Chapter 17

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"So tell me, Edward, why were you hurting my precious assistant?" Dean hissed, holding Ed pressed against the wall. Some people glanced up but no one bothered to step in since everyone here knew how Dean could be when he was on a war path. "Your what?" Ed choked out. "Jonah Adams!" Dean exclaimed, kicking him in the stomach. "Answer me, you lousy teenager!"

"I was confronting him with the truth!" Edward hissed. "Now let me go! Do you have any idea who my mother is?!". "Yes, and I happen to know she's also very fond of Jonah, meaning she'll side with me" Dean hissed, letting the kid fall onto the ground. "What truth?". Edward chuckled darkly. "Like I'm telling you". "I know everything there is to know about Jonah so try me". "You don't know this" Ed grinned. This made Dean kick him again and again, and again.

"Jonah Adams is Dragon-Man" Edward choked out, breathing a bit louder. Dean frowned down upon the teenager, not knowing whether to kick him again or slap him across the face. "Haha, real funny, but I don't think so". "Oh yeah? Ask him what got him suspended! Ask him what happened on Monday!" the kid shouted, crawling back up. "I'm telling my mom about this". "Go ahead" Dean shrugged. "She will get you fired, you know that right?" Edward asked.

"I don't think so kid, but you can try" Dean chuckled. "You see, the whole board needs to vote me off the throne and I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon". His eyes widened a little in realisation. "Y-you're a Davis" he choked out. "That I am" Dean grinned. "Now get your ass out of my building before I call security"

Davis knew Jonah wasn't going to talk about what happened Monday so he hacked into the school security camera's. He didn't believe a single word that Edward said but he needed to be sure. His little Jonah couldn't be that knock off hero, right? There wasn't a chance in the world! But then he saw the footage and his world was thrown upside down...

The rest of the tour went surprisingly well and people actually listened to Jonah for a change. He already totally forgot about Edward. "That was very educational, Mr Adams" Mrs Lancaster smiled. "We'll see you back in class on Monday". "Yes, I can't wait" Jonah smiled, waving his class off. He sighed and put his hands in his hips, smiling. Another tour wrapped up nicely...

He turned around and gave his pass back to the front desk, where Carol stopped him. "Mr Adams, you should really have a word with Mr Davis" she sighed. "Threatening and harming a teenager is called assault, you know? He's lucky Eva isn't pressing charges". Jonah's eyes widened. He totally forgot about Edward!

"W-where is he now? E-Edward I mean". "Off with his class" Grenda shrugged. "He's been waiting in that bus since lunchbreak". "Yes, rumours are already going around the tower, you know how it goes" Carol added. "Alright, well, uhm, thanks for telling me. I'll go talk to him straight away"

Jonah sighed as he got into the elevator and pressed the button for his office floor. This was all his fault... If he just had taken Edward somewhere else to talk. If he just weren't so nervous and better at lying. If he just controlled himself Monday... None of this would've happened if it weren't for him. He needed to make things right.

But when he arrived at the office it was empty. He groaned and walked back out, looking for Gabriel, who he found only a minute later. "Gabe! Where the hell is Dean? I need to have a word with him" Jonah asked seriously. "Up in the penthouse, but I wouldn't go there now if I were you". "Why not?" Jonah asked confused. 

"He's raging mad Jonah, at you" Gabe said, seemingly sad and also confused by that sentence. "What?" Jonah breathed. "Mad a-at me? W-why?". "I don't have a clue" Gabe shrugged. "But I won't like to be in your shoes at the moment, believe me"

At that moment the private elevator opened and Dean walked out. He was on a war path, anyone could see that. "Jonah Adams!" he roared in anger. His voice spit fire and his eyes seemed to throw daggers. Jonah had seen those eyes before... No, no, that can't be! I'm just imagining things, that's it!

Dean stormed towards the boy with fury and stopped when their faces were only inches apart. "I think we need to talk" he hissed. Jonah looked up at him in fear, he'd never seen Dean like this ever before and it was terrifying. He knows was all that was going through Jonah's mind at that point.

He knows... He knows. He knows!

None the less Jonah nodded, obedient, and followed his boss into the elevator without protest. There was a moment of tense silence before the elevator doors opened again and they entered the penthouse. "W-what did you want to talk to me about?" Jonah stuttered out, not looking up at the man in question.

"How long were you gonna hide it from me Jonah?" Dean asked, his voice surprisingly calm. "How long?!". Jonah whimpered and tears started forming in his eyes. "I-I don't know what you're t-talking about" the boy whispered. "This" Dean hissed, grabbing Jonah's arm and slicing his flesh with a pocket knife.

Jonah yelled in pain and instantly pulled his arm away, holding onto it with his other hand. But you could clearly see the light blue blood dripping from his arm. Slowly, one drop at the time. Jonah breathed heavily while Dean took a few steps back. "No" the man choked out while shaking his head. "No! It can't be you! You can't be him!"

He started screaming and trashing the place, out of control. Jonah silently backed up, sitting inside the elevator with the doors wide open, crying, holding his arm. He formed a small blue flame in his hand and held it pressed against the cut. He hissed in pain for a moment, his skin not used to the sudden heat. Not that he burned himself, no, he was pretty fire resistant. When he lifted his hand, the cut was gone and only a small trail of blood remained.

Jonah knew Dean would be mad when he found out about his second life but he never imagined this... How did he even know? Did he really believe Edward on his word? No, there had to be some kind of evidence pointing towards him. Otherwise Dean would never do something like this.

"Go!" the man shouted towards Jonah in anger. "Pack you things and just go! I don't ever want to see your face in my building ever again!". This broke Jonah's heart, hearing the man he loved scream such hurtful words at him. None the less, he crawled up and pushed on their office floor. Still crying, he walked past Gabe and some other co-workers. He entered the office and walked straight up to his desk.

Well, not my desk anymore... he thought as a tear rolled down his cheek. He grabbed a box and started packing up. People were watching in shock through the wide open door. With his enhanced hearing he could pick up on all their surprised reactions. Not helping! "Jonah, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Gabe asked, stopping the boy.

"Packing" Jonah simply answered before continuing. "Why?" Gabe asked. "Cause he fired me okay!" Jonah cried out, loud enough for the whole floor to hear. After that he just broke down, throwing himself into Gabriel's arms and crying his heart out. Everyone stood there, completely and utterly shocked. They never thought Dean would fire the bright boy, surely not after his promotion.

Everyone showed their sympathy as Gabe lead the broken boy out the building, a box at hand. Carol and Grenda stared wide eyed as they walked past them. Jonah sobbed, still hearing people's reactions all over the building. His senses were getting more and more sensitive by the minute.

"I-I don't wanna go" Jonah sobbed as Gabriel started the car. He glanced at the boy crying on the seat in the back and sighed. "And I really wish you could stay" he sighed, driving away from Davis Industries. "Don't forget you can always call me alright? No matter what". Jonah forced a nod while staring at the slowly disappearing DI tower.

[That escalated quickly]

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