Chapter 9

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"Morning!" Dean shouted as he walked into the office, scaring the crap out of Jonah. They hadn't really talked since yesterday morning, the morning after... you know... Jonah felt awkward, knowing all the things they'd done that night. Having him seen naked on top of him... It was definitely burned into his memory, that's for sure.

"Open my agenda and clear my afternoon will ya? I have something important to attend to" Dean sighed as he let himself fall into his chair. "More important than your very first board meeting as the head of the company?" Jonah asked, raising an eyebrow. "That was today?! Fuck" Dean cursed, getting back up.

"Cancel it anyway. My plans are importanter". "I hear you haven't had your coffee yet cause you're talking gibberish" Jonah stated. "You can't just cancel a board meeting! It's your first day as boss!". "Well watch me, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want" he argued, walking over to Jonah's desk and sitting down on his lap without a second thought.

He started typing on the computer while moving teasingly on Jonah's lap. The teen bit his lip, trying to keep his inner dragon under control. "I-I can't let you do this" Jonah groaned, grabbing Dean's hands before he could erase his whole agenda. "Oh come on~" Dean whined, hopping slightly on his lap, turning Jonah on. Or rather, turning the beast inside him on. He really needed to get that under control...

"You know I sometimes really do hate you" Dean stated, hopping back off. "That's why I'll be sending you all the files and you can do the meeting!". "W-what?!" Jonah exclaimed with wide eyes. "I'm 17!". "I'm 21!" Dean shouted back. "You can't expect me to lead a board meeting for a million dollar company! I'm a child!" Jonah hissed. "And that was not in the job discription!". "Well I didn't ask to inherit a million dollar company okay?! Or you go or no one goes!"

A tense silence got stuck in the air while the two males stared at each other. They'd never had a serious argument before and everything seemed to say this would be it. Their first fight. Well, verbal fight. "I'm leaving" Dean stated simply, packing up his things again. "Don't try to call me". He slammed the door shut behind him, making Jonah flinch. The boy could hear how Gabriel tried to stop him, failing miserably.

"What did you do? I heard yelling and now Mr Davis has left the building" the guard stated angrily. Jonah didn't answer, not immediately, making Gabe even more mad. "Answer me!". "W-we had an argument, okay?" Jonah whispered, tears coming to his eyes. Dean had never yelled at him before... It felt like a knife, straight to the heart.

"E-everything okay?" Gabe asked, now worried, closing the door for privacy. Not that there were a lot of people active on this floor... "Please leave" Jonah muttered, continuing his work like nothing happened. "Don't you need to follow Dean or something? Isn't that your job?". The man had never heard such a harsh tone from the teen. Guess that's just how he reacts to a bad argument?

It wasn't even that big of a deal, now that Jonah thought about it. Why were they even yelling? Why were they fighting? It didn't even make sense! He should've just let Dean cancel the meeting, none of this would've happened. Jonah wouldn't even have taken the fall, nothing would've been his fault. But now he chased him off, made him leave. He felt responsible for Dean's absence in a way, even though the man would be gone anyway.

That's when he made up his mind and decided to do as he was asked. He would lead the board meeting. He'd show Dean how much he's really worth.

There was a knock on the door as Dean was sharpening his blades, getting ready to fight the Dragon-Man tonight. He regretted shouting at Jonah this morning though. He'd apologize tomorrow, when the feelings had cooled down. "May I come in sir?". It was Gabe. This made Dean frown. He never bothered him unless there was something wrong.

"Door is unlocked" Dean called out, putting his knife down. His bodyguard walked inside, not fazed by the fact his boss was surrounded by weapons. "Do you have any idea what kind of name you made for yourself?" Gabe started. "Letting your pet lead a board meeting?! Ridiculous!"

Dean froze. He really did it... Jonah went to the meeting instead of him. He didn't mean for him to go! He was just joking! But then Jonah became so serious and angry and Dean left him and... Oh Gods... "Well, how did it go?" Dean asked, trying to appear calm. "Surprisingly well, sir" Gabe muttered. "But that's not what this is about!"

"Wait, it went well? Jonah did an actual decent job?" Dean asked, taken aback. "Decent? The board loved him and his new insides on things" Gabe stated. "He practically wrapped them around his finger with his ideas". Dean leaned back in his chair, letting a hand wander through his hair. "W-we're talking about the same person here, right? Jonah Adams? Seventeen year old kid?"

"You should talk to him" his driver stated, slightly pissed off. "That kid is working his ass off for you and you don't even thank him. Not like I'd expect anything more from a boss like you". At that he left, leaving Dean totally flabbergasted. Gabriel had never spoken to him in such a tone. Not even after all the bitches, sluts and thots he fucked in the backseat while he was driving.


Oh man, Jonah felt exhausted... He fell half asleep behind his desk as he returned from the meeting. Gabriel had glanced at him before leaving to who knows where. It's not like Jonah cared at this point... He just wanted to sleep. He sighed and closed his eyes, slowly dozing off. He really blew their socks off, that's for sure.

It was rather funny, standing at the entrance to shake all of their hands, always getting the same questions like 'When is Mr Davis going to be here?' and 'Aren't you a little young to be here?', 'Where are your parents?' and one of his favorites 'Security, get this child back to the lobby!'. You should've seen their faces when he started the meeting, priceless.

Best thing? They thought Jonah actually made sense and listened to him. No one had ever listened to him like that... His teachers always thought of it as disobeying and being annoying. A talk back, as they called him. Nobody understood most of the things he talked about, it's why he eventually stopped talking. At school, at home, at work... But now his smarts rose to the surface once more and the people actually liked it.

Suddenly there was a thud on his desk. His eyes shot open, leaving him disorientated for a few seconds before laying eyes on the coffee in front of him. Cassey's Coffee take-away. "I thought you found the coffee overpriced?" He looked up to see Dean, a small smile lingering on the man's lips. Nothing was said but that wasn't necessary either. Dean sighed, giving Jonah one last smile before leaving again. Jonah didn't mind though, taking the cup and holding it in his hands, absorbing the warmth.

This was starting to become a thing huh?

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