Chapter 18

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It was a quiet weekend, nothing really happened. Both Jonah and Dean stayed inside, processing what happened Friday. Both of them were broken and crying 24/7. They needed each other, no matter how much they'd deny it. Neither of them went on any nightly adventures either. Like I said, they stayed inside to pity themselves.

But right now was Monday and Jonah finally got to go back to school. He was sure everyone knew what happened on the field trip by then and was mentally preparing himself. People would've questions, he was sure of it. But what was he supposed to answer? Oh, yeah, don't mind all that cause I got fired after you left? He sighed, knowing this was gonna be a long day.

He walked into the schoolbuilding, instantly feeling all eyes on him. Jonah bit his lip and kept his head down as he made his way over to his locker. He was stopped dead in his track by no one other than Edward Grayning. And boy did he looked pissed off...

"Please don't do this here" Jonah whispered, knowing what was about to happen. "At least wait until we're in the changing room". "Why would I? You could just fight back" Ed hissed, pushing Jonah against the lockers with force. He groaned due to the sudden impact but Ed knew it didn't actually hurt that much to him. It did, however, make the whole hallway look at the two of them.

"Please Edward" Jonah whispered. "I-I don't wanna hurt you". "Then show everyone who you really are" he hissed, kicking him in the stomach. He started beating Jonah right there, in the middle of the hallway where everyone could see it. "Fight back!" he shouted angrily. Most were shocked, but no one took action, all to scared of what Ed might do to them.

Until Mrs Lancaster showed up. Jonah had never been happier to see her. He was on the brink of losing it, the dragon was surfacing. And then it suddenly stopped. "What do you think you're doing young man?!" the high pitched yell from Mrs Lancaster echoed through the hall as she pulled the boy off Jonah with ease, holding them away from each other.

Edward didn't answer, nor did Jonah react. He was to busy regaining control over his body, pushing the beast back down. "Well? I'm waiting" Mrs Lancaster hissed, glaring at Ed. No answer. "To the principal's office! Now!" she yelled. Edward glared at Jonah one last time before taking off to the principal.

Mrs Lancaster sighed, helping Jonah on his feet. "Go to the school nurse, you're excused from the first hour". After that she stalked Edward towards the principal. Jonah sighed, grabbing his bag from the ground and seeing all eyes on him. He'd be healed by second hour if he could sit next to a heater... So instead of the nurse, he went to the toilets, knowing that was the hottest accessible place in the school.

He walked in, seeing no one there, and smiled. He put his bag down next to him as he leaned onto the warm iron bars hanging against the wall. Most people would pull away immediately due to the heath but Jonah thought it was comforting and it made his bruises melt away. He let out a content moan, yes, dragon is happy.

Gabriel put another big pile of paper on Dean's desk, making the man groan. "This is all for me? How is that even possible?!" he exclaimed. "Well, your assistant would normally do 75% of what is laying here right now but you know how it goes. One after another, in and out" Gabe stated, still very much pissed off by the fact he fired Jonah. "No one seems good enough for you so I guess you're stuck with it"

Dean rolled his eyes, getting angry at the thought of Jonah. The fucking Dragon boy he'd been hunting down, trying to kill. It had been the boy he loved all along! His anger changed into sadness and back to anger in seconds. "So what may this be?" he asked, not really interested. "Complaints" Gabe stated.

"Complaints? We do that here?" Dean asked confused. "It was one of Jonah's initiatives" Gabe explained. "A Complaints box in every department". "And he actually looked into it and stuff?" Dean asked with wide eyes. "Jonah tried to make DI a better company Mr Davis. He wanted to make people happy" Gabriel hissed. "A lot of them are angry at you for firing him"

"Yeah, I noticed" Dean muttered, remembering how people had glanced at him and the gossip that was going around. The talk of the town, so to speak. "Why did you do it?" he asked, making Dean look up in confusion. "Why did I do what?". "Why did you fire him?"

It was silent for a while before Dean spoke. "Personal reasons". This made Gabriel laugh. "It are always the personal reasons, isn't it? What? He didn't want to suck your dick? Is that it?". Dean growled, glaring at Gabriel. He shot up from his chair and grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt. "Listen up dimwit, my decisions are none of your concern, understand? Or do you wanna lose your job as well?"

"N-no sir" he whispered. "Good. Now get back to work!" Dean shouted, scaring his bodyguard away. A few minutes later there was a knock on his door. "What?!" he yelled in frustration. "Can't anyone leave me alone for just one fucking second?!"

Eva walked in, her arms crossed. "The board has made a decision" she simply stated and slammed a bundle of papers on his desk. "There wasn't any meeting, I wasn't told there would be" Dean stated, glaring at her. "No, we sat together without you" she said with a serious face. "Either you bring the kid back or we forcefully remove you as head of the Davis Industries. You have a choice"

With that she left the office, leaving Dean flabbergasted at his desk. He knew he cared about the kid a lot but did his whole company did so to? He glanced at the papers, it was unanimous. He frowned and started spitting through the complaints. Most were about what a dictator Dean was and that Jonah had no right to be fired. Everyone wanted him back, he had become the glue that kept this place from falling apart...

Jonah walked out of school, facing the ground. It had been a long day and he was tired. He sighed and glanced around the parking lot, not that the fancy black car would be there to take him to DI... And then he saw... He frowned, seeing Dean leaning against his car, sunglasses covering his eyes and a coffee at hand. Cassey's to be exact.

Jonah hesitated at first but decided to slowly approach the billionaire. Dean stretched his arm, forcing the coffee in Jonah's face. The boy grabbed the cup, not sure what to do. "Get in" Dean ordered. "W-why?" Jonah asked confused, glancing at the coffee. "Don't ask questions" Dean muttered, slamming his door shut.

The teen sighed and got into the car. What is the worst that could happen?

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