Chapter 22

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Jonah moaned in delight as the warm damps hit his skin. He was currently at a wellness center at the edge of the city, laying inside the sauna, which had reached its hottest peak. He kinda locked himself up here so no one could get to him. I mean, he's still healing. Another content moan escaped his lips as he shifted his position. I could get used to this...

He sighed and closed his eyes, flashing back at his fight with Dean. He could've killed him right there and then but he didn't. Dean couldn't kill Jonah, even though he was his enemy. The teen had noticed the special treatment he was getting from the maniac. He killed with seemingly no trouble or remorse but for some reason he always showed Jonah mercy.

Could it actually be that Dean sincerely cared about him? Jonah shook his head and dragged a hand over his face. No. That wasn't possible. Everything Dean had done for him was fake. He didn't actually care, he didn't love him... Oh Gods... Jonah groaned, hitting his head against the hot wooden structure of the sauna. I love Dean... That's it, I'm officially crazy!

He glanced down at the ground, seeing his spilled blue blood that dripped from his injuries. At least they were almost healed... He sighed, laying down on his back and staring at the ceiling. I should get a sauna in my apartment... Or a subscription on a spa... He smiled to himself, only Jonah could think about something like that on a time like this. He could've died for God sake!

Jonah sighed while turning to his side. Well, he couldn't stay here forever. Sooner or later someone was gonna find him in here and ask questions. He didn't exactly walk in here with a ticket you know. Besides, these temperatures could be lethal for a human, that wasn't exactly normal either. Yeah, being enhanced wasn't normal in general but still. He didn't pay for this which means he kinda broke in to use the sauna. You can see him explaining that to someone? I don't think so.

"Come on! Cheer up a little" Gabe grinned, pushing Dean slightly. "I don't think this was a great idea" Dean mumbled, hands in his pockets, staring at the ground. "What? No! Nothing is more effective against a broken heart than getting wasted, believe me" Gabriel grinned, pushing him inside some bar. "Why doesn't it surprise me that you have experience?" Dean said with a small smile. "See, you're already smiling!" Gabe exclaimed. "Wait till you get some alcohol in your bloodstream!"

Dean hated the idea of getting drunk with Gabriel but he'd always seen the guard as his friend so he thought he'd give it a chance... Well, it did mean he could forget about Jonah... The TV was playing, showing the news on the shooting. Oh great... Gabe glanced at the screen, his eyes widening. "Isn't that Jonah's school?" he asked with wide eyes. "Oh, uhm, yeah..." Dean muttered.

After a few minutes of showing footage and photo's, which Dean had already seen when he had hacked into the school camera's to erase anything they had on Jonah's transformation, they showed a picture of Jonah. The only kid still missing and probably taken by the shooter. Not. Gabriel stared at it with wide eyes as the police commentary was cut it in with the same 'We're doing everything we can' nonsense.

Dean groaned, letting his head fall onto the table. So they still didn't found him huh? Which means that either he's dead in some ally where they haven't looked yet, or he has found enough heat to recover and is healing himself. Which one shall it be? A question Dean couldn't answer right now. "Oh my God... Dean, I... If I'd known-" Gabe started but Dean raised his hand, glancing up at the man with one eye. "We came here to forget, didn't we?"

And that's exactly what they did. Meaning, Dean woke up naked with a random girl in a room he'd never seen before. He groaned and rolled out of the bed, seeing through the open bathroom door another stranger sitting half asleep next to the toilet, puke still on his mouth. Gross. Dean gagged, collecting his clothes and leaving the room. Empty beer cans and plastic cups covered the ground with every once and then a glass bottle of wine, champagne or some other beverage. Did he crash a party last night?

He frowned, making his way downstairs where he saw Gabriel with two half naked girls on the couch. Dean rolled his eyes and sighed. Well, at least this is gonna be fun, and painful... But fun! "Gabriel Griffin! Get off your arse at once!". Dean flinched at the sound of his voice but covered it up as Gabe shot up from the couch, dragging the girls to the ground with him. Dean chuckled, helping his friend get up.

"Rough night?" he laughed, making Gabe roll his eyes. "Dunno, you?". Dean just shrugged as an answer. "Can you drive? You look miserable" he stated. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine" Gabe said, stretching his back with a groan. "How bout you?". "You know me, this wasn't my first rodeo" Dean chuckled. "Come on, let's get out of here"

Jonah sighed as he looked at his school from the roof of a nearby building. There was a wake for the victims of the shooting, both students and teachers. It had been over 24 hours, but you could still feel the tense and depressing feeling in the air. The fear lingering in the school. Nothing would ever be the same... A tear escaped Jonah's eyes as he saw the candles being lit. As the lanterns flew up in the air, enlightening the dark evening sky. One light for every life lost...

He stretched his wings and flew soundlessly towards the school, transforming back into his human self as he entered the halls. He pulled on the shirt he'd been carrying, knowing it'll cover up his backless Dragon-Man outfit. Tears kept stinging in his eyes as he walked down the hallway, past the little altars in front of the lockers, the pictures they held. He looked at each single one of them, recognizing some faces he used to see around.

He wasn't befriend with any of them so far but couldn't help to feel bad, feel guilty... This was his fault... He did this... He burst out in tears when he stood in front of the next decorated locker. Edward Grayning... Dean had killed all those people... H-how could he?! Jonah covered up his face as he cried, not caring whether people saw him anymore.

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