Chapter 28

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Brittany O'Grady:

I sat at the kitchen counter sipping on wine. Why was he on my mind heavy like this? I sat in the dark alone, everyone was sleeping I couldn't sleep not after the moment Chris and I had in the bathroom. Had I made the right decision just giving him to Jhene? Yeah so what she's pregnant but he was mine first.

I love Artist but it was just something irresistible about Chris. I don't think I loved Chris anymore, the attraction was just heavy. Chris is a gorgeous man he could have anybody he wants just by looking at them. Him being a real nigga was just a plus, he was real about everything he did and you couldn't do nothing but respect that.

"Why you up baby?" I looked over at a half sleep Krissy walking into the kitchen shirtless.

"Minds a little heavy." I replied as she took my glass from my hand sipping the wine.

"It's 3 in the morning, so either artist did something or you got something going on nobody knows about wassup?" She asked

"And what makes you think it's either of those things?"

"Bitch you not sleep, you sitting in the dark sipping wine the only thing you missing is the keyshia Cole playing in the damn background." She replied making me laugh. "Now what did Artist do?"

"He didn't do anything, he's perfect."

"Ooooo bitch what's the secret?" She asked her eyes weren't so sleepy anymore as she leaned in more to get the info.

"I think I-"

"Jhene's water just broke!" Chris said in a rushed tone breathless.

"Brit go help!" Krissy said snapping me back into reality

"Right, right." I got up rushing out the kitchen behind Chris. "Did you call an ambulance?" I asked as we ran up the steps quickly.

"Yeah, she isn't due for another 2 months what's goin on?" He asked I could hear how scared he was. We entered the bedroom and Jhene was taking quick breaths holding onto her 7 month old belly. She was sweating bullets.

"Jhene you okay?" Krissy asked rushing to her side.

"Bitch I got some bomb ass head I go to sleep I wake up 30 minutes later and I think I'm pissing on my damn self! No I'm not okay!" She gritted out, I walked into the bathroom washing my hands as best as I could. I then sanitized my hands before going back into the bedroom. I lifted the blanket and I stuck my fingers in to try to get a good measurement.

"Okay okay you're not that far along, you're probably 2 centimeters right now. Chris make sure she's comfortable, I don't know how far away they may be so just in case I have to deliver the baby here let's just get ready." I looked at Krissy. "Towels, see if you can find some gloves, go grab my case with my medical instruments in them, before you go out my hair up for me and roll up my sleeves."

"Got you boo." She said pulling the hair tie she had around her wrist from around her wrist she stood behind me and placed my hair into a sloppy bun. She then rolled my sleeves up for me before she rushed out the room to get what I asked her to get. Jhene let out a loud scream making me jump.

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