Chapter 7

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Jonah slowly pulled back, needing to breath. This was his first real kiss... Not that he would tell Dean that. "I'm sorry" Dean whispered, letting go of Jonah. "I shouldn't have done that". Silence. Jonah stared at Dean, a bit flabbergasted, still trying to connect the dots, as the man walked over to his nightstand. He took the coffee and drank half of it in one go. "You should get back to work now"

What? Jonah didn't understand... Why did he just do that? And why ignore it? Dean obviously wanted more of him than he told him. The two exchanged another look before Jonah let his head hang in defeat. Guess he should just ignore this ever happened at all. Try to forget...

"Of course, Mr Davis" the boy whispered, slightly broken. At first so much affection, just to be turned down. It didn't feel amazing, I can tell you. Jonah started making his way downstairs, out the room, but Dean stopped him. "Come back after hours" the man said. It wasn't a question, more like an order. A demand. Jonah nodded in response, before continuing his way out.

What have I done? Dean was pacing through his room, panicking, stressing. He couldn't control himself, he just couldn't. Jonah had been to irresistible. Dean groaned, grabbing his head. He got attached! He swore he would never get attached like that again. Not after what happened with... He couldn't even speak the name, not even think about him.

Everyone he loves is taken away from him. First his mother, than his first true love. The only love he ever had... All those girls he brought over were merely for sex and pleasure, he never had any real feelings towards those thots. He just liked the things they could do with their hands and mouth, never their personalities.

But with Jonah... It was different. Jonah was different, special, unique. He wasn't like anyone he'd ever met. So good of heart, so pure... He was everything that vanished in Dean as his mother died in front of him. Innocence. He yelled out in frustration and hit a punching bag. No. He couldn't take that away from Jonah, he needed to protect that part of him.

Jonah packed up his stuff as the clock hit six. His work was done, it had been done for over an hour. Normally he would leave or make homework, but he already finished all of that yesterday evening. He dreaded what would come next. Nervous about what was about to happen. Why? Because he didn't know anything at all.

He'd never seen Dean like that. So vulnerable, made of glass. But at the same time passionate, eyes full of lust and desire. He knew it could go different ways. Option one, they would fight and their friendship would be ruined, and Jonah will probably be fired. Two, talk it out, trying to stay friends and move on. Or three, stay the night at DI in the boss' bed...

And being honest, Jonah didn't know which one he'd prefer. Well, certainly not the first option but you know. Staying friends and always wonder what if? Or going all the way with a chance of failure? I mean, he knew he was into guys. He'd discovered that a while ago. He just never really confirmed it up until now, and dating your boss? He didn't know. Did he actually had feelings for him that way? Well, he definitely liked the kiss but does he like Dean?

He sighed, having nothing to pack anymore, forced to face the facts. "See you next week Jonah" Gabe smiled as the boy left his office. "Oh, uhm, yes, see you Monday" Jonah said with a forced smile, stepping into the private elevator. He swiped his card but instead of going down, he went up. To the penthouse. He walked in silence to Dean's room, already knowing the way from before.

But when he walked into the room, he didn't saw Dean. Where was he? Jonah closed his eyes and focussed on his hearing, seeing if he could sense a heartbeat in the room. Upstairs, in the bed. He sighed, again, and made his way up there without making to much noise. It's then when he heard the sobbing, the muffled crying muted by pillows.

Dean was laying on his stomach, face buried in pillows, crying. Why? Jonah didn't understand, today had been one hell of a confusing day. It's like he has become confusion itself! "D-Dean, I'm here" the teen whispered, not getting much of a reaction out of the young man. What now? Jonah bit his lip, putting down his bag and sitting down on the bed. He placed a hand on Dean's shoulder as a comforting manner. This made him look up.

His face tear stained, his eyes red and puffy from crying. Something tells me he's been like this for a while... "I'm here" Jonah repeated, now with a softer voice. Dean choked out a smile, forcing himself to sit up right. "S-sorry for...that" he muttered, waving at himself and the bed. "It's okay" Jonah said, looking at him. "No, it's not" Dean sighed.

"I don't tend to get emotional very often so when I do... It can be a bit of an overkill". "I understand" Jonah whispered. "S-so, uhm, why did you ask me here?". "You know why" he whispered, placing a hand on Jonah's leg, slowly moving closer to his body. "I wasn't sure if you'd come..."

He carefully pushed Jonah down on the bed, his hand wandering across the teen's chest. Jonah backed up a little as the older man crawled on top of him. Jonah was trapped underneath him, one of Dean's legs at his right, the other one in between his legs. His hands on either side of his head and his face only inches apart.

"Let's make a deal" Dean whispered seductively, licking his lips in hunger. "W-what kind of d-deal?" Jonah asked nervously. The next thing Dean whispered into his ear sent chills down his spine while at the same time it really turned him on. "Do we have a deal?" he purred in the boy's ear, already sucking his earlobe a second later. Dean also grinded his leg against Jonah's crotch, a smirk on his face.

Jonah couldn't help but moan, not used to this new sensation. "I'll take that as a yes?" he questioned, continuing his movements down below while staring into the teen's eyes. Jonah moaned at the feeling, getting turned on by Dean rather quickly. "I haven't heard an answer Adams" Dean whispered, kissing his way down Jonah's neck. "Aaah~" he moaned, buckling his lower area up to Dean's leg. "What is this? Fifty shades?" Jonah managed to get out. "If you want to" Dean grinned, placing a quick kiss on his lips.

"So what do you say little Jonah? Are you in?". "Oh just do it!" he groaned, grinding against Dean with impatience. Why was he like this? Jonah was never so filled with lust, he'd normally never do this. So why now? And then he realised, as he felt his eyes change. Dean wanted to look up from the kisses he was planting on Jonah's neck but he pushed his head back down. His inner beast was coming to the surface... That's what happening... But he couldn't stop now. It needed this...

Hopefully he would be able to keep it under control a little longer...

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