Chapter 16

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"And this is one of the shooting ranges where the weapons are tested" Jonah said as he pointed at the range through the soundproof glass. "The whole room is soundproof so that's why we're not experiencing any trouble right now. If you were to go in, you need to wear headphones and glasses but we're not doing that today"

Jonah sighed as his class watched the trained people fire guns at targets. Let them have their little 'awe' moment you know? But that's when Jonah noticed Dean on the shooting range. What the... That guy literary has one in his penthouse! Dean noticed the group and turned around to face the glass with a small wave. He put down his weapon and walked outside, laying the headphones in his neck and putting the glasses up his head.

"Sup guys, enjoying the tour?" he asked. Jonah could hear some girls say he's hot and cute and even some guys were impressed with his muscles. Dean was so damn lucky nobody knew the face behind DI... "Oh hey Jonah, you're leading this one huh?". Jonah groaned. You know that you asshole!

"Yes I am. Better question is what are you doing outside your office?" Jonah asked, crossing his arms. "Can't a man have a little fun every once in a while?" he smirked. "Oh! You know what? Why don't you show them how good you are?!". Jonah's eyes widened and his face turned red. "Adams can shoot a gun?" Edward asked, raising an eyebrow. "Bet he can't even hit the target" some girl stated.

Jonah glared at Dean, who was simply smiled. "I'm so getting you back for this" Jonah muttered as he took the glasses off Dean's head and the headphones on his ears. But the man just smirked, giving him a thumps up before entering the shooting range. To everyone's surprise, except for Dean, Jonah hit the center every time. All perfect bulls eye.

The boy sighed and walked back outside. "You happy now?" he asked Dean. "Very" he grinned. "Get back to work" Jonah muttered, giving him the gear back. "Whatever you want cutie" Dean laughed, walking away. Jonah blushed a little before facing his absolutely flabbergasted class.

"Did you really expect me to work at a place that makes guns if I don't know how to use one?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Impressive none the less" Edward shrugged, being the first one to have found their voice back. "I can see why my mom likes you". "T-thanks..." Jonah whispered with a small smile. "Sorry bout beating up your friends Monday"

This made the class gasp once more. Nobody really knew why Jonah got suspended except Ed, who saw some of it happen before he went to get help. Now that he mentioned it, none of those boys were here today. "They're still recovering but they'll be fine" Ed said, shrugging it off. Jonah was glad he wasn't making a big deal out of it. Like a nerd could beat up half of the football team, yeah right.

"Well, time for lunch! Follow me!" Jonah exclaimed, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. He guided them towards a public elevator and to the canteen. He was about to go up to the penthouse to scold Dean when Edward held him back. "Can we talk? Privately?". He sounded so serious... "S-sure, come on" Jonah said, walking with him to the Davis elevator and closing the doors.

"What do you wanna talk about?". "What happened on Monday" he sighed. Jonah bit his lip and stared at the ground. "I-I really don't know what came over me, I didn't want to hurt anyone, I swear". "I'm not mad about that, they had it coming" Edward shrugged but becoming serious in a matter of seconds. "I know who you are Jonah. Who you really are"

"W-what do you mean?" Jonah stuttered, backing up against the wall as Ed stepped closer. "Your eyes, they changed..." he whispered. "Y-you must've imagined things" Jonah tried to convince him. Unfortunately, he wasn't very good at lying when nervous, something Dean took advantage of sometimes.

"No, I know what I saw" Ed stated, grabbing Jonah's chin and forcing their eyes to meet. "You're Dragon-Man, aren't you? The vigilante who's been flying around the city, helping people". "I-I don't know w-what you're talking about" Jonah stuttered. "Yeah, sure, keep lying to yourself, Adams" Ed muttered, inspecting his eyes from up close.

He didn't notice but Jonah did, the elevator had started moving. They were going up. Dean! "Just admit it, we both know it's you" he said, now pushing Jonah against the wall. "Y-you're hurting me" the smaller boy whined, trying to get free. "Like hell I am" he hissed. And that's when the doors opened.

Edward didn't even have time to respond as Dean tackled him to the ground. "And what the hell do you think you're doing to my Jonah?!" Dean hissed, hitting him. "Dean! Stop!" Jonah shouted, pulling the man off the teen. "Did he hurt you?" he asked, instantly checking all over for injuries. "N-no, no, I'm fine" Jonah whispered.

Dean sighed and closed the elevator doors, pushing on the floor they came from. "Who is this guy anyway? Some jock from your school?" Dean asked angrily while Edward crawled back up. "E-Edward Grayning, Dean. Eva's son?" Jonah asked, no reaction. "Mrs Evergreen? She's on the board". "Oh! So a rich kid!" Dean exclaimed. "I know how to deal with those! Have fun with the rest of the tour!"

Dean pushed Jonah out the elevator right when the doors opened. "Hey, wait up, I-". But it was to late. The doors instantly closed again, making Jonah groan in annoyance. He didn't even want to know what he was gonna do to Edward for hurting his precious little assistant. He sighed and decided it was best if he left him be for a while, otherwise Dean would just come and kidnap the boy during the tour anyways.

He walked back into the canteen and walked straight up to the counter, skipping the entire line. Higher up privileges. After ordering food, he went to the more fancy part of the canteen, the one separated from the rest by a wall and coded door. Jonah simply swiped his keycard and the door opened.

This was the place the higher ups ate, like important department heads or members of the board. And it did happen to be that Jonah's official title as Co-director, aka practically running the place, gave him access to this area. He quickly texted Dean not to kill Edward before talking to the other people.

It was awkward at first, cause, you know, he's 17... But once he did the board meeting and got his new title, people didn't really care about his age anymore. They were able to see past that and conversate like regular people. Jonah had many friends in the company, higher ups but also interns, since he technically started as one. He helped them solve a few problems every now and then, it was fun.

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