Chapter 14

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There were things which were a lot more fun than sitting in the middle of a room surrounded by electrical stoves. Jonah glanced at the thermometer, it was around 40°C in his apartment. He sighed and took the heat pack off his leg. Almost healed, would you look at that. The heat really does make a big difference.

Jonah sighed and stared at the dagger, which seemed to mock him from the kitchen counter. The Dragon had beat him, again. He's strong and fast and has technique. That last one was something Jonah missed, and not a little bit. Up until now he just winged it. But now he knew that 'strategy' wouldn't stand a chance against the more advanced bad guys.

He closed his eyes and sighed again, glancing at the clock above the TV. It was way past midnight, almost 2 am. But that was the least of his worries. Tomorrow was Sunday, or today is, depends on how you look at things I guess. He would get to sleep in and then make his homework. Like usual.

Maybe he wasn't cut out for this life after all? Maybe he wasn't meant to be a superhero... What is he even thinking? Of course he wasn't made for this! If only he never drank that coffee- His eyes widened. That coffee! It was Dean's! Which means that if Jonah hadn't drank it than Dean would be... Jonah gasped. This power was meant for Dean! B-but did he even know about it? Was it some kind of experimental drug or something?

Jonah breathed heavily, the thought of Dean with his powers lingering in his mind. Did Dean want this? Did he take it from him? Did Dean know he got it? Was that why he stalked him and gave him a job? Was everything up until this point fake? Just a sick plan to get close to him and stab him in the back? Take the powers by force? But how would he even do that? Why would he sleep with him? Was that all part of the plan?

He violently shook his head and pulled at his hair. No. That wasn't possible. He was overthinking things. Yes, that's it. Just his anxious teenage mind making up consipiracy theories about his boss! He closed his eyes again, trying to calm down. After that he glanced at his stab wound. Healed. Huh, probably due to the adrenaline of just now. The smallest thing could set him off, really. Surely with what's been going on lately.

Jonah crawled back up, leaning on his leg. As good as new. With a small smile he started turning off all the heaters. Luckily he had a big cash flow coming in every month or he wouldn't be able to afford all the power he waisted on warmth. Just as he was about to call it a night, his phone rang. He frowned. What the hell? He yawned and looked at the unknown number. He recognized it, it had called him in the middle of the night before but claimed to have called the wrong number...

"Yes?". "Oh, uhm, I-I didn't expect you to answer". Dean. "What are you doing up at 2 am?". "I could ask you the same question" Jonah stated. "Why are you calling me at 2 am?". "Couldn't sleep, wanted to hear your voice" he admitted in a whisper. "I-I'm sorry about how I behaved today... My father is kinda a touchy subject". "I didn't know, sorry" Jonah whispered, looking at his hand while he changed it from hand to claw and so back and forth.

"C-can we meet? I need someone to talk to and Shadow Crusher isn't really helping" Dean muttered. "Shadow Crusher?" Jonah asked with a chuckle. "M-my uhm cat" Dean sighed. "He's not really an uhm people person so...". "It's a cat". Jonah heard Dean gasp and rolled his eyes. He could basically see the man cover his chest with his hand dramatically. "Shadow Crusher is not just a cat, understand?"

"You wanna meet up or not?" Jonah asked. "I'll be at your door in ten, be ready". "My appartement is a twenty minute drive away" he frowned. "I might've been on the road before I called you" Dean shrugged. "Just be ready alright?". He broke the connection after that, making Jonah sigh. He slowly shook his head and smiled. That's Dean for you.

Only 7 minutes later Dean pulled up in front of Jonah's building. None the less, the boy stood ready. "Hop in" Dean smiled. "So where are we going?" Jonah asked, closing his door. "Where the road leads us" Dean smiled, driving off. They sat in silence for a while, just quietly enjoying the music playing in the background, the lights of the city flashing by.

"My father left me the moment I took over the company" Dean breathed. "He ran to some tropical island he bought a bit over a year ago... He planned this". The first tear slipped down Dean's cheek. It was hard to imagine he killed 23 people the same afternoon. Well, I guess you could say he has two faces. Dean started crying behind the wheel, making Jonah grab his hand. "Pull over" he whispered to the crying CEO of Davis Industries.

Dean did as he was told and Jonah stepped out the moment they came to a stop. He walked around the car and opened Dean's door. "Get out". Dean oblied without any struggle and Jonah hugged him the moment he got out of the car. "My dad left to go buy a scratch lot. Guess he must've won cause that was 10 years ago" Jonah whispered towards Dean. "Fathers can be assholes sometimes"

"A-at least you still got your mother" Dean choked out through his tears. "Doesn't mean I'm not going home to an empty apartment though" the boy stated. He let Dean cry it out after that. Some people were giving them weird glances but not many since 02:29 isn't an hour for normal people to come out.

He pushed Jonah against the wall the first chance he got as they entered the penthouse. They started kissing full of lust and passion. Oh how Dean loved his little boy... Unfortunately he would never know if Jonah loved him back. The teen could be doing this for his own satisfaction or just cause he was scared what would happen if he turned Dean down.

Jonah pushed Dean off of him, slightly panting, facing the ground. "E-everything okay?" Dean whispered, stroking his hair, wanting to make him look up. Jonah just shook his head and slapped his hand away. "I-I don't think we should do this anymore"

"W-what?". That sentence hurt Dean more than it should, at least in his mind. "Are you using me Dean?" Jonah asked, looking him straight in the face, tears shimmering in his eyes. "Am I just a toy to you? Your pet?". Dean didn't know what to answer on his sudden questions. Jonah was so much more to him than that... But how could he possibly put that into words? "I knew it" Jonah breathed out, now crying. He wanted to walk away, get out of here, but Dean grabbed his wrists and forced him to stay.

"You're not just a toy to me" Dean hissed. "Well, in the beginning it kinda started out that way... I thought, no, think you're very cute and since I was kinda pissed off about my coffee, I decided to take that out on you. But after our dinner I instantly knew you weren't like all the others I've met so far. You're special Jonah. Different. I like that about you, a-a lot... At first I didn't even want to sleep with you cause I didn't want to treat you like the ones I had before. But you made me fall Jonah, you made me fall so damn hard and now I just can't take my eyes off you anymore"

"Kiss me God damnit" Jonah cried and smashed their lips together again.

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