today, understand" he hissed. It wasn't even a question, just an order. "Of course Mr Davis" Jonah said in his costumer pleasing voice and went to work.

He didn't like the fact Dean knew who, or rather what, he was but he couldn't change that anymore now. He was also to scared to try and talk to him about it, fearing he'll flip like last time. Yet he didn't want them to fight. He didn't want Dean to hate him like he did now, to be treated like the enemy instead of a friend. A lover... His heart broke at the thought of never feeling Dean's lips on his again. Jonah needed to talk this out, soon.

"I'm done" Jonah stated after an hour of hard work. This made Dean look up in surprise. "You're done? With everything?". "Yes" Jonah said and stood up. "Can I go down to the interns? I-if you don't need me for anything else of course". "N-no, uhm, go ahead" Dean sighed. "And uh Jonah?". "Yes?". "Come to the penthouse after hours". They looked at each other for a moment before Jonah nodded. "As you wish Mr Davis"

"I'm here!" Dean heard Jonah shout as the boy walked into his room. Dean sat on his bed, one of his dagers in his hands, a finger running down the blade. He could end it right here and now... End Dragon-Man forever... "Dean? I know you're upstairs, can I come up?" Jonah asked. Dean frowned. How did he know? He glanced down at the knife but put it inside his nightstand. "Yes, uhm, I'll come down" Dean muttered and got up.

He noticed Jonah nervously fidgeting with his sleeves and softly biting his lip. Adorable... Dean shook his head. No. That kid was Dragon-Man, the city's vigilante. "I guess we need to talk, right? That's why you called me here, isn't it?" Jonah asked quietly. "Yeah, sure" Dean shrugged. Surely not to kill you, you cute little shit. They sat in silence for a while before Jonah sighed.

"Look, I really didn't want you to find out this way... I mean, I know how you see heroes but I really only mean to do good. I just wanna help people... I want to help you, Dean" Jonah said, the last part a whisper. "Please, let me help you". Fuck. This kid is making me go soft! 

"Transform" Dean ordered. "W-what?" Jonah choked out. "You heard me" Dean stated, crossing his arms. "Show me that dragon of yours". "A-are you absolutely sure? I-it can be a bit-". "Yes, I'm sure, now show me" Dean hissed. Maybe if he was faced with the beast he used to fight, he could actually finish it. He wanted to kill that Dragon-Man, but for some reason not Jonah...

Jonah took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting the air escape again. "Here goes nothing" the boy muttered and opened his eyes again. They were slits and started glowing a bit. Soon enough scales covered his body and his shirt was ripped apart by the enormous wings sprouting from his back, followed by a long tail.

"This is it" Jonah sighed, looking down to the ground. "I-I should've really taken my shirt off first... S-so, uhm, w-what do you think?". He was nervous, even the blind could see that at this point. He didn't want Dean to hate him. Dean sighed and got up from his seat, walking around Jonah slowly, observing, inspecting. He never actually got the chance to do that during battle...

"Impressive" Dean muttered, still finding himself unable to kill the boy. Never had he walked away from his target before. When his mind is set, he just goes for it. But Jonah was different... Something inside of Dean really didn't want to see the boy suffer while the rest of his being screamed at him to finish the wanna be superhero.

He took Jonah's chin, making the teen look up to him as Dean stared into his eyes. He'd seen those eyes before, but never did they held the emotion they did now. It wasn't just fear and certainly not hatred. It was caring and kind... Damnit! "S-something wrong?" Jonah asked quietly. "No" Dean whispered, letting go of him. "It appears that you're perfect"

This made Jonah blush and look down. Dean couldn't help but chuckle. The almighty Dragon-Man, a guy who had stopped countless of crimes in his short hero lifespan, will always be the Jonah Dean loved so much. He couldn't finish him, not even if he wanted to. The billionaire ruffled through the kid's hair with a small laugh.

What he didn't expect was for Jonah to lean into his touch and started purring like a cat. Jonah's eyes widened and he stepped back instantly. "U-uhm sorry, I-I didn't meant t-to do that...". "It's okay" Dean smiled and started playing with the teen's hair again. "I kinda like it"

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