Chapter 12

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Christopher Maurice Brown:

"Aight bruh quit lingering." I say from my car. Someone knocked on my passenger side window I unlocked the door for uncle Nipsey. He got in, I locked the doors and we both looked around.

"I might need you to go down to New York for a while nephew." He said as I pulled off.


"That nigga puffy took out the nigga I had in charge over there, puffy ass is tough and I need somebody tougher than him down there once you get shit under control down there you can come back to the hills."

"Whatever you need Unc." I replied, I wasn't gone bitch about it but I ain't wanna go. It's outta my hands though I gotta do this because uncle Nipsey don't ask for much and when he does ask for shit it's because he really needs it so imma do this for him.

"Thank you nephew, now look I got Mila down there right now sorting some shit out, you leave in 3 weeks I'll have all the information you need by then."

"Alright, I got you Unc." I say again as I pulled up to the safe house.

"Alright go help her ass with her homework, and be right back here at 10 tonight." He said I nodded and he got out. I rolled the window down.

"I love you Unc."

"I love you too man." He replied and I drove off.


"Hey boo." Jhene kissed my lips as I walked into her condo.

"Hey lil ma." I say closing and locking the door behind me.

"What's wrong?" She asked instantly

"I have to go to New York in 3 weeks, I guess Jesper can't hold it down out there puffy turning up the heat so I have to go get things under control."

"Well I'm going with you." She said as her facial expressions changed after every word I said.

"No you can't I-"

"You're not going to New York without me and Dave Chris I'm not having you no where by yourself I'll transfer to NYU I'm there." She interrupted me, I pulled her close to me.

"I thought this wasn't serious." I say smiling.

"It's not, but you're still my best friend and it would break my heart not to see you every day. I wouldn't be able to breathe Chris." She kept this innocent but yet serious look on her face.

"You gone go with me for real? You know it's cold in New York, right?"

"I'll go everywhere you go, you know that Chris. I don't care, I'm never ever putting my position to not see you everyday."

"Why don't y'all just get married already!" I heard Krissy loud ass and I chuckled.

"Okay but you gotta stay in school." I said

"I will I promise baby." She said she stood on her tippy toes kissing my lips again before she grabbed my wrist pulling me into the living room. "Now this math homework." She said and I laughed, she sat in the couch and I sat between her legs on the floor with my back against the couch, Aubrey and Krissy were laying on the floor doing their homework.

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