Chapter 11

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Jonah was on his way out of school, keeping his head down, trying not to get to much attention. Rumours had spread about his 'internship' at Davis Industries and he was getting unwanted attention. Like people calling him a liar and stuff like that... Just verbal bullying, never more, and he was grateful for that.

Today was Wednesday and Gabriel was supposed to pick him up from school. He hadn't been to DI since Monday evening, when Dean gave him that coffee. Short answer, his wings needed a little more time to heal so he stayed home. Apparently heat sped up the healing proces, who would've thought?

As he left the school building, he saw Gabriel talking to some woman. When he got closer, he recognized her as one of the board members. Jonah frowned. What was she doing here? "Oh, there he is! Jonah, you remember Eva, right?" Gabe asked, pulling Jonah to his side. "Y-yes, of course, Mrs Evergreen" Jonah smiled, shaking her hand.

"Oh my, seeing you in regular clothes with a school bag and everything makes me realise how young you actually are!" she exclaimed. "How old are you again?". "S-seventeen, ma'am" Jonah answered truthfully. "Well, you're as old as my son then" she smiled. So that's why she was here, to get her kid. "Who is your son, Mrs Evergreen?". "Oh, there he is!" she smiled, waving at someone in the distance.

Jonah turned around and froze. Edward Grayning, Ed for short. A star athlete, what am I saying, the star athlete of the school. He was wearing his team jacket over his regular clothes, his bag hanging crooked on his back due to the fact he one had one strap around his shoulder. Ed was one of the most popular people on this school and it so happened to be he was incredibly good looking as well.

He frowned as he noticed his mom standing with a nerd and a stranger. "Jonah, this is my son Edward" Eva introduced with a smile. "I-I know" Jonah stuttered, looking at the ground. "Ed, this is the boy I was telling you guys about! Mr Davis' assistant" she said to her son, making Edward's eyes widen a little. "Him?" he asked, not sure if he heard her correctly or not.

"We should get going, Mr Davis is waiting" Gabe interrupted. Thank God! "And we don't want to make the boss wait now do we?" Mrs Evergreen smiled. "I guess I'll see you around, take care boy". "T-thanks, you to Mrs Evergreen" Jonah forced out and followed Gabe to the car.

"Thanks for stepping in" Jonah whispered while walking. "No problem, I saw you had a hard time handling her in front of her son" Gabe stated. "You know him?". "The whole school knows him, he's super popular" Jonah shrugged as he got in the car. "Not as popular as you I presume?" Gabe joked. "Haha, very funny" Jonah muttered. He knew he was a nerd, the bastard.

After a ride full of the most horrific singing the world has ever known, they arrived at DI. The only way to avoid an awkward conversation is always to spontaneously burst out into song. Well, that's how they fix it in children movies but Jonah liked to apply it to his own life as well.

"Dean is waiting upstairs" Gabriel sighed as they walked into the building. "Yeah, where else would he be?" Jonah asked, chuckling. "No, I mean in the penthouse" he clarified. "Said you'd know why". A blush spread over his face and he bit his lip. "Oh" was all he managed to get out. "W-well, uhm, see you later, I guess" Jonah whispered, walking to the elevator.

What the hell?! Jonah thought Dean would keep it between them! Nobody was supposed to know about their -well- deal. I mean, it's not a relationship but Jonah didn't feel comfortable by confirming the rumours about him. The brat's toy, the boss' pet... If people knew he slept with Dean... Oh God, it could even spread to school if Edward got air of it! His life would be ruined!

The elevator doors opened. Jonah took a deep breath before stepping out and making his way towards Dean's room. "I'm here" he announced as he walked in, shutting the door behind him. "Yes, I can see that" Dean stated while watching television. The Dragon-Man was on the news, making Jonah smile. He was really making a difference!

"Argh, I hate that guy" Dean groaned, shutting it off. "What? Why?" Jonah asked surprised. "Dragon-Man is helping people!". "Yeah, that's what they always do, isn't it? Helping people, making promises to protect you, saying everything will be fine" Dean muttered angrily. "Something tells me it's not just Dragon-Man" Jonah sighed, sitting down next to him.

"You know how my mom died?" Dean asked, suddenly changing the subject. "N-no" Jonah whispered. "She was shot by the police" he stated. "A lost bullet, as they call it. She was at the bank when a robbery went down. The cops told me they were going to save her and they shot her straight in the chest. After that the doctors promised me everything would be alright and they let her die... These people we see as heroes are always full of words Jonah, never any actions"

This made silence fall into the room. Jonah had no idea he felt like that... The boy noticed Dean had started crying and hugged him, trying his best to comfort the man. "I disgust wanna be superheroes" the man cried, pulling Jonah closer to him. "Always making fake promises and only wanting fame... He needs to go!". This made Jonah freeze, his body stiffened. Dean hated his alter ego... With a passion.

"There are always things that can go wrong Dean" Jonah whispered. "But I believe their intentions are good, you need to see that". "Their intentions won't give me my mom back now do they?" Dean choked out through his tears. Jonah bit his lip, not knowing what to say to that. He didn't know how to help him... He sighed and did the only thing he could come up with. Grabbing the man's head and kissing him.

Dean was surprised at first, not expecting the young boy to suddenly kiss him. Not that that made him pull away though. He supported Jonah's movements and deepened the kiss. After a while Jonah pulled back, a blush on his face, his eyes darting to the ground. "I-I... I d-didn't-" Jonah stuttered. "It's okay" Dean whispered, making the teen look up to him. "We should get back to work before people start asking questions"

"B-but why did you wanted to meet me here?" Jonah asked confused as his boss got up, wiping the tears from his face. "I wanted to congratulate you on your promotion" he grinned. "Co-director"

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